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Marcin Hewelt edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Troubleshooting guide

This page lists common errors and solutions how to fix them.

Problems with persistence

Oftentimes the persistence layer causes problems. If you see error messages in the chimera.log that contain something like MysqlException or DatabaseException it is most likely a database problem. Make sure that your MySQL server is running!

Wrong credentials for database

For Chimera to access the database and persist case models and cases, you need to provide a username and password in the file. If the log contains error messages that say something like "Cannot access database" you should check the provided credentials. Try if you can connect to the MySQL server from the console using the credentials.

⚠️ After changing the credentials (or other options) in the file, you need to build Chimera with mvn clean install and deploy the war file to Tomcat

Wrong information in persistence.xml

EclipseLink relies on a file persistence.xml, which specifies the classes to be persisted and the path to your database. You should check the deployed persistence.xml file, which is located in your Tomcat folder under webapps/Chimera/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF. Look at the values for properties javax.persistence.jdbc.url, javax.persistence.jdbc.user, and javax.persistence.jdbc.password. The first should look something like jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/chimeradb.

If the file contains other values, especially something like ${mysql.url}, then probably something went wrong during the build of Chimera. Expressions with the dollar sign and curly braces are Maven variables, that should be replaced with an actual value during the build.

Changed database schema

If the database URL and credentials in persistence.xml seem fine and you still encounter errors, those might be related to a changed database schema. In this case you should drop the database and create it anew, by running drop database 'chimeradb'; create schema 'chimeradb'; in MySQL (either from the console or a tool like the MySQL workbench).

Problems related to external events

Cannot connect to Unicorn

Problems during deployment