This repository contains a dockerized web service to quickly get started with Open Information Extraction (OpenIE).
The web service is implemented in Spark Java and wraps the ClausIE OpenIE tool created by the Max Planck Institute.
First, run the ClausIE-Server via docker:
docker run -d -p 4567:4567 cwolff/clausieserver
Second, prepare an input file with text to process via OpenIE. The file should have one sentence per line:
AE remained in Princeton until his death.
AE is a scientist of the 20th century.
AE has won the Nobel Prize in 1921.
Next, call the ClausIE-Server. The file with the input text should be passed
as multipart/form-data
under the form key upload
curl -F "upload=@sentences.txt" "http://localhost:4567/openie/form"
The service will respond with the OpenIE relations extracted from the sentences in JSON-object per line format. Note that one sentence may produce multiple relations:
{"argument":"in Princeton until his death","line":0,"subject":"AE","relation":"remained"}
{"argument":"in Princeton","line":0,"subject":"AE","relation":"remained"}
{"argument":"a scientist of the 20th century","line":1,"subject":"AE","relation":"is"}
{"argument":"a scientist","line":1,"subject":"AE","relation":"is"}
{"argument":"the Nobel Prize in 1921","line":2,"subject":"AE","relation":"has won"}
This distribution includes libraries of Clausie v. 0.0.1 which is distributed under the Attribution-ShareAlike (ver. 3.0 or later)
This distribution includes libraries of the Stanford Parser v. 2.0.5 which is licensed under the GNU General Public License (v2 or later)