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Marcin Hewelt edited this page May 16, 2017 · 9 revisions

Vision Statment

The Chimera Case Engine is an process & case engine that can execute case models. It is a research prototype that implements fragments-based Case Management. It aims to be

  • useful for research & teaching (see our use cases)
  • easily extendible, e.g. to add new activity and event types
  • stable, well-documented open source software

Main Features

  • Execution of case models
  • Integrated with the Unicorn Event Platform such that Chimera can subscribe to event notifications and react to them, e.g. by starting new cases, aborting running tasks, decide event-based gateways
  • RESTful API allows to decouple the UI (frontend) from the engine (backend)
  • Webservice tasks: call a RESTful webservice from a task and store the results received as JSON into data objects
  • Usage of process variables, e.g. for data-based gateways or in the URL of a webservice task
  • (Supports all the basic functionalities of a process engine and also case management)

Target Group

Main users in the short term will be the group members of the BPT group at HPI. We plan to use Chimera for some exercises in the POIS lecture in the winter term 2017.

  • Students and Teachers
    • want to learn about BPM or Case Management
    • want to ask / solve exercises
  • Researchers in the field of BPM or Case Management
    • want to quickly test out new approaches
    • want to evaluate their approaches