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4. Example: Adding Axioms to an Ontology

Luca Buoncompagni edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

This example (i.e., example1) can be found in the path owloop/src/test/java/it/emaroLab/owloopArticleExamples/example1/.

It uses the following descriptors (which can be found in the path owloop/src/test/java/it/emaroLab/owloopArticleExamples/exampleDescriptors/):

  • DefClassDesc: A Class Descriptor that implements ClassExpression interface Definition.

  • LocationClassDesc: It extends DefClassDesc.

  • RoomClassDesc: It extends LocationClassDesc.

  • CorridorClassDesc: It extends LocationClassDesc.

  • ObjectLinkIndividualDesc: A simple Individual Descriptor that implements IndividualExpression interface ObjectLink.

  • DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc: A a compound ObjectProperty Descriptor that implements 2 ObjectPropertyExpression interfaces, i.e., Domain, Range. This Descriptor can be found in the path owloop/src/main/java/it/emarolab/owloop/descriptor/utility/objectPropertyDescriptor/.

Assuming that you already know, how to construct a descriptor. In this example, it is particularly interesting to see how LocationClassDesc, RoomClassDesc and CorridorClassDesc were created, and what axioms they add to the ontology.

  • DefClassDesc: is a Class Descriptor that implements the ClassExpression interface Definition.
  • LocationClassDesc: extends DefClassDesc and implements a method getRestriction() such that it adds to the ontology, the axiom LOCATION hasDoor some DOOR. The axiom showcases the use of some-restriction.
  • RoomClassDesc: extends LocationClassDesc and overrides the method getRestriction() such that it adds to the ontology, the axiom (LOCATION hasDoor some DOOR) and (ROOM hasDoor max 1 DOOR). The axiom showcases the use of max-cardinality-restriction. This Descriptor inherits the axiom (LOCATION hasDoor some DOOR) from LocationClassDesc.
  • CorridorClassDesc: extends LocationClassDesc and overrides the method getRestriction() such that it adds to the ontology, the axiom (LOCATION hasDoor some DOOR) and (CORRIDOR hasDoor min 2 DOOR). The axiom showcases the use of min-cardinality-restriction. This Descriptor inherits the axiom (LOCATION hasDoor some DOOR) from LocationClassDesc.

The explanation of example1 is divided into three parts. Therefore firstly, we instantiate an ontology reference ontoRef, with a reference name and the path where the ontology file needs to be created (notice the method newOWLReferencesCreatedWithPellet()).

// Disables printing of amor logs
OntologyReference.activateAMORlogging( false);

// To create a new ontologyReference. The ontology file need not be pre-existing.
ontoRef = OntologyReference.newOWLReferencesCreatedWithPellet(
        "robotAtHomeOnto", // ontology reference name
        "src/test/resources/robotAtHomeOntology.owl", // the ontology file path
        "", // the ontology IRI path
        true // if (true) you must synchronize the reasoner manually. Else, it synchronizes itself.

Secondly, we construct an ontology by adding axioms with the help of the Descriptors mentioned previously. Notice that the Descriptors are initialized with a ground and an ontology reference, for example, corridorIndividual_Desc is instantiated as an ObjectLinkIndividualDesc with the ground as "Corridor1" and ontology reference as ontoRef.

// Add Class Expression Axioms to the ontology
LocationClassDesc locationClass_Desc = new LocationClassDesc( ontoRef);
CorridorClassDesc corridorClass_Desc = new CorridorClassDesc( ontoRef);
RoomClassDesc roomClass_Desc = new RoomClassDesc( ontoRef);

// Add Individual Expression Axioms (i.e., Assertions) to the ontology
ObjectLinkIndividualDesc corridorIndividual_Desc = new ObjectLinkIndividualDesc( "Corridor1", ontoRef); // Instantiate ObjectLinkIndividualDesc with ground as "Corridor1" and ontology reference as ontoRef
ObjectLinkIndividualDesc robotIndividual_Desc = new ObjectLinkIndividualDesc( "Robot1", ontoRef);

corridorIndividual_Desc.addObject( "isLinkedTo", "Room1");
corridorIndividual_Desc.addObject( "isLinkedTo", "Room2");
corridorIndividual_Desc.writeExpressionAxioms(); // write all axioms (represented in this descriptor) to the ontology

robotIndividual_Desc.addObject( "isIn", getRobotPosition()); // consider that we get robot's position after some computation

// Adding ObjectProperty Expression Axioms to the Ontology
DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc hasDoor_Desc = new DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc( "hasDoor", ontoRef);
hasDoor_Desc.addDomainClassRestriction( "LOCATION");
hasDoor_Desc.addRangeClassRestriction( "DOOR");

DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc isLinkedTo_Desc = new DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc( "isLinkedTo", ontoRef);
isLinkedTo_Desc.addDomainClassRestriction( "CORRIDOR");
isLinkedTo_Desc.addRangeClassRestriction( "ROOM");

DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc isIn_Desc = new DomainRangeObjectPropertyDesc( "isIn", ontoRef);
isIn_Desc.addDomainClassRestriction( "ROBOT");
isIn_Desc.addRangeClassRestriction( "LOCATION");

// this function is outside the main()
private String getRobotPosition() {

    // ... consider that this method does some computation and finally returns the robot's position
    // ...
    return "Corridor1";

Finally, we save the ontology.

// saveOntology() works for ontologyReference instantiated with the method newOWLReferencesCreatedWithPellet()


Ontology viewed using the Protege editor, after executing owloop/../test/../example1/.

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If we run the Ontology reasoner (in our case, the Pellet reasoner), we can see the following inferences in the Class Hierarchy.

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Following are the Object Properties:

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Following are the Data Properties:

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