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2.4. Preconstructed Descriptors

Luca Buoncompagni edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 1 revision

To have control over the amount of synchronization that happens between the internal-state of a descriptor and an ontology, a developer can utilize descriptors that implement one or more expressions. OWLOOP API provides some preconstructed descriptors that implement different number of expressions.

In the package owloop/Descriptor/utility:

  • classDescriptor/ package contains the following Java-classes:

    • FullClassDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 6 expressions (i.e., Equivalent, Disjoint, Sub, Super, Instance, Definition).
    • HierarchicalClassDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Sub, Super).
    • InstanceClassDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 1 expression (i.e., Instance).
    • RestrictionClassDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 4 expressions (i.e., Instance, Equivalent, Disjoint, EquivalentRestriction).
  • dataPropertyDescriptor/ package contains the following Java-classes:

    • FullDataPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 6 expressions (i.e., Equivalent, Disjoint, Sub, Super, Domain, Range).
    • DomainRangeDataPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Domain, Range).
    • HierarchicalDataPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Sub, Super).
    • RestrictionDataPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Disjoint, Equivalent).
  • individualDescriptor/ package contains the following Java-classes:

    • FullIndividualDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 5 expressions (i.e., Equivalent, Disjoint, Type, ObjectLink, DataLink).
    • LinkIndividualDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., ObjectLink, DataLink).
    • RestrictionIndividualDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expression (i.e., Disjoint, Equivalent).
    • TypeIndividualDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 1 expression (i.e., Type).
  • objectPropertyDescriptor/ package contains the following Java-classes:

    • FullObjectPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 7 expressions (i.e., Equivalent, Disjoint, Sub, Super, Domain, Range, Inverse).
    • DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Domain, Range).
    • HierarchicalObjectPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 2 expressions (i.e., Sub, Super).
    • RestrictionObjectPropertyDesc: an example of a descriptor which implements 3 expressions (i.e., Disjoint, Equivalent, Inverse).