Be sure to set your API KEY (gotten here)
Used in the code here
A web application that shows live Commuter Rail departure board:
- The application should show the upcoming departures at North and South stations - including:
- The train destinations
- The departure times
- The track numbers
- The boarding status (e.g. 'Boarding', 'All Aboard', 'Delayed')
- I add a column for the name of the station since we're getting data for two stations on one board
Expect the destination to be the first value in the array
We should not add to the board when we receive a new event that has status of 'Departed'
We're using defaults specific to the requirements but have set up use for props
Since this is the MBTA we always know the timezone!
Left a note about possibly making station names header configurable
Replaced slashes with hyphens to match image of board at North Station
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.