This is a conversion of Google's GTFS-realtime protobuff file from proto2 to proto3 so it can be used to generate classes for a variety of languages. With the proto3 format, classes can be automatically generated using the latest version of the protoc compiler. To use it, download the protoc binary for your platform and run it with the correct output flag for your language of choice. The protoc binary included in this repository is the 64-bit Linux 3.1.0 version.
For example, this command will generate a file in the current directory that contains the PHP classes:
protoc --php_out=./ gtfs-realtime.proto3
You can add and protoc will automatically zip the class files for you:
protoc --php_out=./ gtfs-realtime.proto3
I uploaded all the zip files for easy download, if you don't feel like generating your own. Here is the command I used:
protoc \
--cpp_out=./ \
--java_out=./ \
--python_out=./ \
--go_out=./ \
--ruby_out=./ \
--javanano_out=./ \
--objc_out=./ \
--csharp_out=./ \
--php_out=./ \
Note: I haven't field tested all these classes, so I would appreciate any feedback on how well they work.
These classes are intended to be used in conjunction with the google/protobuf package for parsing of gtfs-realtime feeds.