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🚀 Fast static server for your PWA applications

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🚀 Fast static server for your PWA applications


  • Adds security headers (helmet) by default
  • Enable compression by default
  • Disable cache by default
  • Exposes /__/ready route by default
  • Exposes /__/metrics route by default
  • Supports not found redirects -- default is index.html, to support HTML5 PushState
  • Supports adding a base url as <base href={base-url} /> in <head>, if specified
  • Supports adding a base url to manifest.json, if specified
  • Support allowing CORS *
  • Supports exposing env variables with a configured prefix in a specific route
  • Supports request logging



Use brew to install it

brew tap brunoluiz/tap
brew install pwa-server

Linux and Windows

Check the releases section for more information details

go get

Install using GO111MODULES=off go get to get the latest version. This will place it in your $GOPATH, enabling it to be used anywhere in the system.

⚠️ Reminder: the command above download the contents of master, which might not be the stable version. Check the releases and get a specific tag for stable versions.


The tool is available as a Docker image as well. Please refer to Docker Hub page to pick a release

docker run -p 80:80 \
  --env-file .env.sample \
  -v $(PWD)/test/static:/static \


Run pwa-server --dir ./your/static/dir with the following options (all can be set as ENV variables as well)

   --dir value                Static files directory [$DIR]
   --address value            Server address (default: ":80") [$ADDRESS]
   --ready-route value        Ready probe route (default: "/__/ready") [$READY_ROUTE]
   --metrics-route value      Metrics route (default: "/__/metrics") [$METRICS_ROUTE]
   --env-js-route value       JS config route (default: "/__/config.js") [$ENV_JS_ROUTE]
   --env-js-prefix value      Dynamic JS env variables prefix (eg: window.env.CONFIG_SOMEFLAG = true) (default: "CONFIG_") [$ENV_JS_PREFIX]
   --env-js-window-key value  Which key to use when exposing the config to window (eg: window.env) (default: "env") [$ENV_JS_WINDOW_KEY]
   --base-url value           If set, adds <base href=value> on HTML heads [$BASE_URL]
   --no-manifest-base-url     Disables base-url manipulations for manifest.json [$NO_MANIFEST_BASE_URL]
   --allow-cache              Disable no-cache headers [$ALLOW_CACHE]
   --no-compression           Enable gzip compression [$NO_COMPRESSION]
   --not-found-file value     Redirect request to specific file if nothing was found on the route (index.html enables HTML Push State) (default: "index.html") [$NOT_FOUND_FILE]
   --cors                     Add CORS Origin, Method and Headers as * [$CORS]
   --no-helmet                Disable security headers (helmet) [$NO_HELMET]
   --req-logger               Enable request logger [$REQ_LOGGER]
   --req-logger-format value  Request logger format (apache) (default: "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b") [$REQ_LOGGER_FORMAT]
   --debug                    Turn on debug mode [$DEBUG]
   --help, -h                 show help
   --version, -v              print the version

Env to JS

Exposes enviroment variables in a specific route.

Example: pwa-server --env-js-prefix CONFIG_ --env-js-key app --env-js-route /config.js loads:

  • Loads all env variables prefixed as CONFIG_
  • Exposes as{CONFIG_...="some-value"}
  • At