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Update release WDL to the new monorepo Utopia.
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mcovarr committed Nov 7, 2017
1 parent 14f0e70 commit 741f4c5
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 242 deletions.
262 changes: 20 additions & 242 deletions release/release_workflow.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
task do_release {
# Repo to release
String repo
String repo = "cromwell"
# Current version being released
String releaseV
# Next version
String nextV
# Command that will update the appropriate file for the current release
String updateVersionCommand

# Commands that will update previously released/published dependencies in this repo
Array[String] dependencyCommands = []

# Can be swapped out to try this on a fork
String organization

Expand All @@ -26,51 +23,11 @@ task do_release {

# Expect the version number on develop to be the version TO BE RELEASED

echo "Updating dependencies"
${sep='\n' dependencyCommands}

git add .
# If there is nothing to commit, git commit will return 1 which will fail the script.
# This ensures we only commit if build.sbt was effectively updated
git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "Update ${repo} version to ${releaseV}"

# wdl4s needs a scala docs update
if [ ${repo} == "wdl4s" ]; then

# Generate new scaladoc
sbt 'set scalacOptions in (Compile, doc) := List("-skip-packages", "better")' doc
git checkout gh-pages
for subproj in cwl wdl wom; do
if [ -d $API_SRC_DIR ]; then
mkdir -p $API_DST_DIR
git add ${releaseV}

# Update latest pointer
git rm --ignore-unmatch latest

ln -s ${releaseV}/wom/api latest
git add latest

git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "Update Scaladoc"
git push origin gh-pages

# Update badges on README
git checkout develop
curl -o scaladoc.png${releaseV}-blue.png
curl -o version.png${releaseV}-blue.png

git add scaladoc.png
git add version.png

git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "Update README badges"
git push origin develop

# Merge develop into master
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
Expand All @@ -90,21 +47,11 @@ task do_release {
# Create and push the hotfix branch
git checkout -b ${releaseV}_hotfix

# Pin centaur for cromwell
if [ ${repo} == "cromwell" ]; then
centaurDevelopHEAD=$(git ls-remote git://${organization}/centaur.git | grep refs/heads/develop | cut -f 1)
sed -i '' s/CENTAUR_BRANCH=.*/CENTAUR_BRANCH="$centaurDevelopHEAD"/g .travis.yml
git add .travis.yml
git commit -m "Pin release to centaur branch"

git push origin ${releaseV}_hotfix

# Assemble jar for cromwell
if [ ${repo} == "cromwell" ]; then
sbt -Dproject.version=${releaseV} -Dproject.isSnapshot=false assembly

sbt -Dproject.version=${releaseV} -Dproject.isSnapshot=false assembly

# Update develop to point to next release version
git checkout develop
Expand All @@ -121,73 +68,22 @@ task do_release {

task wait_for_published_artifact {
String repo
String version

command <<<
checkIfPresent() {
isPresent=$(curl -s --head${repo}/${version}/ | head -n 1 | grep -q "HTTP/1.[01] [23]..")


# Allow 1 hour for the file to appear as a published artifact
while [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ $elapsedTime -lt 3600 ]; do
sleep 10;
let "elapsedTime+=10"

exit $?

output {
String publishedVersion = version

task create_update_dependency_command {
String dependencyName
String newVersion
String dependencyFilePath = "build.sbt"

command {
echo "sed -i '' \"s/${dependencyName}[[:space:]]=.*/${dependencyName} = \\\"${newVersion}\\\"/g\" ${dependencyFilePath}"

output {
String updateCommand = read_string(stdout())

task versionPrep {
String organization
String repo
String file
String regexPrefix
String updateCommandTemplate

String bash_rematch = "{BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
String repo = "cromwell"
String file = "project/Version.scala"

command <<<
curl -o versionFile${organization}/${repo}/develop/${file}

if [[ $(cat versionFile) =~ $regex ]]
echo $version > version
echo $version | perl -ne 'if (/^([0-9]+\.)?([0-9]+)$/) { $incr = $2 + 1; print "$1$incr\n" }' > nextVersion
exit 1
curl -o versionFile${organization}/${repo}/develop/${file}
perl -ne '/\s+cromwellVersion\s*=\s*"(.*)"/ && print $1' versionFile > currentVersion
echo $((`cat currentVersion` + 1)) > nextVersion

output {
String version = read_string("version")
String nextVersion = read_string("nextVersion")
String updateCommand = sub(updateCommandTemplate, "<<VERSION>>", nextVersion)
String currentVersion = read_string("currentVersion")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,151 +131,33 @@ task makeGithubRelease {
workflow release_cromwell {
String githubToken
String organization

Pair[String, String] lenthallAsDependency = ("lenthallV", waitForLenthall.publishedVersion)
Pair[String, String] wdl4sAsDependency = ("wdl4sV", waitForWdl4s.publishedVersion)

#This exists to gate the release of wdltool on the output of wdl4s CWL release.
#However, the wdl4s dependency is already updated via the wdl4sAsDependency pair above.
Pair[String, String] wdl4sCwlAsDependency = ("neverMatch", waitForWdl4sCwl.publishedVersion)

Array[Pair[String, String]] wdl4sDependencies = [lenthallAsDependency]
Array[Pair[String, String]] wdltoolDependencies = [wdl4sAsDependency, wdl4sCwlAsDependency]
Array[Pair[String, String]] cromwellDependencies = [lenthallAsDependency, wdl4sAsDependency]

# Regex to find the line setting the current version
String dependencyRegexPrefix = "git\\.baseVersion[[:space:]]:=[[:space:]]"
# Template command to update the version
String dependencyTemplate = "sed -i '' \"s/git\\.baseVersion[[:space:]]:=.*/git.baseVersion := \\\"<<VERSION>>\\\",/g\" build.sbt"

String cromwellTemplate = "sed -i '' \"s/cromwellVersion[[:space:]]=.*/cromwellVersion = \\\"<<VERSION>>\\\"/g\" project/Version.scala"
String cromwellRegexPrefix = "cromwellVersion[[:space:]]=[[:space:]]"

String wdl4sTemplate = "sed -i '' \"s/wdl4sVersion[[:space:]]=.*/wdl4sVersion = \\\"<<VERSION>>\\\"/g\" project/Version.scala"
String wdl4sRegexPrefix = "wdl4sVersion[[:space:]]=[[:space:]]"

# Prepare releases by finding out the current version, next version, and update version command
call versionPrep as lenthallPrep { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "lenthall",
file = "build.sbt",
regexPrefix = dependencyRegexPrefix,
updateCommandTemplate = dependencyTemplate

call versionPrep as wdl4sPrep { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "wdl4s",
file = "project/Version.scala",
regexPrefix = wdl4sRegexPrefix,
updateCommandTemplate = wdl4sTemplate

call versionPrep as wdltoolPrep { input:
call versionPrep { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "wdltool",
file = "build.sbt",
regexPrefix = dependencyRegexPrefix,
updateCommandTemplate = dependencyTemplate

call versionPrep as cromwellPrep { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "cromwell",
file = "project/Version.scala",
regexPrefix = cromwellRegexPrefix,
updateCommandTemplate = cromwellTemplate

# Release calls
call do_release as release_lenthall { input:
call do_release { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "lenthall",
releaseV = lenthallPrep.version,
nextV = lenthallPrep.nextVersion,
updateVersionCommand = lenthallPrep.updateCommand,
releaseV = versionPrep.currentVersion,
nextV = versionPrep.nextVersion,
updateVersionCommand = versionPrep.updateCommand

call do_release as release_wdl4s { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "wdl4s",
releaseV = wdl4sPrep.version,
nextV = wdl4sPrep.nextVersion,
updateVersionCommand = wdl4sPrep.updateCommand,
dependencyCommands = wdl4sDependencyCommands.updateCommand

call do_release as release_wdltool { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "wdltool",
releaseV = wdltoolPrep.version,
nextV = wdltoolPrep.nextVersion,
updateVersionCommand = wdltoolPrep.updateCommand,
dependencyCommands = wdltoolDependencyCommands.updateCommand

call do_release as release_cromwell { input:
organization = organization,
repo = "cromwell",
releaseV = cromwellPrep.version,
nextV = cromwellPrep.nextVersion,
updateVersionCommand = cromwellPrep.updateCommand,
dependencyCommands = cromwellDependencyCommands.updateCommand

call wait_for_published_artifact as waitForLenthall { input: repo = "lenthall_2.12", version = release_lenthall.version }
call wait_for_published_artifact as waitForWdl4s { input: repo = "wdl4s-wdl_2.12", version = release_wdl4s.version }

call wait_for_published_artifact as waitForWdl4sCwl { input: repo = "wdl4s-cwl_2.12", version = release_wdl4s.version }

# Generates commands to update wdl4s dependencies
scatter(wdl4sDependency in wdl4sDependencies) {
String wdl4sDepName = wdl4sDependency.left
String wdl4sVersionName = wdl4sDependency.right

call create_update_dependency_command as wdl4sDependencyCommands { input:
dependencyName = wdl4sDepName,
newVersion = wdl4sVersionName,
dependencyFilePath = "build.sbt"

# Generates commands to update wdltool dependencies
scatter(wdltoolDependency in wdltoolDependencies) {
String wdltoolDepName = wdltoolDependency.left
String wdltoolVersionName = wdltoolDependency.right

call create_update_dependency_command as wdltoolDependencyCommands { input:
dependencyName = wdltoolDepName,
newVersion = wdltoolVersionName,
dependencyFilePath = "build.sbt"

# Generates commands to update cromwell dependencies
scatter(cromwellDependency in cromwellDependencies) {
String cromwellDepName = cromwellDependency.left
String cromwellVersionName = cromwellDependency.right

call create_update_dependency_command as cromwellDependencyCommands { input:
dependencyName = cromwellDepName,
newVersion = cromwellVersionName,
dependencyFilePath = "project/Dependencies.scala"

File cromwellJar = release_cromwell.executionDir + "/target/scala-2.12/cromwell-" + cromwellPrep.version + ".jar"
# Version that was just released
Int cromwellVersionAsInt = cromwellPrep.version
File cromwellJar = "${do_release.executionDir}/target/scala-2.12/cromwell-${versionPrep.currentVersion}.jar"
Int cromwellVersionAsInt = versionPrep.currentVersion
# Previous version
Int cromwellPreviousVersion = cromwellVersionAsInt - 1
Int cromwellPreviousVersionAsInt = cromwellVersionAsInt - 1

call makeGithubRelease { input:
githubToken = githubToken,
organization = organization,
cromwellJar = cromwellJar,
newVersion = cromwellVersionAsInt,
oldVersion = cromwellPreviousVersion
oldVersion = cromwellPreviousVersionAsInt

output {
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