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Building for Emscripten

José Cadete edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 1 revision


Note: In order to build Julius for Emscripten, you'll need to install and git and emsdk.

  1. Installing git:

    a. For a Debian-based Linux distribution, open a Terminal window and type sudo apt install git

    b. For Mac OS, follow installing the command line developer tools in the Mac OS section

    c. For Windows, follow installing Git for Windows in the Windows section

  2. Installing emsdk.

    a. Open a Console window and navigate to the directory where you want

Building Julius

  1. Open a Terminal window.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want the repository folder to be installed. As an example, we're using the home folder:

     $ cd ~
  3. Clone the Julius github repository to your computer:

     $ git clone
  4. Move to the new julius directory:

     $ cd julius

    Optional: If you have already downloaded the Julius repository and only wish to update it (in order to build a newer version), instead of the previous three steps, do the following in a terminal window:

    a. Move to the julius directory where the repository was installed.

    b. Type:

         $ git pull origin master

    c. Delete the build directory:

         $ rm -rf build

    d. Proceed to step 5.

  5. Create a build directory and move to it:

     $ mkdir build && cd build
  6. Run cmake:


    Note the special EMSCRIPTEN_LOAD_SDL_PORTS. If you don't add that option, cmake will search for SDL2, SDL2_mixer and libmpg123 libraries built by yourself, which are a hassle to compile for emscripten on your own.

  7. Build Julius:

     $ make
  8. Create the build directory and configure cmake:

     $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DTARGET_PLATFORM=emscripten -DEMSCRIPTEN_LOAD_SDL_PORTS=1 ..
  9. Build Julius:

     $ docker exec vitasdk /bin/bash -c "cd build && make"

Success! Julius should have been built without any errors. There should be a file called julius.vpk in the build folder.

See running Julius on Vita in order to install Julius to the Playstation Vita.