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[pytorch] [java/scala] new version remove Module class convert to layerImpl ,cause the layerImpl cannot covert to Module ! #1393

mullerhai opened this issue Jul 28, 2023 · 35 comments


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HI ,
when I use new version pytorch 2.0.1 in scala 2.11.10, meet the class convert error, the example java code I rewrite in scala, but it cannot work ,because in javacpp-pytorch new version ,Module.class has remove all the layerImpl convert to Module ,use register_module method, why remove them? now the error is

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module cannot be cast to class org.bytedeco.pytorch.LinearImpl (org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module and org.bytedeco.pytorch.LinearImpl are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
	at SimpleMNIST$Net.<init>(hell.scala:23)
	at SimpleMNIST$.main(hell.scala:52)
	at SimpleMNIST.main(hell.scala)

how to solve that error ,do I need import some method sugar dependency in scala code?
if I scala code remove asInstanceOf[LinearImpl] these code ,the scala code cannot compile, Please help me ,thanks

ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.10"

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    name := "torchSa"

scalaVersion := "2.12.10"

//idePackagePrefix := Some("org.example")
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""

val sparkVersion = "3.1.1"

//libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
//  "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion,
//  "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion,
//  "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-mllib" % sparkVersion,
//  "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % sparkVersion
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.parquet" % "parquet-common" % "1.12.3"

libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "pytorch" %  "2.0.1-1.5.10-SNAPSHOT" // "1.12.1-1.5.8" // "1.10.2-1.5.7"
libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "pytorch-platform" % "2.0.1-1.5.10-SNAPSHOT"  //  "1.12.1-1.5.8" //"1.10.2-1.5.7"
//libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "pytorch-platform-gpu" %  "2.0.1-1.5.10-SNAPSHOT" // "1.12.1-1.5.8" // "1.10.2-1.5.7"

libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "mkl-platform-redist" % "2023.1-1.5.10-SNAPSHOT"  //  "1.12.1-1.5.8" //"1.10.2-1.5.7"

code : convert the example java code to scala

import org.bytedeco.javacpp._
import org.bytedeco.pytorch._
import org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object SimpleMNIST { // Define a new Module. :LinearImpl :LinearImpl=
  class Net() extends Module { // Construct and register two Linear submodules.
    //fc1 = register_module("fc1", new LinearImpl(784, 64));
    var fc1 = register_module("fc1", new LinearImpl(784, 64)).asInstanceOf[LinearImpl]
    var  fc2 = register_module("fc2", new LinearImpl(64, 32)).asInstanceOf[LinearImpl]
    var  fc3 = register_module("fc3", new LinearImpl(32, 10)).asInstanceOf[LinearImpl]

    // Implement the Net's algorithm.
    def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = { // Use one of many tensor manipulation functions.
      var x = xl
      x = relu(fc1.forward(x.reshape(x.size(0), 784)))
      x = dropout(x,  0.5,  is_training)
      x = relu(fc2.asInstanceOf[LinearImpl].forward(x))
      x = log_softmax(fc3.asInstanceOf[LinearImpl].forward(x),  1)

//     Use one of many "standard library" modules.
//    var fc1: LinearImpl = null
//    var fc2: LinearImpl = null
//    var fc3: LinearImpl = null

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    /* try to use MKL when available */
    System.setProperty("org.bytedeco.openblas.load", "mkl")

    // Create a multi-threaded data loader for the MNIST dataset.
    val data_set = new MNIST("./data").map(new ExampleStack)
    val data_loader = new MNISTRandomDataLoader(data_set, new RandomSampler(data_set.size.get), new DataLoaderOptions(/*batch_size=*/ 64))
    // Create a new Net.
    val net = new SimpleMNIST.Net
    // Instantiate an SGD optimization algorithm to update our Net's parameters.
    val optimizer = new SGD(net.parameters, new SGDOptions(/*lr=*/ 0.01))
    for (epoch <- 1 to 10) {
      var batch_index = 0
      // Iterate the data loader to yield batches from the dataset.
      var it = data_loader.begin
      while ( {
        !(it == data_loader.end)
      }) {
        val batch = it.access
        // Reset gradients.
        // Execute the model on the input data.
        val prediction = net.forward(
        // Compute a loss value to judge the prediction of our model.
        val loss = nll_loss(prediction,
        // Compute gradients of the loss w.r.t. the parameters of our model.
        // Update the parameters based on the calculated gradients.
        // Output the loss and checkpoint every 100 batches.
        if ( {
          batch_index += 1; batch_index
        } % 100 == 0) {
          System.out.println("Epoch: " + epoch + " | Batch: " + batch_index + " | Loss: " + loss.item_float)
          // Serialize your model periodically as a checkpoint.
          val archive = new OutputArchive


        it = it.increment
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The prototype of the register_module method is:

 public Module register_module(String name, Module module);

In previous version, there was, in addition, specialized methods like:

 public LinearImpl register_module(String name, LinearImpl module);

but these were a workaround for a bug that has been fixed and they are not needed anymore.
You can now write:

LinearImpl fc1 = new LinearImpl(784, 64);
register_module("fc1", fc1);

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The prototype of the register_module method is:

 public Module register_module(String name, Module module);

In previous version, there was, in addition, specialized methods like:

 public LinearImpl register_module(String name, LinearImpl module);

but these were a workaround for a bug that has been fixed and they are not needed anymore. You can now write:

LinearImpl fc1 = new LinearImpl(784, 64);
register_module("fc1", fc1);

It is work fine ,but now I has another question, the new version ,we has implement the SequentialImpl.class, for the normal layer in pytorch. we can easy put or push_back to the SequentialImpl, It is can work . but now I need to user_defined layer or model list want to add to the SequentialImpl ,but it is is not work.
for example

    val seqs = new SequentialImpl()
    var fc4= new LinearImpl(784, 64)
    var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
    var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)

it can work

but next user_defined model add to SequentialImpl cannot work

  class HelenLayer() extends Module { // Construct and register two Linear submodules.

    var fc1= new LinearImpl(784, 64)
    var fc2 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
    var fc3 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)

    // Implement the Net's algorithm.
    def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = { // Use one of many tensor manipulation functions.
      var x = xl
      x = relu(fc1.forward(x.reshape(x.size(0), 784)))
      x = dropout(x,  0.5,  is_training)
      x = relu(fc2.forward(x))
      x = log_softmax(fc3.forward(x),  1)


val  layerSeqs = new SequentialImpl()

val helenLayer = new HelenLayer()
layerSeqs.push_back(helenLayer)  // compiler error
layerSeqs.put(helenLayer)  //  meet  jvm error

so how to use SequentialImpl for a list of user_defined layer or model? thanks

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Now I has implement user defined layer use SequentialImple named SeqNow like our example code Net Model simpleMnist, the code can running ,but cannot decrease the loss, I don't know why.

  class SeqNow() extends Module {
    var seqs = new SequentialImpl()
    var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
    var relu = new ReLUImpl()
    val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
    var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.5)
    var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
    var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
    var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
    val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)
    def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
      var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
      x = seqs.forward(x)
  class Net() extends Module { // Construct and register two Linear submodules.

    var fc1 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
    register_module("fc1", fc1)
    var fc2 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
    register_module("fc2", fc2)
    var fc3 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
    register_module("fc3", fc3)

    // Implement the Net's algorithm.
    def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = { // Use one of many tensor manipulation functions.
      var x = xl
      x = relu(fc1.forward(x.reshape(x.size(0), 784)))
      x = dropout(x, 0.5, is_training)
      x = relu(fc2.forward(x))
      x = log_softmax(fc3.forward(x), 1)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    /* try to use MKL when available */
    System.setProperty("org.bytedeco.openblas.load", "mkl")
    // Create a new Net.
    val net = new SimpleMNIST.Net
    val seqs = new SequentialImpl()
    val seqNow = new SimpleMNIST.SeqNow()
    // Create a multi-threaded data loader for the MNIST dataset.
    val data_set = new MNIST("./data").map(new ExampleStack)
    val data_loader = new MNISTRandomDataLoader(data_set, new RandomSampler(data_set.size.get), new DataLoaderOptions(/*batch_size=*/ 32))

    // Instantiate an SGD optimization algorithm to update our Net's parameters.
    val optimizer = new SGD(seqNow.parameters, new SGDOptions(/*lr=*/ 0.01))
    //    val optimizer = new SGD(net.parameters, new SGDOptions(/*lr=*/ 0.01))
    for (epoch <- 1 to 10) {
      var batch_index = 0
      // Iterate the data loader to yield batches from the dataset.
      var it = data_loader.begin
      while ( {
      //        while ( {
      //        !(it == data_loader.end)
      //      }) {
        val batch = it.access
        // Reset gradients.
        // Execute the model on the input data.
        //        val prediction = net.forward(
        val prediction = seqNow.forward(
        // Compute a loss value to judge the prediction of our model.
        val loss = nll_loss(prediction,
        // Compute gradients of the loss w.r.t. the parameters of our model.
        // Update the parameters based on the calculated gradients.
        // Output the loss and checkpoint every 100 batches.
        if ( {
          batch_index += 1;
        } % 100 == 0) {
          System.out.println("Epoch: " + epoch + " | Batch: " + batch_index + " | Loss: " + loss.item_float)
          // Serialize your model periodically as a checkpoint.
          val archive = new OutputArchive

        it = it.increment

the console seqNow
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-15.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -javaagent:/Applications/IntelliJ -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /Users/zhanghaining/Documents/codeWorld/untitled/target/scala-2.12/classes:/Users/zhanghaining/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/ SimpleMNIST
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.311179
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3133073
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.3120406
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.2905695
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.327793
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.2965953
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.3046
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.2857423
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.2794228
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.2959578
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.3031638
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.253742
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.2744474
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.299021
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.3229873
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.29115
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.3283224
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.3274283
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.296998
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3092
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.3077636
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3423984
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.3174124
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.2949598
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.286696
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3047907
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3180234
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3170154
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.290569
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3148155
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.278207
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3145657
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.2870746
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.3499207
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2855344
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.2798202
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3229082
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3037894
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.2876005
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3212254
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.3015542
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.2900429
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.303884
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3447232
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3251038
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.320521
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.301875
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3062909
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3227658
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3148131
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.3026087
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.3217309
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.3559098
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.2937589
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.301482
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3086126
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.298618
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3058872
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.2999983
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.3193781
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.295127
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.2815807
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3085556
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3251822
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.2811594
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.2763584
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.291853
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.323418
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.320117
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.2972112
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2927501
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.260505
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3131657
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.309602
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.2837446
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3252475
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.3113067
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.2943766
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.3224854
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.29428
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3289096
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3024058
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.3023934
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3290997
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3295288
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.2765558
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.2912512
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.2961147
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2827473
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.2663298
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3150187
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3091505
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.2821596
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.2877693
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.281046
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.3209
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.3175645
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3180046
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.328904
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3322976
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.3013334
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3073165
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3061116
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3281763
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.2985666
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.3172383
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2991989
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.3242373
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.31733
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.305778
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.2901695
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.354087
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.2955165
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.298453
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.3135612
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3128998
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.315315
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.2852345
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.2933066
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3040879
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3110313
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3072937
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.2954926
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.330746
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2816267
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.330859
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3279943
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.304054
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.3247418
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.2978754
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.3031363
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.3402176
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.3024223
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3355234
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.2986102
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3087595
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.28528
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3398473
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3271775
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3006303
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.284148
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.2964175
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.293785
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.3146398
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3038425
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.2924495
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.3044071
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3272884
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.275878
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.3423223
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.2765942
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3106685
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3071628
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.3144343
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.289462
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.2881138
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.3021023
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.304129
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.3375525
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.289328
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2969732
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.3206847
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.3322062
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.3208215
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.3034637
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.3149908
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.3124666
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 2.2874281
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 2.2848132
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 2.3126278
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 2.3002985
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 2.2808762
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 2.2735288
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 2.3159194
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 2.2830477
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 2.3007078
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 2.2847142
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 2.3029075
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 2.2893977
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 2.3192947


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for the net console

Epoch: 1 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 2.2619615
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 2.2245278
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 2.2066588
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 2.1437888
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 2.0107937
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 1.7830594
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 1.6636932
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 1.624912
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 1.3674096
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 1.3397406
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 1.119798
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.8827966
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 1.1612543
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.6524454
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.94122744
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.75724584
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 1.0215834
Epoch: 1 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.7179247
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 1.1135714
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.8856457
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.8903471
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.6036425
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.47791797
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.7230946
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.79854256
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.39642116
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.3968962
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.5763106
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.6598583
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.43888167
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.6808061
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.4455229
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.5489536
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.7090426
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.28528082
Epoch: 2 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.90619284
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.63242817
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.43466067
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.85634965
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.581641
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.44870692
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.7503278
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.44492963
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.40738276
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.3926798
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.42284447
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.2804313
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.5176494
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.20760004
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.65139306
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.29561076
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.20892558
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.45360973
Epoch: 3 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.43093768
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.3583884
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.28905255
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.37375352
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.43621093
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.4721342
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.34404323
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.15679762
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.29845145
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.47624302
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.4375582
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.41988328
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.6287129
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.3444804
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.3052929
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.24971539
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.95640814
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.32827777
Epoch: 4 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.45374364
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.17481458
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.15380035
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.5491959
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.40911514
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.4145059
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.28929818
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.38863832
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.77304405
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.2299521
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.357515
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.29654604
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.31101316
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.3234934
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.5002061
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.19751851
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.6368086
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.5130822
Epoch: 5 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.41312528
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.295482
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.5069757
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.4230825
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.39062622
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.2635874
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.13531111
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.56886154
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.45735866
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.4042319
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.21596207
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.4255061
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.40704936
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.39681357
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.413392
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.2764989
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.14937843
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.16362853
Epoch: 6 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.18117441
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.27730733
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.250608
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.28178045
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.33486652
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.45808753
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.4377606
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.4404745
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.32960096
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.22964111
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.088504046
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.40441728
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.34234202
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.071227714
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.30678958
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.12579474
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.2306481
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.4120247
Epoch: 7 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.5681459
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.09772281
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.4902591
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.2741972
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 1.0104656
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.29213688
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.1541148
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.10639417
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.20356439
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.33703053
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.10546577
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.23580535
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.47704467
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.24450986
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.11596918
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.2624431
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.25802615
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.31364802
Epoch: 8 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.51298916
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.29961824
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.3079228
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.30956823
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.27802593
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.8724224
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.32512844
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.21468031
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.1498065
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.24437377
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.2752638
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.35067338
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.51140827
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.0720738
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.13806337
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.15848812
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.24589156
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.18231271
Epoch: 9 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.18981127
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 100 | Loss: 0.43327972
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 200 | Loss: 0.47614577
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 300 | Loss: 0.2775543
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 400 | Loss: 0.2792448
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 500 | Loss: 0.21499425
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 600 | Loss: 0.30326745
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 700 | Loss: 0.4551992
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 800 | Loss: 0.42125818
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 900 | Loss: 0.11093692
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1000 | Loss: 0.33124807
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1100 | Loss: 0.29050675
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1200 | Loss: 0.24535269
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1300 | Loss: 0.1671666
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1400 | Loss: 0.2022452
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1500 | Loss: 0.52488315
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1600 | Loss: 0.16817103
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1700 | Loss: 0.2748699
Epoch: 10 | Batch: 1800 | Loss: 0.5236169


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so how to use SequentialImpl for a list of user_defined layer or model?

You cannot. There is no way to have libtorch call a forward method implemented in Java.
That's why I already advise you several times to use a Java alternative to Sequential like this or this.

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Your SeqNow module has no parameters to optimize and no sub-module.
You should either directly pass the SequentialImpl module to the optimizer, or register_module("seqs", seqs) in SeqNow constructor.

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thanks, add i use the same way solve it
class SeqNow() extends Module {
var seqs = new SequentialImpl()
var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)

var relu = new ReLUImpl()
val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.55)
var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)
register_module("fc4",fc4 )
register_module("relu",relu )
register_module("drop",drop )
register_module("fc5",fc5 )
register_module("relu2",relu2 )
register_module("fc6",fc6 )
register_module("log_softmax",log_softmax )
def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
  var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
  x = seqs.forward(x)



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HGuillemet commented Jul 28, 2023

You just need to register seqs. fc4, relu, ... are already submodules of seqs after the push_back.

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register_module("seqs", seqs)

I want to use the reshape layer or view layer in SequentialImpl ,but not found , so I want to know if we have the method to add reshape layer in model middle postion?

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You just need to register seqs. fc4, relu, ... are already submodules of seqs after the push_back.

yes ,you say is correct

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by the way , in the new version ,does ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl could perfect implement for really use in coding? thanks

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I want to use the reshape layer or view layer in SequentialImpl ,but not found , so I want to know if we have the method to add reshape layer in model middle postion?

There is not such modules in libtorch. You'll have to do the reshape in a forward method of your own, like you did above.

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by the way , in the new version ,does ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl could perfect implement for really use in coding? thanks

No tested, but I think it's usable.

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by the way , in the new version ,does ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl could perfect implement for really use in coding? thanks

No tested, but I think it's usable.

next day I will test them ,then give you answer

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by the way , in the new version ,does ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl could perfect implement for really use in coding? thanks

No tested, but I think it's usable.

HI @HGuillemet , In my opinoin, the ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl two class could usable only a part not all,
first them could organize the layer , I just print them layer constructor

  (fc4): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=784, out_features=64, bias=true)
  (relu): torch::nn::ReLU()
  (drop): torch::nn::Dropout(p=0.55, inplace=false)
  (fc5): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=64, out_features=32, bias=true)
  (relu2): torch::nn::ReLU()
  (fc6): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=32, out_features=10, bias=true)
  (log_softmax): torch::nn::LogSoftmax(dim=1)
  (seqs): torch::nn::ModuleList(
    (0): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=784, out_features=64, bias=true)
    (1): torch::nn::ReLU()
    (2): torch::nn::Dropout(p=0.55, inplace=false)
    (3): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=64, out_features=32, bias=true)
    (4): torch::nn::ReLU()
    (5): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=32, out_features=10, bias=true)
    (6): torch::nn::LogSoftmax(dim=1)

  (seqs): torch::nn::ModuleDict(
    (fc4): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=784, out_features=64, bias=true)
    (relu): torch::nn::ReLU()
    (drop): torch::nn::Dropout(p=0.55, inplace=false)
    (fc5): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=64, out_features=32, bias=true)
    (relu2): torch::nn::ReLU()
    (fc6): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=32, out_features=10, bias=true)
    (log_softmax): torch::nn::LogSoftmax(dim=1)

but we can not invoke the forward method ,because in the ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl container all element is Module class ,Module class doesn't have forward method no more, If I want to convert each element to it origin layer type, also meet error , I don't know how to forward them element layer in ModuleListImpl ModuleDictImpl , if convinient please give me some example to do this. thanks

class DictNow() extends Module {
var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
var relu = new ReLUImpl()
val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.55)
var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)
// var vector = new StringSharedModuleVector()
var arrayName= ArrayString
var arrayModule= ArrayModule
var subDict = new StringSharedModuleDict()

var seqs = new ModuleDictImpl(subDict)
register_module("seqs", seqs)
import org.bytedeco.pytorch.functions._
def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
  var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
  //      x = seqs.forward(x)
  arrayName.foreach(ele =>{
   x= seqs.get(ele).asInstanceOf[AnyModule].forward(x)

// var count = 0
// var it = seqs.begin
// while ( {
// !it.equals(seqs.end)
// }){
//// seqs.get(1).apply(NamedModuleApplyFunction)
// x = seqs.get(count).asInstanceOf[AnyModule].forward(x)
// count +=1
// }

class ListNow() extends Module {
var seqs = new ModuleListImpl()
var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
var relu = new ReLUImpl()
val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.55)
var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)

    register_module("fc4",fc4 )
    register_module("relu",relu )
    register_module("drop",drop )
    register_module("fc5",fc5 )
    register_module("relu2",relu2 )
    register_module("fc6",fc6 )
    register_module("log_softmax",log_softmax )
register_module("seqs", seqs)
var arrayName= Array[String]("fc4","relu","drop","fc5","relu2","fc6","log_softmax")
var arrayModule= Array[Module](fc4,relu,drop,fc5,relu2,fc6,log_softmax)
def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
  var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
  var count = 0
  arrayModule.foreach(ele =>{
    val cla = ele.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass

    println(s"count ${count}")
    val module = seqs.get(count)
    x =module.asInstanceOf[LinearImpl].forward(x)
    count +=1
    println(s"count2 ${count}")

// x = seqs.forward(x)
// var it = seqs.begin
// while ( {
// !it.equals(seqs.end)
// }){
//// seqs.get(1).apply(NamedModuleApplyFunction)
// }


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I also found some convertion make me confuse, example like LinearImpl could convert to Module,but Module can not convert to LinearImpl
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module cannot be cast to class org.bytedeco.pytorch.LinearImpl (org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module and org.bytedeco.pytorch.LinearImpl are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
at SimpleMNIST$ListNow.$anonfun$forward$2(hell.scala:121)

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but if in ModuleList ModuleDict forward method write code like that ,them can run perfectly.

    def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
      var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
      x = relu.forward(fc4.forward(x.reshape(x.size(0), 784)))
      x = drop.forward(x)
      x = relu2.forward(fc5.forward(x))
      x = log_softmax.forward(fc6.forward(x))

but as you know ,we want to foreach module list or dict layer element like python pytorch yield to invoke each layer forward method,it will very easy to write

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so most important,how to foreach module list or dict layer element like python pytorch yield to invoke each layer forward method for ModuleList ModuleDict,

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like you see ,in python ,we use ModuleList for a range Layer, like that

class AutomaticFeatureInteractionModel(torch.nn.Module):
    A pytorch implementation of AutoInt.

        W Song, et al. AutoInt: Automatic Feature Interaction Learning via Self-Attentive Neural Networks, 2018.

    def __init__(self, field_dims, embed_dim, atten_embed_dim, num_heads, num_layers, mlp_dims, dropouts, has_residual=True):
       self.self_attns = torch.nn.ModuleList([
            torch.nn.MultiheadAttention(atten_embed_dim, num_heads, dropout=dropouts[0]) for _ in range(num_layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: Long tensor of size ``(batch_size, num_fields)``

        for self_attn in self.self_attns:
            cross_term, _ = self_attn(cross_term, cross_term, cross_term)

if in javacpp pytorch, how to coding that

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I also found some convertion make me confuse, example like LinearImpl could convert to Module,but Module can not convert to LinearImpl
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module cannot be cast to class

There is no reason for this. I suspect this is a problem related to Scala.
Is it possible that you hit this bug ?

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Note that if you have a Java module, for instance:

LinearImpl linear = new LinearImpl(3,3);

you pass it to libtorch and get it back:

  ModuleListImpl list = new ModuleListImpl();
  Module m = list.get(0);

Module m you are getting back is NOT linear. It's not even an instance of LinearImpl. This is an new instance of Java Module class that wraps the C++ Module instance returned by get:

      System.err.println(linear == m); // false
      System.err.println(linear.equals(m)); // false
      System.err.println(m instanceof LinearImpl); // false
      System.err.println(linear.address() == m.address()); // false
      System.err.println(linear.asModule() == m); // false
      System.err.println(linear.asModule().equals(m)); // true
      System.err.println(linear.asModule().address() == m.address()); // true

There is nothing we can do about this.

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Note that if you have a Java module, for instance:

LinearImpl linear = new LinearImpl(3,3);

you pass it to libtorch and get it back:

  ModuleListImpl list = new ModuleListImpl();
  Module m = list.get(0);

Module m you are getting back is NOT linear. It's not even an instance of LinearImpl. This is an new instance of Java Module class that wraps the C++ Module instance returned by get:

      System.err.println(linear == m); // false
      System.err.println(linear.equals(m)); // false
      System.err.println(m instanceof LinearImpl); // false
      System.err.println(linear.address() == m.address()); // false
      System.err.println(linear.asModule() == m); // false
      System.err.println(linear.asModule().equals(m)); // true
      System.err.println(linear.asModule().address() == m.address()); // true

There is nothing we can do about this.

oh , I think ,if the Module class just is java wrapper obj, and it cannot convert back to real layer obj to invoke forward method, so what the meanning for ModuleDict and ModuleList in pytorch? the Module need forward method or must has anyway to invoke element layer forward method , how do you think?

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I also found some convertion make me confuse, example like LinearImpl could convert to Module,but Module can not convert to LinearImpl
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bytedeco.pytorch.Module cannot be cast to class

There is no reason for this. I suspect this is a problem related to Scala. Is it possible that you hit this bug ?

I don't think so, maybe in java the Module cannot convert back to layer obj

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give you one important example , when layer organize a array , they have some father class Module, then they lost forward method? can not image that bad things!!! do you think this rule is legal?

      var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
      var relu = new ReLUImpl()
      val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
      var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.55)
      var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
      var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
      var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
      val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)

 var arrayModule= Array(fc4,relu,drop,fc5,relu2,fc6,log_softmax)   // Module Array
      arrayModule.foreach(ele=> {
           ele.forward() // no  ,we need it !!!
//          ele.asModule().asInstanceOf[LinearImpl]

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We could probably add a constructor for native modules to downcast from Module (similarly to what must be done in C+):

  Module m = list.get(0);
  LinearImpl linear = new LinearImpl(m);
  Tensor output = linear.forward(input);

What do you think ?

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We could probably add a constructor for native modules to downcast from Module (similarly to what must be done in C+):

  Module m = list.get(0);
  LinearImpl linear = new LinearImpl(m);
  Tensor output = linear.forward(input);

What do you think ?

I think we need only one step ,just add forward method to Module class like Sequential class , only that we could use Module array for layer forward method yield perfect,
Module m = list.get(0);
Tensor output = m.forward(input);

if we do not , I only use switch case judge Layer type then process it , it not grace .like this

class ModuleListYieldNow() extends Module {
var seqs = new ModuleListImpl()
var fc4 = new LinearImpl(784, 64)
var relu = new ReLUImpl()
val dropOpt = new DropoutOptions()
var drop = new DropoutImpl(0.55)
var fc5 = new LinearImpl(64, 32)
var relu2 = new ReLUImpl()
var fc6 = new LinearImpl(32, 10)
val log_softmax = new LogSoftmaxImpl(1)
register_module("seqs", seqs)
var arrayName= ArrayString
var arrayModule= Array(fc4,relu,drop,fc5,relu2,fc6,log_softmax)
var tupleModule= Tuple7(fc4,relu,drop,fc5,relu2,fc6,log_softmax)
var arrayLayerClass = Tuple7( classOf[LinearImpl],classOf[ReLUImpl],classOf[DropoutImpl],classOf[LinearImpl],classOf[ReLUImpl],classOf[LinearImpl],classOf[LogSoftmaxImpl])
def forward(xl: Tensor): Tensor = {
var x = xl.reshape(xl.size(0), 784)
var cnt =1
val iter = arrayModule.iterator
// val iter = tupleModule.productIterator
// val iterClass = arrayLayerClass.productIterator
val layer =
layer match {
case layer:LinearImpl =>
x = layer.asInstanceOf[LinearImpl].forward(x)
case layer:ReLUImpl =>
x = layer.asInstanceOf[ReLUImpl].forward(x)
case layer:DropoutImpl=>
x = layer.asInstanceOf[DropoutImpl].forward(x)
case layer:LogSoftmaxImpl =>
x = layer.asInstanceOf[LogSoftmaxImpl].forward(x)
// if(layer.isInstanceOf[LinearImpl]){
// x = layer.asInstanceOf[LinearImpl].forward(x)
// }else if(layer.isInstanceOf[ReLUImpl]){
// x = layer.asInstanceOf[ReLUImpl].forward(x)
// }else if(layer.isInstanceOf[DropoutImpl]){
// x = layer.asInstanceOf[DropoutImpl].forward(x)
// }else{
// x = layer.asInstanceOf[LogSoftmaxImpl].forward(x)
// }
cnt +=1

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Yes, either you use some Java list or array of Module, and you can cast normally to subclasses, like you do here with the switch.
Or you want to use a torchlib structure like ModuleList, but then we cannot cast as normal, we need this extra step (new LinearImpl(m)).
Sequential is different since the C++ implementation knows about the classes of modules it contains and is able to chain the forward calls dynamically.

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Yes, either you use some Java list or array of Module, and you can cast normally to subclasses, like you do here with the switch. Or you want to use a torchlib structure like ModuleList, but then we cannot cast as normal, we need this extra step (new LinearImpl(m)). Sequential is different since the C++ implementation knows about the classes of modules it contains and is able to chain the forward calls dynamically.

maybe hard for you to select the best way solve it, so now just follow you way like new LinearImpl(m) ,thanks

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The first option already works. So if it's enough please use it.
The second option with new LinearImpl(m) needs developments.

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The first option already works. So if it's enough please use it. The second option with new LinearImpl(m) needs developments.

thanks , need the second option,

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This issue is finally addressed by PR bytedeco/javacpp#700
Once merged, you will be able to do:

  t2 = new LinearImpl(m).forward(t)

where m is an instance of Module returned by torchlib, for instance by:

m = list.get(0);

where list is a ModuleList. Of course m must be a Linear module.

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This issue is finally addressed by PR bytedeco/javacpp#700 Once merged, you will be able to do:

  t2 = new LinearImpl(m).forward(t)

where m is an instance of Module returned by torchlib, for instance by:

m = list.get(0);

where list is a ModuleList. Of course m must be a Linear module.

perfect ,now javacpp pytorch is forward to the useable tools for java /scala /jvm,waiting for PR merge,thanks @HGuillemet

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saudet commented Oct 4, 2023

That pull request has been merged, so this should be working now!

@saudet saudet removed the help wanted label Oct 4, 2023
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mullerhai commented Oct 9, 2023

That pull request has been merged, so this should be working now!

perfect,thanks,waiting 1.5.10 version release publish to mvn repos

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