- customizable
- original source
- https://github.com/Mpompili/vibesky
vibesky, a SoundCloud clone, is a music social media app where users can discover and upload music using a Ruby on Rails backend, Postgresql database, AWS S3 database, and React/Redux front-end architecture.
scrub jpg to replace or not
_react2.default.createElement('img', { src: 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000319271595-hhwrkq-t200x200.jpg' })
cover logo
grep -ri 'hp_image-6155d6b.jpg'
# requires docker
git clone https://github.com/c4pt000/SKYTUNE-docker
cd SKYTUNE-docker
sh docker-build-deploy.sh
browser will auto-load,
to mount a music folder to the docker instance add a mountable volume via -v
-v /home/user/Music:/music \
where "/home/user/Music" is your Music folder
systemctl status postgresql
systemctl start postgresql
project is dependent on PID 1 for systemd and pulseaudio on host and guest side , aside from postgresql running as a system service via systemctl
* to write changes
docker commit <image_id>