go implimentation of cropping images
C:\work> cropper.exe
Usage: cropper.exe [ -conf conf.json ] infile_pattern [ out_dir ]
you can treat wild card in infile_pattern.
C:\work> cropper.exe /tmp/*.png out
If you ommit -conf option, default conf.json file is refered.
Default conf.json file must be located at the same path of cropper.exe.
"p1":[29, 310],
"p2":[709, 820],
"out_dir": "out"
cropper crops area of between p1 and p2 from input image file and saves in out_dir.
- "p1" is the coodinate of top-left point.
- "p2" is the coodinate of bottom-right point.
- "out_dir" is default out directory.