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Survive (Grenades)

Buu342 edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 2 revisions


Internal number: 21
Available in: MAP01
Version added: TestBeta 1


Metallic pillars rise on every corner of the lobby, which lob out grenades in a circle. Try not to die.

Tips and Tricks

The grenades always lob out in the same pattern, so you will eventually pick up on where the "safe spots" are. Personally, I start by standing on the light pads that are directly in front of the center marble (as opposed to diagonal from it), and once the grenades go past the center, I run to the center marble to avoid damage from the ones that then bounce onto the light pads.


Created by: Buu342
Music: Not sure I'm afraid. It's a remix of the Pokemon battle theme and the underground theme from Super Mario Bros.



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