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lavolpecheprogramma edited this page Oct 24, 2019 · 3 revisions


  "id": "picture",
  "type": "picture",
  "size": "half",
  "label": "label",
  "description": "description",
  "ctaLabel": "Add image",
  "get_sizes": ["thumbnail", "full"],
  "required": true

The picture field allows you to input/output an image, selectable with WordPress' stock media picker.


For the general option fields, check the getting started page.

Custom options

The picture field has an additional option:

  • "ctaLabel" defines the Call To Action for the field's editing mode.
  • "get_sizes" defines the image size that you want to get. The default one is the result of get_intermediate_image_sizes


You can filter the field's fetched value by calling WordPress' add_filter with the tag "aeria_get_picture".

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