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Meathook v7.2

This version of Meathook was created by chrispy. It was released on November 15, 2021. I take no credit for the creation of this tool.


Copy the "XINPUT1_3.dll" file into your Doom Eternal directory. Overwrite the existing file if prompted.

Known Issues with Game Update v6.66

Certain mods may cause the game to crash with an Engine Error. An example of the error is: component 20 (aicomponent/jetpack/revenant_test) on 'master_level_ai_heavy_revenant_retro' has an invalid component id

This is a problem with version 7.1 of Meathook. If you encounter this error, please download the newest version (v7.2).


  • Fixes chrispy command which broke in v6.66 game update
  • Adds several new commands, use find mh_ in console to see a list.

Console Commands

Command Description
chrispy chrispy <entitydef> <optional xyz position> - spawns an entity at the position
idlib_dump idlib_dump
mh_active_encounter Get the list of active encounter managers
mh_ang2mat mh_ang2mat pitch yaw roll : converts the pitch, yaw and roll values for idAngles to a decl - formatted matrix, copying the result to your clipboard
mh_angleincr amount to inc/dec by with angle editing
mh_cpuinfo takes no args, dumps info about your cpu for dev purposes
mh_current_checkpoint Get the current checkpoint name
mh_dump_bmodel <skip_compression> Finds a staticmodel and then executes writestaticbmodel to the provided path
mh_dumpeventdefs mh_dumpeventdefs
mh_dumpmap Dump current idMapLocal to a .map file.
mh_dumppropidxinfo Debug command for dumping the corresponding addresses/rvas for property indices
mh_editor Sets up the editor session
mh_editor_keys tells you editor stuff
mh_editor_spawn Spawns an entity, saving it to the map and grabbing it for manipulation
mh_end_spawnrec No args, closes current spawnfile
mh_force_reload Force reload current level
mh_gencvarset Regenerate doom_eternal_cvars_generated.cpp/hpp for mh build
mh_genpropset Regenerated doom_eternal_properties_generated.cpp/hpp for use in mh builds. not for users
mh_grab Grab an object
mh_killAi Kills all living ai
mh_kw Searches all types, enums, typedefs, their comments, field names, typename, template args, eventdefs, vtbl names, cvar names, cvar descriptions for the provided keywords
mh_list_entity_types lists the names of all subclasses of idEntity with optional filter
mh_list_resource_lists lists all resource lists by classname/typename, copying the result to the clipboard (the clipboard might not be helpful here)
mh_list_resources_of_class lists all resources in a given list, copying result to clipboard
mh_locate_fspec_char_uses Finds all usages of a provided char in event formatspecs/rettypes
mh_optimize Patches the engine to make stuff run faster. Do not use online, might result in slightly different floating point results (probably not though)
mh_printentitydef Print the entitydef of the entity with the provided name to the console
mh_randomact uses scalar + random values to randomly change the color, scale, and velocity of all entities within distance from player
mh_reload_decl mh_reload_decl <classname(ex:idDeclWeapon)>
mh_removeAi Removes all living ai
mh_ScriptCmd ai_ScriptCmd resurrected, now copies the results of the eventcall to your clipboard for chaining commands together
mh_ScriptCmdEnt ai_ScriptCmdEnt resurrected, now copies the results of the eventcall to your clipboard for chaining commands together
mh_set_charscaling smallchar w/h override
mh_spawnfile spawns the entities at the positions from the file
mh_spawninfo Copy your current position and orientation, formatted as spawnPosition and spawnOrientation to the clipboard
mh_spmap shortcut for map maps/game/sp//
mh_start_spawnrec starts recording all chrispy/rechrispy spawns/spawn positions to a file for later exec by mh_spawnfile
mh_test_genbmodel (YOU MUST BE ON V1 WITH RANDOMBASEADDR FLAG OFF ON EXE FOR THIS RIGHT NOW) generate bmodel in standalone resource from .obj
mh_testgui test
mh_testmaterial Takes one arg, a material name. Renders the material to the test window. Passing no args clears the test window
mh_type Dump fields for provided class
noclip Toggle noclip
notarget Toggle notarget
rechrispy Repeats last usage chrispy command with same args