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post type

simmontali edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

Post type

Aeria makes declaring new post types a breeze. No need to edit your functions.php file! Just add a configuration file to /themes/[Your active theme]/aeria-config. Like the other ones, post type configuration files require three main fields:

  • "name" defines the name for this post type. It will be used as post type key.
  • "kind" defines the type of configuration: we're gonna set it to "post-type" this time.
  • "spec" defines the specific configurations for the object.

If you want to leave this configuration disabled for now, you can add "enabled": false to these fields.


The available specs are the ones available in Wordpress' register_post_type() function, you can check its reference here.

Let's analyze this example configuration.

  "name": "book",
  "spec": {
    "menu_icon": "dashicons-book",
    "labels": {
      "name": "Books",
      "all_items": "All Books",
      "menu_name":	"Books",
      "singular_name":	"Book",
      "edit_item":	"Edit Book",
      "new_item":	"New Book",
      "view_item":	"View Book",
      "items_archive":	"Book Archive",
      "search_items":	"Search Books",
      "not_found":	"No books found.",
      "not_found_in_trash": "No books found in trash."
    "public": true,
    "show_ui": true,
    "show_in_menu": true,
    "menu_position": 1
  "kind": "post-type"
  • "name" sets the post type's key. "name" may only contain lowercase alphanumeric chars, dashes, and underscores.
  • "menu_icon" sets the post type's icon in the dashboard's menu.
  • "labels" is an array containing the messages shown to the user in the dashboard. For a full list, check the reference for get_post_type_labels().
  • "public" is a boolean stating if the post type is intended for use publicly, either via the admin interface or by front-end users.
  • "show_ui" is a boolean allowing to generate a post type managing UI in the admin menu.
  • "show_in_menu" is a boolean stating if the post type will be available in the admin menu. For it to work, "show_ui" must be true.
  • "menu_position" is the position where the post type manager will appear in the UI.

You can now proceed to add some metaboxes to this post type.

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