KC3 is a programming language with meta-programmation and a graph database embedded into the language. It aims to be the language for semantic programming, and programming the semantic web.
This is a development branch, see KC3 v0.1.13 for a stable release.
KC3 is currently a programming language project, inspired by C, Elixir and Common Lisp. It could be described as C with Elixir modules, pattern matching, and a semantic object system. The idea is to plug modules, closures, pattern matching, a graph database and metaprogramming into C99 with an extremely small set of dependencies.
Supported operating systems (additional dependencies) :
- Linux (libbsd, libmd)
- MacOS X (libmd)
- Windows (MSys2)
Supported architectures :
- aarch64 (arm64, Apple M1, Apple M2)
- amd64
- i386
- sparc64
- pretty printer
- auto indent KC3 code
- facts database (triple store) in KC3
- new database (Ptr)
- add_tags
- remove_tags
- with_tags
- with
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Follow the KC3 guides to discover how to use KC3 for your own projects.
- fx v0.2.0
- [DONE] file explorer
- [DONE] preview files
- [DONE] text
- [DONE] image
- [DONE] video
- [DONE] audio
- [DONE] binary (hexdump -C)
- chaining of audio and video previews (folder as a playlist)
- tags
- create
- POST "/tag/:tag/*path"
- delete
- DELETE "/tag/:tag/*path"
- recursive
- create
- properties
- [DONE] create
- [DONE] POST "/properties/*path"
- [DONE] delete
- [DONE] DELETE "/properties/*path
- recursive
- [DONE] create
- HTTPd v0.2.0
- dynamic pages (MVC)
- [DONE] controllers
- [DONE] ./app/controllers/
- [DONE] templates
- [DONE] ./app/templates/
- dynamic router
- [DONE] Str.starts_with?(url, route.path)
- HTTPd.Router.get("/user/:id/articles/*slug/edit", UserArticlesController.show)
- [DONE] views
- [DONE] ./app/views/
- [DONE] controllers
- dynamic pages (MVC)
- libkc3
- operators dispatch
- list of matching operators (facts_with)
- base-specific big floats
- macro cast :
(Macro) fn (x) { x }
- pretty printer
- [DONE] auto indent KC3 code
- 80 columns (
- tags
- walker
- height function
(TAG_VOID: 1, TAG_TUPLE: (1+ (max (height tuple->tags))))
- has_ident
- collect_idents
- facts
- negative facts : 4 + 2n = not 3 + 2n
- with ignore variables
- math
- arbitrary precision floating point numbers (decimals)
- map
- [DONE] access
- [DONE] get (get key value)
- put (return a new map)
- struct
- [DONE] access
- [DONE] get
- put
- enums
- unions
- errors (setjmp, longjmp)
- stacktrace
- ffi ?
- libdwarf
- ffi ?
- stacktrace
- control structures
- when
- unless
- switch/case/cond
- unwind protect
- functions
- return
- livebook
- gaussian
- buf_sha256
- buf_popen
- tests
- operators dispatch