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Building for MacOS

Bianca van Schaik edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Installing the dependencies

In order to be able to build Julius, you need to install the dependencies first.

The dependencies are:

  • The command line developer tools
  • Homebrew
  • CMake
  • The SDL library
  • The SDL_mixer library

If you already have all of them installed, you can proceed to build Julius.

Installing the command line developer tools

To install the command line developer tools, open a terminal window and type:

$ xcode-select --install

A window should appear requesting you to install the command line tools. Click Install and then accept the license agreement.

The developer tools will download and install.

Installing the remaining dependencies

In order to install the remaining dependencies (CMake, SDL and SDL_mixer), you must first install Homebrew.

Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS (and also for Linux) which makes it easier to download and install many components such as libraries and developer tools.

In order to install Homebrew, open a Terminal window and type the following:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Homebrew will then install. Note that it will take some time.

After Homebrew is installed, it's time to install the remaining dependencies. To do so, type:

$ brew install cmake sdl2 sdl2_mixer

Then type your superuser password.

After the required dependencies have been installed, you can proceed to build julius.

Building Julius

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want the repository folder to be installed. As an example, we're using the home folder:

     $ cd ~
  2. Clone the Julius github repository to your computer:

     $ git clone
  3. Move to the new julius directory:

     $ cd julius

    Optional: If you have already downloaded the Julius repository and only wish to update it (in order to build a newer version), instead of the previous three steps, do the following in a terminal window:

    a. Move to the julius directory where the repository was installed.

    b. Type:

         $ git pull origin master

    c. Proceed to step 4.

  4. Create a build directory and move to it:

     $ mkdir build && cd build
  5. Run cmake:

     $ cmake ..
  6. Build Julius:

     $ make

    The game will be built to the build directory inside the main folder.

  7. Test that everything is working:

     $ make test

Success! Julius should have been built without any errors. You can now move to the Applications folder to execute it.