TurtleBot3 is a Robot Operating System standard platform robot. Here we extend the developments in TBOT01 and TBOT02 to examine slice topologies and motor actions.
The best topologies approximate closely to their physical configuration spaces and affordances, with diverse neighbourhoods and extensive coverage. The implementation of slice topologies in TBOT02
only had a low action success rate and so the topologies were far from optimal. In TBOT03
we will seek to improve this performance by considering the factors that increase model likelihood, and slice topology connectivity and completeness. In particular we shall consider action responsiveness. To do this we shall control the timings of scans and actions. This will allow us to manually control the turtlebot so that we can trace the action decisions that would have been taken in the various modes. In this way TBOT03
will debug TBOT02
As well as the location
goal type of TBOT02
, we shall consider three more goal types in TBOT03
, in order to investigate slice topologies.
First, in 'random' mode the turtlebot acts to match the motor
histogram for each slice to a desired uniform distribution. In this way the turtlebot will stochastically explore the physical configuration, so improving the slice topology's representation. 'Random' mode runs in the action level, which is defined as the level that acts on the motor variables.
Second, in 'interest' mode the turtlebot acts to move towards the goal slice with the greatest size per parent slice size of its surrounding slices. The turtlebot will therefore tend to spend more time in slices with high potential for modelling so far undetected alignments, thus improving the model likelihood per active history size. This is similar to static induction in which the largest slice is induced first, but avoids large slices with independent substrates.
Last, in 'unusual' mode the turtlebot acts to move towards the slice with the least size per parent slice size, i.e. far off-diagonal rather than on-diagonal. These goals are hard to attain by definition. It is hoped that the turtlebot will tend to find slices with high potential alignments near to, or on the way to, 'unusual' goals.
'Interest' or 'unusual' modes can be used at any level. In an action level, i.e. one that has motor variables in an underlying substrate, the active chooses actions that transition to the subset of neighbouring slices which have the fewest transitions to the goal slice. We will be examining only action levels for the moment.
In higher levels that are not also action levels, i.e. they do not have actions in an underlying substrate, but consist of a set of underlying frames of an action level, the goal slice of a higher level implies a set of goal slices in the underlying action level. So higher levels could operate in 'interest' or 'unusual' modes indirectly.
Also, the interests of different actives may sometimes be contradictory, so some method of coordinating between them will be needed. In this investigation, however, we shall only be examining the case where there is one action level active in 'interest' or 'unusual' mode.
Download, build and run main executable
Download, build and run TurtleBot3 nodes
To run the non-ROS main executable it is only necessary to install the AlignmentActive repository, the AlignmentRepaC repository and the underlying repositories. The AlignmentActive
and the AlignmentRepaC
modules require modern C++ version 17 or later to be installed.
For example, in Ubuntu bionic (18.04),
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt install -y git g++ cmake
Then download the zip files or use git to get the TBOT03
repository and the underlying rapidjson
, AlignmentC
, AlignmentRepaC
and AlignmentActive
repositories -
git clone https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentC.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentRepaC.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentActive.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/TBOT03.git
Then download the TBOT03 workspace repository -
git clone https://github.com/caiks/TBOT03_ws.git
cd ~/TBOT03_ws
cat model083_2a* >model083_2.ac
cat model084_2a* >model084_2.ac
cat model085_2a* >model085_2.ac
cat model086_2a* >model086_2.ac
cat model087_2a* >model087_2.ac
cat model089_2a* >model089_2.ac
cat model090_2a* >model090_2.ac
cat model092_2a* >model092_2.ac
Then build -
cp TBOT03/CMakeLists_noros.txt TBOT03/CMakeLists.txt
mkdir -p TBOT03_build
cd TBOT03_build
The main
executable has various modes,
cd ../TBOT03_ws
ln -s ../TBOT03_build/main main
To run the turtlebot it is necessary to install ROS2, Gazebo and TurtleBot3 on a machine with a GPU and at least 4GB of memory.
Now install Gazebo9,
sudo apt-get install -y gazebo9 libgazebo9-dev
gazebo -v
Install ROS2 Eloquent,
sudo apt install -y curl gnupg2 lsb-release
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ros-eloquent-desktop ros-eloquent-gazebo-* ros-eloquent-cartographer ros-eloquent-cartographer-ros
echo "source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Test by running these nodes in separate shells,
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener
Install TurtleBot3,
sudo apt install -y python3-argcomplete python3-colcon-common-extensions google-mock libceres-dev liblua5.3-dev libboost-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcairo2-dev libpcl-dev python3-sphinx python3-vcstool
mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/ros2/turtlebot3.repos
vcs import src < turtlebot3.repos
colcon build --symlink-install
echo 'source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=30 #TURTLEBOT3' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/turtlebot3/turtlebot3_simulations/turtlebot3_gazebo/models' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
export TB3_MODEL=burger
To test launch one of these worlds,
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo empty_world.launch.py
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch.py
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch.py
Then in a separate shell,
export TB3_MODEL=burger
ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard
Check that you can steer the turtlebot using the w/x and a/d keys.
Now download and build the TBOT03
repository and the underlying rapidjson
, AlignmentC
, AlignmentRepaC
and AlignmentActive
repositories -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentC.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentRepaC.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/AlignmentActive.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/TBOT03.git
git clone https://github.com/caiks/TBOT03_ws.git
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
cat model083_2a* >model083_2.ac
cat model084_2a* >model084_2.ac
cat model085_2a* >model085_2.ac
cat model086_2a* >model086_2.ac
cat model087_2a* >model087_2.ac
cat model089_2a* >model089_2.ac
cat model090_2a* >model090_2.ac
cat model092_2a* >model092_2.ac
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
mkdir -p AlignmentC_build AlignmentRepaC_build AlignmentActive_build
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/AlignmentActive_build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../AlignmentActive
make AlignmentC AlignmentRepaC AlignmentActive
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03
cp CMakeLists_ros.txt CMakeLists.txt
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws
colcon build --packages-select TBOT03
source ~/.bashrc
The simulation can be started in paused mode,
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env001.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
In a separate shell,
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
echo '{}' > actor.json
ros2 run TBOT03 actor
Press play in gazebo
and the turtlebot3 will start moving.
To run the non-ros main
executable, create a link,
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ln -s ~/TBOT03_build/main main
Now let us investigate various turtlebot slice topologies and goals.
In a simulator such as Gazebo we are able to gather information not known to the robot such as its exact position and orientation. Although the physical configuration could include many other dynamic measures of the world, such as the poses of limbs, other agents, or movable objects, in TBOT03
we shall record just the turtlebot's x and y coordinates and yaw. This configuration will be recorded separately from its active history.
This is an example, where the turtlebot moves from its starting position in room 4 into the corridor to room 2 -
cd ~/TBOT03_ws
./main view_records model078
*records: (-1.99981,1.49997,0.0253202)
Of course, the physical configuration cannot be obtained when the turtlebot is operating in the real world, so we shall only use this simulator information to help us choose its sensors, induction parameters, and motors, and also to help us design and debug its modes of operation.
Ultimately any agent's model of the world is key to its ability to act in that world. So the map between the turtlebot's slices and the physical configuration must be at least as accurate as is required to accomplish its goals, whether they are imperative goals, such as navigating to a room, or cognitive/interest goals which aim to maximise the model likelihood given finite history size. In the case of TBOT03
we shall start with the same room goal as that of TBOT01
and TBOT02
before moving on to consider various 'interest' modes.
In order to navigate to another room, the turtlebot must be able to determine not only which room it is in, but also its position and orientation within the room. At any point in time it knows the current slice. By examining the slice transitions from this slice it can determine its slice neighbourhood. Then the turtlebot can select the subset of its neighbours which have the fewest slice transitions to the goal slice and choose the action accordingly. If all of its slices are such that each slice's events are closely clustered in configuration space, then turtlebot's choice of action will usually be correct. If, however, the slices sometimes contain more than one cluster of configurations, each cluster with a different average position and orientation, or if the clusters are rather ill-defined and spread out, then the map between the slice topology and the environment can become blurry or have worm-holes. In this case the turtlebot may end up going around in loops. It is therefore important to minimise the label entropy of the map from the slices to the physical configuration space.
and TBOT02
we calculated location
entropy rather than configuration entropy. We can do the same for TBOT03
in models 76 and 77 (described below), for example -
./main location_entropy model076_2
model: model076_2
model076_2 load file name: model076_2.ac time 0.0395493s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 90178
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 851
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 15983
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.943689
entropyA: 100571
entropyA/sizeA: 1.11525
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 1.02889e+06
std::log(sizeA): 11.4095
./main location_entropy model077_2
model: model077_2
model077_2 load file name: model077_2.ac time 0.231134s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 395073
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3925
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 67049
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.993487
entropyA: 330471
entropyA/sizeA: 0.83648
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 5.09124e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.8868
Adding these 2 models to the earlier ones of TBOT02
confirms that, although the location
entropy decreased with increasing size, these induced models are far from being able to to reduce it to zero -
model | size | label entropy/size |
76 | 100,571 | 1.11525 |
77 | 395,073 | 0.83648 |
61 | 258,581 | 0.71099 |
65 | 370,181 | 0.668522 |
73 | 946,931 | 0.651033 |
69 | 428,154 | 0.615338 |
67 | 525,414 | 0.609749 |
66 | 540,699 | 0.595765 |
63 | 562,969 | 0.597108 |
68 | 684,004 | 0.557499 |
70 | 580,398 | 0.554539 |
71 | 1,000,000 | 0.383128 |
72 | 1,000,000 | 0.349623 |
The physical configuration consists of continuous measures rather than discrete so configuration entropy is more difficult to define than location
entropy. Instead of entropy we shall calculate the standard deviation of the Euclidean distance of the event configuration coordinates from the slice's mean configuration coordinate. The configurations are normalised so that the position and orientation measures are commensurate.
Here we calculate the overall standard deviation for models 76 and 77 -
./main configuration_deviation_all model076
model: model076
model076_2 load file name: model076_2.ac time 0.0353962s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 90178
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 851
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 15983
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.943689
records->size(): 90178
size: 90178
slice_count: 3689
slice_size_mean: 24.4451
deviation: 0.4548
size: 90178
slice_location_count: 11872
slice_location_size_mean: 7.59586
deviation_location: 0.220935
./main configuration_deviation_all model077
model: model077
model077_2 load file name: model077_2.ac time 0.232236s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 395073
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3925
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 67049
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.993487
records->size(): 395074
size: 395073
slice_count: 15008
slice_size_mean: 26.3242
deviation: 0.409984
size: 395073
slice_location_count: 38008
slice_location_size_mean: 10.3945
deviation_location: 0.191815
In fact we calculate both the configuration deviation for the slices and for the cross between slice and location
. In the second case, we are assuming that the room or doorway of each slice is known to the turtlebot. Of course, that knowledge would often not be available in practice, but in this case it is required by the turtlebot in order to be able to identify room goal slices.
Now that we have a measure of the ambiguity of the map between models and the physical environments, we shall experiment with various active structures and random modes, before going on to look at the goal modes.
Like the TBOT02
actor node, the TBOT03
actor node is implemented with the active framework defined in the AlignmentActive repository. An active updates a history and induces a model from a stream of incoming events in real time. To keep the physical configuration record list synchronised with the active history we must handle discontinuities in the stream of events. In addition, if we wish to look backward or forward from a particular event to past or future events, we must not roll past the discontinuities of event update, such as before the first event in the history, or before the restart of an active given an initial model.
So, before moving on to TBOT03
, we added a map from the discontinuous events to the event id in the stream -
cd ~/TBOT02_build
cd ~/TBOT02_ws
./main induce09 model027 data009
activeB.continousIs: true
activeB.continousHistoryEventsEvent: {(0,0),(1,1),(2,4),(3,6),(4,8),(5,10)}
When an actor starts with an initial model, it pushes an empty record into the list to create a discontinuity in the active's map between the history and the configuration space.
The TBOT03
actor node has similar active structures to TBOT02
. Structure struct001
defines a two level active structure. There are 12 level one actives, each with a fixed non-overlapping field-of-view of 30 degrees, and 1 level two active. The level one active history size defaults to 10,000 events. The level two active size defaults to 1,000,000 events. By default each active's induce operation will be called at regular intervals, unless induction is explicity disabled.
The principal differences between TBOT02
and TBOT03
are not in the active structures, however, but in the actor's update and its modes of action.
The actor's update has been simplified in TBOT03
. The update no longer does record collection, collision avoidance or navigation, but instead it has a simple set of state transitions. If its current state is an action state, LEFT
, the turtlebot publishes a velocity or twist request. While moving it monitors its odometry. When the turtlebot has moved ahead the required distance, or rotated through the required angle, it publishes a stop request (zero velocity and twist), and sets its state to WAIT_ODOM
. While in this state it continues to check its pose until it has stopped moving. It then changes its state to WAIT_SCAN
. In this state it waits until there has been a complete scan by the lidar. This usually takes around 200 milliseconds - the lidar spins at a frequency of 5 hertz. The turtlebot then transitions to the STOP
state where it stays until it is given a new action state.
So having started by being given an action state, the turtlebot finishes having (a) performed the action, and (b) taken a full scan while completely stationary. The time required for a complete action cycle varies but each cycle always yields only one configuration record and one active event. This is a change from TBOT02
where the events were captured at regular intervals, regardless of the action requested or what state the actor was in. Now motor actions and sensor data are atomic and synchronised.
By contrast, although TBOT02
sometimes did find slices that spanned a small physical space, the slices were often blurry or ill-defined partly due to the smearing of the lidar data when in motion. Although the distortion of the scan while moving forward at a top speed of 30 cm per second is only a linear error of around +/- 6 cm compared to 50 cm per event, while rotating at 40 degrees per second there is an angular error of around +/- 8 degrees compared to 30 degrees per event. In TBOT03
the turtlebot is stationary between actions. This is similar to the jerky motion of a pigeon's head as it walks. Another analogy would be a duck's motion if it were to paddle through syrup. The new update operation should improve the map between slice and configuration space.
The update only takes a short time to process the state transitions, and so it can be called frequently. It defaults to 10 milliseconds. In this way, the turtlebot moves as quickly as possible.
All of the rest of turtlebot's behaviour is controlled by the act operation, defined according to the mode. Regardless of mode, the turtlebot only acts if the current actor state is STOP
. When it first finds that it has stopped after an action it (a) records the configuration, (b) constructs the event from the lidar scan, (c) sets the event's motor variable to the previous action, i.e. the action that led to this event, and then (d) updates the active levels with the new event. The levels are updated in sequence from lowest to highest, running the active updates within a level in parallel threads. At this point the current slices are defined for each active. The actor then processes the mode if it is defined.
In mode 1 the turtlebot's only action is to set the actor state to AHEAD
. This is the JSON configuration in actor.json
"structure" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode001",
"logging_update" : true
Run the simulation -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env009.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
Run the actor -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
When the simulator is started the turtlebot moves ahead and then crashes into the wall -
actor START
actor WAIT_ODOM time 10.277s
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.000s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.00115
actor STOP time 0.210s
actor AHEAD time 0.008s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.951s distance: 0.501
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.210s x: -1.45 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.0113
actor STOP time 0.350s
actor AHEAD time 0.007s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.823s distance: 0.508
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.200s x: -0.903 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.0215
actor STOP time 0.170s
actor AHEAD time 0.007s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.833s distance: 0.508
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.210s x: -0.351 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.0327
actor STOP time 0.360s
actor AHEAD time 0.010s
actor CRASH time 20.2777s
The default distance travelled before the brake is applied is 0.5 metres. This distance is chosen to be equal to the 4 metre lidar range divided by a valency of 8. The turtlebot decelerates for around another 5 cm before coming to a complete halt.
In mode 2 the turtlebot's only action is to set the actor state to LEFT
. This is the JSON configuration in actor.json
"angular_maximum_lag" : 2.0,
"structure" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode002",
"logging_update" : true
The turtlebot rotates anti-clockwise approximately 30 degrees,
actor START
actor WAIT_ODOM time 7.383s
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.000s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.000996
actor STOP time 0.220s
actor LEFT time 0.006s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.814s angle: 29.2
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.100s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 31.2
actor STOP time 0.310s
actor LEFT time 0.006s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.774s angle: 29.2
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.110s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 62.4
actor STOP time 0.310s
actor LEFT time 0.006s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.774s angle: 29.2
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.100s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 93.6
actor STOP time 0.330s
actor LEFT time 0.005s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.784s angle: 29.2
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.100s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 125
actor STOP time 0.310s
Note that the default rotation is 30 degrees, but a lag has to be subtracted depending on the simulator real time factor and update frequency. For example, when running at 10x the lag should be set to 6.0 -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env015.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
Run the actor -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"structure" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode002",
"logging_update" : true
actor START
actor WAIT_ODOM time 2.712s
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.000s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.0187
actor STOP time 0.020s
actor LEFT time 0.006s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.074s angle: 24.5
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.032s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 30.6
actor STOP time 0.033s
actor LEFT time 0.012s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.075s angle: 24.9
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.023s x: -2 y: 1.51 yaw: 60.3
actor STOP time 0.034s
actor LEFT time 0.011s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.075s angle: 25.3
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.025s x: -2 y: 1.51 yaw: 90.5
actor STOP time 0.034s
actor LEFT time 0.007s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.075s angle: 25.3
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.025s x: -2 y: 1.51 yaw: 120
actor STOP time 0.033s
Again the 30 degrees rotation is chosen to be equal to the default field of view of the level one actives in structure 1. In general we are aiming to have a slice topology resolution such that there is generally a slice transition for each action. Ideally we would have a slice per act as well as an event per act. In this way the indeterminacy of the TBOT02
slice topology will be improved, not only by a better map between slice and configuration space, but also by a better map between action and slice transition.
Mode 3 is the same as mode 2 except that the turtlebot rotates clockwise, i.e. an actor state of RIGHT
Mode 4 tests the WAIT_ODOM
Now, having dealt with the new actor update state transitions, we can consider active modelling for the room goal. To do this we shall acquire active history in various 'random' modes. In mode 5, the turtlebot chooses an action at random from a probability distribution. By default, for every turn LEFT
, the turtlebot will move AHEAD
5 times -
"structure" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode005",
"distribution_LEFT" : 1.0,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 5.0,
"distribution_RIGHT" : 1.0,
"logging_update" : true
Run the simulation -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env009.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
Run the actor -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
The turtlebot moves ahead, then rotates clockwise, and then moves ahead twice more before crashing -
actor START
actor WAIT_ODOM time 4.364s
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.000s x: -2 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.000996
actor STOP time 0.220s
actor AHEAD time 0.017s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.862s distance: 0.502
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.200s x: -1.45 y: 1.5 yaw: 0.0113
actor STOP time 0.360s
actor RIGHT time 0.013s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.647s angle: -23.8
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.110s x: -1.45 y: 1.5 yaw: -25.7
actor STOP time 0.230s
actor AHEAD time 0.009s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.831s distance: 0.501
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.210s x: -0.957 y: 1.26 yaw: -25.9
actor STOP time 0.350s
actor AHEAD time 0.007s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.823s distance: 0.508
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.200s x: -0.46 y: 1.02 yaw: -26
actor STOP time 0.170s
actor AHEAD time 0.005s
actor CRASH time 14.2228s
There is no collision avoidance in mode 5.
In mode 6 we add a simple check before moving forward to see if anything in the field of view directly ahead (defaulting to +/- 20 degrees) is within a certain range (defaulting to 1 metre). If the turtlebot is blocked ahead it rotates left or right according to the given distribution.
In mode 7 we add a further check. When the turtlebot is blocked ahead it looks to the left and right at the rotation angle (defaulting to 30 degrees), so that if the turtlebot is also blocked to the left it turns right, and vice-versa. Thus, in mode 7 the turtlebot spends less time oscillating in corners.
Now we run model 76, which was discussed above in Physical configuration. The model076.json
file is
"update_interval" : 1,
"act_interval" : 10,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model076",
"mode" : "mode007",
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
Run the simulation at 20x -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env016.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
Run the actor -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model076.json
This is the log before it crashes -
model076_1_10 induce summary slice: 1441937 diagonal: 33.2406 fud cardinality: 112 model cardinality: 1811 fuds per threshold: 1.12
model076_1_11 induce summary slice: 1573023 diagonal: 33.9256 fud cardinality: 129 model cardinality: 2190 fuds per threshold: 1.29
model076_2 induce summary slice: 1704951 diagonal: 29.6998 fud cardinality: 850 model cardinality: 15972 fuds per threshold: 0.944245
model076_2 induce summary slice: 1706485 diagonal: 14.0399 fud cardinality: 851 model cardinality: 15983 fuds per threshold: 0.944265
We can take model 76 as the initial model to create model 77, run at 4x to avoid crashes -
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env012.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model077.json
"update_interval" : 2,
"act_interval" : 2,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model_initial" : "model076",
"structure_initial" : "struct001",
"model" : "model077",
"mode" : "mode007",
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
This is the tail end of the log -
model077_2 induce summary slice: 1706675 diagonal: 29.3814 fud cardinality: 3925 model cardinality: 67049 fuds per threshold: 0.993641
Model 76 has an active size of 90,178. The level two active has a fuds per threshold per size of 0.944265, which is lower than similar models in TBOT02
. Model 77 has an active size of 395,073. Its level two active has a fuds per threshold per size of 0.993641, which is higher than that of model 76 but still lower than similar models in TBOT02
The lower model measures might be due to the fact that a bug in TBOT02
meant that it used a WMAX
of 9 instead of 18 for the level two active, inadvertently improving the likelihood.
More likely, it is due to the time it spends oscillating in corners. If we analyse the substrate we can see that the actual distribution of the actor actions suggests that it travels forward far less often than it should -
cd ~/TBOT03_ws
./main substrate_analyse model076_2
hr->dimension: 2
hr->size: 90178
({(motor,0)},27837 % 1)
({(motor,1)},35473 % 1)
({(motor,2)},26868 % 1)
({(location,door12)},1036 % 1)
({(location,door13)},1412 % 1)
({(location,door14)},1013 % 1)
({(location,door45)},502 % 1)
({(location,door56)},867 % 1)
({(location,room1)},23366 % 1)
({(location,room2)},12752 % 1)
({(location,room3)},17196 % 1)
({(location,room4)},16792 % 1)
({(location,room5)},7013 % 1)
({(location,room6)},8229 % 1)
cd ~/TBOT03_ws
./main substrate_analyse model077_2
hr->dimension: 2
hr->size: 395073
({(motor,0)},128717 % 1)
({(motor,1)},139604 % 1)
({(motor,2)},126752 % 1)
({(location,door12)},4762 % 1)
({(location,door13)},5044 % 1)
({(location,door14)},4840 % 1)
({(location,door45)},2048 % 1)
({(location,door56)},4209 % 1)
({(location,room1)},97649 % 1)
({(location,room2)},51097 % 1)
({(location,room3)},58539 % 1)
({(location,room4)},86744 % 1)
({(location,room5)},38283 % 1)
({(location,room6)},41858 % 1)
We can compare this to a TBOT01
dataset -
./main analyse data009
hr->dimension: 363
hr->size: 172301
({(motor,0)},17809 % 1)
({(motor,1)},136432 % 1)
({(motor,2)},18060 % 1)
({(location,door12)},2067 % 1)
({(location,door13)},2365 % 1)
({(location,door14)},2012 % 1)
({(location,door45)},1288 % 1)
({(location,door56)},2314 % 1)
({(location,room1)},42708 % 1)
({(location,room2)},19975 % 1)
({(location,room3)},17110 % 1)
({(location,room4)},45058 % 1)
({(location,room5)},16658 % 1)
({(location,room6)},20746 % 1)
and TBOT02
the actor turned even if the way ahead was not blocked but the side opposite to its turn bias was blocked. Also the turn direction depended on the bias which rarely changed during the actual turning.
This might also partly explain why location
entropies of these two models is so much higher than similar sized models in TBOT02
. Before going on to consider improvements to the random mode, however, let us see how well model 77 fares with navigating to a goal room.
mode 8 is very similar to TBOT02
mode 4 . Firstly, the topology is cached at startup rather than being recalculated for each action. Secondly, instead of a slice topology, mode 8 crosses with the location
to create a slice-location
topology. The count of transitions in the shortest path from local slice-location
to the global goal slice-location
set is more realistic than without location
because of the high label entropy. The corresponding shortest-path neighbourhood should, in theory, provide a useful basis for the actions -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env009.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 2,
"act_interval" : 2,
"no_induce" : true,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model_initial" : "model077",
"structure_initial" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode008",
"logging_update" : true,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 commander room5 60 17 50
This is the log after 2 hours -
transition_success_rate: 12.3143
transition_expected_success_rate: 8.33337
transition_null_rate: 63.1134
room_initial: room5
TBOT03 commander node has been initialised
goal: room2 n: 1 mean: 892 std dev: 0 std err: 0 running mean: 892 running std dev: 0 running std err: 0
goal: room6 n: 2 mean: 2243 std dev: 1351 std err: 955.301 running mean: 2243 running std dev: 1351 running std err: 955.301
goal: room2 n: 3 mean: 12585 std dev: 14667.3 std err: 8468.19 running mean: 12585 running std dev: 14667.3 running std err: 8468.19
goal: room6 n: 4 mean: 13041 std dev: 12726.8 std err: 6363.41 running mean: 13041 running std dev: 12726.8 running std err: 6363.41
goal: room2 n: 5 mean: 13517 std dev: 11423 std err: 5108.5 running mean: 13517 running std dev: 11423 running std err: 5108.5
goal: room4 n: 6 mean: 13314.8 std dev: 10437.5 std err: 4261.08 running mean: 13314.8 running std dev: 10437.5 running std err: 4261.08
goal: room6 n: 7 mean: 13342.1 std dev: 9663.45 std err: 3652.44 running mean: 13342.1 running std dev: 9663.45 running std err: 3652.44
goal: room2 n: 8 mean: 12430.2 std dev: 9355.77 std err: 3307.76 running mean: 12430.2 running std dev: 9355.77 running std err: 3307.76
goal: room4 n: 9 mean: 12087.6 std dev: 8873.8 std err: 2957.93 running mean: 12087.6 running std dev: 8873.8 running std err: 2957.93
While its marginal transition success rate is (12.3-8.3)/(1.0-0.631) = 10.8%, which is better than that of TBOT02
, the navigation performance is very poor. This is because it frequently becomes stuck in loops or in corners. The problem is that the model does not have a sufficient number of low deviation slices always to provide a path to goal even from room 4 to room 5.
We can demonstrate that this is the case in mode 9. In this mode, the choices that would have been made are calculated and traced but the control is now done manually. In this way we can debug the slice topology. A modification to the commander allows us to set the action -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env009.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 2,
"act_interval" : 2,
"no_induce" : true,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model_initial" : "model077",
"structure_initial" : "struct001",
"mode" : "mode009",
"logging_update" : true,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 commander LEFT
ros2 run TBOT03 commander AHEAD
ros2 run TBOT03 commander RIGHT
In this sequence we begin 3 steps away from room 5 approaching from the right. All previous slices are ambiguous -
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 3.705s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.841s distance: 0.509
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.202s x: -4.41 y: 2.81 yaw: 151
actor STOP time 0.272s
locations[locA]: room4
sliceLocA: 18746890
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-4.41126,2.81218,151.223)
neighbours: {(18746901,2),(18750487,2),(18912336,1),(18928209,1),(18932444,1),(18947899,1),(18947910,2)}
least: 1
neighbourLeasts: {18912336,18928209,18932444,18947899}
transition_success_rate: 27.2727
transition_expected_success_rate: 14.7509
transition_null_rate: 36.3636
record: (-4.9616,2.54394,154.439)
record: (-4.864,2.60797,149.98)
record: (-4.75085,2.43268,148.37)
record: (-4.74081,2.47845,142.994)
record: (-4.72679,2.75988,159.749)
record: (-4.70993,2.38943,141.813)
record: (-4.64723,2.63207,155.35)
record: (-4.60178,3.38246,161.111)
record: (-4.51526,3.1513,-158.949)
record: (-4.41126,2.81218,151.223)
record: (-4.17517,2.79346,140.08)
record: (-2.98415,1.79346,-11.8733)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-4.5074,2.64811,111.19)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.264161
actionsCount: {(1,8)}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 31.260s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.804s distance: 0.509
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.206s x: -4.88 y: 3.09 yaw: 149
actor STOP time 0.244s
locations[locA]: door45
sliceLocA: 18908530
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-4.88708,3.09318,149.362)
neighbours: {(18763110,1),(18800378,1),(18811334,1),(18838031,2),(18838097,2),(18838317,1),(18862715,2),(18866103,1),(18874837,1),(18881965,2),(18882702,2),(18883175,1),(18894736,1),(18894747,1),(18954730,1)}
least: 1
neighbourLeasts: {18763110,18800378,18811334,18838317,18866103,18874837,18883175,18894736,18894747,18954730}
transition_success_rate: 25
transition_expected_success_rate: 13.5216
transition_null_rate: 41.6667
record: (-5.06587,2.8607,142.779)
record: (-5.02026,2.94188,142.548)
record: (-5.01515,2.82079,143.733)
record: (-5.01153,2.9356,142.433)
record: (-5.00167,2.66534,143.85)
record: (-4.99744,2.82138,136.398)
record: (-4.90548,2.918,131.172)
record: (-4.88708,3.09318,149.362)
record: (-4.88625,2.98187,134.417)
record: (-4.87977,2.91927,137.666)
record: (-4.86373,3.11077,140.484)
record: (-4.84094,3.16154,147.353)
record: (-4.83975,2.74191,139.886)
record: (-4.83742,3.05049,150.42)
record: (-4.77453,2.79094,138.483)
record: (-4.77402,2.79014,138.351)
record: (-4.77009,2.85562,140.978)
record: (-4.75207,2.8483,137.7)
record: (-4.72749,3.02889,136.994)
record: (-4.72241,3.34354,129.167)
record: (-4.72136,3.01224,136.367)
record: (-4.68858,3.11888,138.666)
record: (-4.67847,3.21472,142.1)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-4.85484,2.95765,140.057)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.022714
actionsCount: {(1,15)}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 168.113s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.600s distance: 0.501
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.204s x: -5.33 y: 3.4 yaw: 145
actor STOP time 0.328s
locations[locA]: door45
sliceLocA: 18883175
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-5.33604,3.40131,145.413)
neighbours: {(18766377,1),(18807490,0),(18857672,0),(18881998,2),(18894247,0),(18894742,0),(18932620,1),(18947531,0)}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {18807490,18857672,18894247,18894742,18947531}
transition_success_rate: 30.7692
transition_expected_success_rate: 17.6097
transition_null_rate: 38.4615
record: (-5.53493,3.29021,149.403)
record: (-5.52074,3.29973,148.474)
record: (-5.52069,3.30005,148.27)
record: (-5.33604,3.40131,145.413)
record: (-5.30758,3.54669,148.385)
record: (-5.30076,3.46075,146.468)
record: (-5.28061,3.53057,144.279)
record: (-5.21639,3.52913,137.401)
record: (-5.21624,3.48592,137.731)
record: (-5.12453,3.57356,135.499)
record: (-5.0935,3.48735,136.702)
record: (-5.07736,3.45355,139.628)
record: (-5.01815,3.4727,140.735)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-5.27289,3.44858,142.953)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.0210105
actionsCount: {(1,8)}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 51.940s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.758s distance: 0.508
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.204s x: -5.78 y: 3.71 yaw: 145
actor STOP time 0.302s
locations[locA]: room5
sliceLocA: 18894742
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-5.78985,3.71544,145.306)
neighbours: {(18745868,0),(18790506,0),(18805213,0),(18825816,0),(18840633,0),(18857672,0),(18919492,0),(18927918,0),(18956199,0)}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {18745868,18790506,18805213,18825816,18840633,18857672,18919492,18927918,18956199}
transition_success_rate: 35.7143
transition_expected_success_rate: 20.8161
transition_null_rate: 35.7143
actionsCount: {}
We can see that the first step is ambiguous but happens to be correct, the last two steps are correct. That is, there are sometimes low deviation 'tunnels' to goal in certain slices.
This is not always the case, though - this approach from the right has no luck -
actor goal:LEFT
actor LEFT time 6.366s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 0.628s angle: 23.1
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.102s x: -4.14 y: 4.45 yaw: -162
actor STOP time 0.358s
locations[locA]: room4
sliceLocA: 18949928
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-4.13752,4.45259,-161.997)
neighbours: {}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {}
transition_success_rate: 5.26316
transition_expected_success_rate: 4.36042
transition_null_rate: 68.4211
actionsCount: {}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 18.651s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.847s distance: 0.51
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.210s x: -4.66 y: 4.28 yaw: -162
actor STOP time 0.240s
locations[locA]: room4
sliceLocA: 18939632
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-4.67051,4.28111,-162.164)
neighbours: {(18790890,2),(18790934,3),(18809172,3),(18820282,3),(18820337,2),(18835143,1),(18835144,0),(18837376,2),(18855801,3),(18870640,1),(18873412,3),(18888845,2),(18893026,0),(18904520,2),(18923913,1),(18927290,2),(18932911,2),(18939699,0),(18953349,2),(18954449,3)}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {18835144,18893026,18939699}
transition_success_rate: 5
transition_expected_success_rate: 4.14239
transition_null_rate: 70
record: (-4.75839,4.23672,-167.648)
record: (-4.7514,4.2066,-168.771)
record: (-4.70615,4.23509,-163.59)
record: (-4.68102,4.31272,-159.481)
record: (-4.67051,4.28111,-162.164)
record: (-4.63861,4.349,-154.719)
record: (-4.59832,4.26167,-140.724)
record: (-4.59609,4.31813,-157.781)
record: (-4.54589,4.44682,-142.85)
record: (-4.51442,4.36654,-136.012)
record: (-3.67404,4.72455,-160.923)
record: (-3.5936,4.70378,-157.822)
record: (-3.53164,4.73006,-159.069)
record: (-3.50688,4.71231,-163.984)
record: (-3.48899,4.70431,-158.165)
record: (-3.48463,0.813982,-28.9957)
record: (-3.40722,0.817243,-31.9204)
record: (-3.3381,4.74963,-162.584)
record: (-3.29562,4.73266,-162.444)
record: (-3.25783,4.72927,-167.59)
record: (-1.86244,4.24274,156.766)
record: (-1.75437,4.27639,147.845)
record: (-1.73335,0.348791,17.5367)
record: (-1.01467,1.62824,69.544)
record: (-0.951391,1.66583,70.701)
record: (-0.612843,3.75314,109.939)
record: (-0.608354,3.95653,116.129)
record: (-0.607435,3.78828,117.274)
record: (-0.597169,3.85509,112.111)
record: (-0.596998,3.83145,112.563)
record: (-0.57529,3.17496,101.561)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-2.96625,3.7727,-57.2667)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.387261
actionsCount: {(1,4)}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 10.796s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.790s distance: 0.502
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.210s x: -5.19 y: 4.12 yaw: -162
actor STOP time 0.290s
locations[locA]: room5
sliceLocA: 18880926
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-5.19127,4.11592,-162.409)
neighbours: {(18762291,0),(18780166,0),(18793993,0),(18863238,0),(18865020,0),(18894137,0),(18921329,0),(18939699,0)}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {18762291,18780166,18793993,18863238,18865020,18894137,18921329,18939699}
transition_success_rate: 4.7619
transition_expected_success_rate: 3.94514
transition_null_rate: 71.4286
actionsCount: {}
Here is a successful transition -
locations[locA]: door56
sliceLocA: 18754916
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-6.3306,1.29055,84.4717)
record: (-6.38131,1.03265,92.0128)
record: (-6.34975,0.948405,86.993)
record: (-6.33608,0.949404,89.9757)
record: (-6.3306,1.29055,84.4717)
record: (-6.31727,1.03887,85.9343)
record: (-6.30239,1.05015,93.0726)
record: (-6.29992,1.06378,83.2033)
record: (-6.29662,1.13977,91.9588)
record: (-6.27197,1.04943,93.219)
record: (-6.24911,1.10854,94.9866)
record: (-6.23914,1.05122,79.4263)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-6.30674,1.06571,88.6595)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.0159766
neighbours: {(18749295,1),(18763391,0),(18810966,0),(18816560,1),(18855505,0),(18888912,0),(18894940,0)}
least: 0
neighbourLeasts: {18763391,18810966,18855505,18888912,18894940}
transition_success_rate: 4.25532
transition_expected_success_rate: 3.41392
transition_null_rate: 80.8511
actionsCount: {(1,8)}
actor goal:AHEAD
actor AHEAD time 18.274s
actor WAIT_ODOM time 1.778s distance: 0.505
actor WAIT_SCAN time 0.204s x: -6.28 y: 1.83 yaw: 84.5
actor STOP time 0.316s
locations[locA]: room5
sliceLocA: 18855505
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-6.27756,1.83661,84.4508)
In the TBOT02
discussion we said that we can think of each slice as a set of events that corresponds roughly to a particular bounded and oriented area or region of the turtlebot house. Now we can see from the experiments above that the slices often have several configuration clusters. Each event has a coordinate in physical configuration space of x
and yaw
. Each cluster will have a different mean coordinate and variance or deviation. If a slice has more than one cluster then the overall mean is likely to differ from any of the individual cluster means and the overall deviation will be greater than the deviations of any of the clusters. If the model had more events in the slices away from the walls and corners, however, then the model might resolve into single cluster slices, i.e. low deviation slices.
We will attempt to address this problem by reverting the random mode 7 back to the obstruction handling in TBOT01
and TBOT02
Modes 10, 11 and 12 are variations on the obstruction handling in TBOT01
and TBOT02
. They all use a turn bias in order to prevent the turtlebot from oscillating before obstructions. After experimenting with the various modes and parameters, it was found that mode 12 both prevented crashing and reduced the time spent in indecision. Its operation is simple - if there is any obstruction within the collision range and field of view then it turns in the direction of the turn bias only. The turn bias alternates between left and right at random intervals that tend to be longer than needed to escape from the current obstruction. That is, if the turtlebot is blocked it turns randomly to the either left or right, and then usually sticks to that decision until it is free to move at random again.
This is the configuration for model 79 running in mode 12 -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env015.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model079.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model079",
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
Now we find that it spends a larger proportion of its time moving ahead,
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main substrate_analyse model079_2
hr->dimension: 2
hr->size: 347920
({(motor,0)},93325 % 1)
({(motor,1)},161054 % 1)
({(motor,2)},93541 % 1)
({(location,door12)},6035 % 1)
({(location,door13)},4060 % 1)
({(location,door14)},3895 % 1)
({(location,door45)},1776 % 1)
({(location,door56)},4451 % 1)
({(location,room1)},94882 % 1)
({(location,room2)},55812 % 1)
({(location,room3)},30103 % 1)
({(location,room4)},72314 % 1)
({(location,room5)},30709 % 1)
({(location,room6)},43883 % 1)
(Note that, although the fraction of events moving ahead is still lower than in TBOT01
, the distance moved per event is greater.)
However, the reduction in the time spent avoiding obstructions does not translate into lower location
entropy at 0.856429 -
./main location_entropy model079_2
model: model079_2
model079_2 load file name: model079_2.ac time 0.205295s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 347920
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3393
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 58541
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.975224
entropyA: 297969
entropyA/sizeA: 0.856429
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 4.43936e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.7597
Nor does it improve the configuration deviation at 0.202962, which is very similar to models 76 and 77 -
./main configuration_deviation_all model079
model: model079
model079_2 load file name: model079_2.ac time 0.191438s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 347920
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3393
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 58541
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 0.975224
records->size(): 347920
size: 347920
slice_count: 14015
slice_size_mean: 24.8248
deviation: 0.422196
size: 347920
slice_location_count: 35811
slice_location_size_mean: 9.71545
deviation_location: 0.202962
Having determined that obstructions are not a major factor causing the high deviation, we will go on to consider whether the model itself might be the reason. In the default structure 1 configuration there are only 12 underlying models in level one, so it may be the case that features or details with an angular resolution of less than 30 degrees might sometimes have no alignment at level two. This might explain why the turtlebot does not always distinguish between narrow and wide doorways, especially at a distance. Inability to identify landmarks could certainly increase configuration deviation. So, in model 80, we increased the number of underlying to 36, i.e. the angular resolution is decreased to 10 degrees -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env015.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model080.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model080",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
The mode 12 motor
values distribution is similar to that of model 79, as we would expect -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main substrate_analyse model080_2
hr->dimension: 2
hr->size: 222012
({(motor,0)},59977 % 1)
({(motor,1)},101997 % 1)
({(motor,2)},60038 % 1)
({(location,door12)},2888 % 1)
({(location,door13)},2446 % 1)
({(location,door14)},2204 % 1)
({(location,door45)},1569 % 1)
({(location,door56)},3755 % 1)
({(location,room1)},47491 % 1)
({(location,room2)},25840 % 1)
({(location,room3)},19586 % 1)
({(location,room4)},57088 % 1)
({(location,room5)},25111 % 1)
({(location,room6)},34034 % 1)
The location
entropy at 0.895414 and configuration deviation at 0.204491 are little different, however, -
./main location_entropy model080_2
model: model080_2
model080_2 load file name: model080_2.ac time 0.112666s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 222012
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 2426
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 37306
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.09273
entropyA: 198793
entropyA/sizeA: 0.895414
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 2.73308e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.3105
./main configuration_deviation_all model080
model: model080
model080_2 load file name: model080_2.ac time 0.116825s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 222012
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 2426
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 37306
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.09273
records->size(): 222012
size: 222012
slice_count: 7814
slice_size_mean: 28.4121
deviation: 0.427935
size: 222012
slice_location_count: 21223
slice_location_size_mean: 10.4609
deviation_location: 0.204491
Note, though, that the fuds per size per threshold has improved from 0.975224 to 1.09273, which is similar to the TBOT02
case. We might speculate that this is because the increased angular resolution counteracts the more gridlike distribution of the turtlebot's poses in TBOT03
Let us continue to focus on the model by improving the level one models. In model 81 we increase the level one active size, increase the induce threshold and also increase the induction parameters XMAX
and WMAX
. We also alter the level two initial threshold and parameter XMAX
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env015.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model081.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model081",
"valency_scan" : 16,
"level1Count" : 36,
"activeSizeLevel1" : 90000,
"induceThresholdLevel1" : 300,
"induceThresholdInitialLevel1" : 900,
"induceParametersLevel1.xmax" : 1024,
"induceParametersLevel1.wmax" : 18,
"induceThresholdInitial" : 1000,
"induceParameters.xmax" : 1024,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
./main location_entropy model081_2
model: model081_2
model081_2 load file name: model081_2.ac time 0.183945s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 275496
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 2836
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 54419
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.02942
entropyA: 276339
entropyA/sizeA: 1.00306
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 3.45095e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.5263
./main configuration_deviation_all model081
model: model081
model081_2 load file name: model081_2.ac time 0.168261s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 275496
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 2836
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 54419
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.02942
records->size(): 275496
size: 275496
slice_count: 8194
slice_size_mean: 33.6217
deviation: 0.450795
size: 275496
slice_location_count: 25524
slice_location_size_mean: 10.7936
deviation_location: 0.21413
Both the location
entropy and configuration deviation increase.
Note that the fuds per size per threshold are not in fact as low as 1.02942. This is an artefact of the slower induce performance, which causes the model to lag behind the available history. In fact, when the turtlebot eventually crashed, there were 119 slices that had exceeded the induce threshold but were yet to be processed.
In model 82 we run a very similar configuration but with lower WMAX
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env015.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model082.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model082",
"valency_scan" : 16,
"level1Count" : 36,
"activeSizeLevel1" : 90000,
"induceThresholdLevel1" : 300,
"induceThresholdInitialLevel1" : 900,
"induceParametersLevel1.xmax" : 1024,
"induceParametersLevel1.wmax" : 9,
"induceThresholdInitial" : 1000,
"induceParameters.xmax" : 1024,
"induceParameters.wmax" : 9,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
Again, these changes increase the location
entropy and configuration deviation -
./main location_entropy model082_2
model: model082_2
model082_2 load file name: model082_2.ac time 0.0730772s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 90073
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 992
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 16870
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.10133
entropyA: 100869
entropyA/sizeA: 1.11986
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 1.02759e+06
std::log(sizeA): 11.4084
./main configuration_deviation_all model082
model: model082
model082_2 load file name: model082_2.ac time 0.0672517s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 90073
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 992
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 16870
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.10133
records->size(): 90073
size: 90073
slice_count: 2361
slice_size_mean: 38.1504
deviation: 0.471576
size: 90073
slice_location_count: 8877
slice_location_size_mean: 10.1468
deviation_location: 0.235734
In model 83 we go back to the original induce parameterisation of model 80, but add new landmarks to the environment, to see if this can reduce ambiguity in physical configuration,
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model083.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model083",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
./main location_entropy model083_2
model: model083_2
model083_2 load file name: model083_2.ac time 0.286235s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 365483
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3924
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 60527
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07365
entropyA: 406947
entropyA/sizeA: 1.11345
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 4.68146e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.809
./main configuration_deviation_all model083
model: model083
model083_2 load file name: model083_2.ac time 0.280011s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 365483
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3924
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 60527
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07365
records->size(): 365483
size: 365483
slice_count: 13043
slice_size_mean: 28.0214
deviation: 0.442595
size: 365483
slice_location_count: 42663
slice_location_size_mean: 8.56674
deviation_location: 0.188369
Interesingly, we see an increase in location
entropy and general configuration deviation, but a decrease in location
-configuration deviation to 0.188369. We may conjecture that we have added some strong alignments within the rooms where the landmarks have been added, at the cost of configuration deviation relevant alignments between the rooms. Now we run the same model for longer to create model 84 -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model084.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure_initial" : "struct001",
"model_initial" : "model083",
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model084",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
After 929,471 events the location
-configuration deviation has decreased further to 0.167629 -
./main location_entropy model084_2
model: model084_2
model084_2 load file name: model084_2.ac time 1.28805s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 929471
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 10288
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 157302
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.10687
entropyA: 836547
entropyA/sizeA: 0.900025
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 1.27731e+07
std::log(sizeA): 13.7424
./main configuration_deviation_all model084
model: model084
model084_2 load file name: model084_2.ac time 1.29636s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 929471
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 10288
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 157302
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.10687
records->size(): 929472
size: 929471
slice_count: 30632
slice_size_mean: 30.3431
deviation: 0.399805
size: 929471
slice_location_count: 88665
slice_location_size_mean: 10.483
deviation_location: 0.167629
Although we have seen an improvement, the configuration deviation is nowhere near what would be needed to obtain an average deviation of the scale that we see in slices that have only one cluster such as this one from model 77, seen when run in manual mode 9 (also shown above) -
sliceLocA: 18754916
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-6.3306,1.29055,84.4717)
record: (-6.38131,1.03265,92.0128)
record: (-6.34975,0.948405,86.993)
record: (-6.33608,0.949404,89.9757)
record: (-6.3306,1.29055,84.4717)
record: (-6.31727,1.03887,85.9343)
record: (-6.30239,1.05015,93.0726)
record: (-6.29992,1.06378,83.2033)
record: (-6.29662,1.13977,91.9588)
record: (-6.27197,1.04943,93.219)
record: (-6.24911,1.10854,94.9866)
record: (-6.23914,1.05122,79.4263)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-6.30674,1.06571,88.6595)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.0159766
Next, let us try adding a direction
variable to the substrate (a magnetometer, in practice) to see if there exist alignments with it that are strong enough to disambiguate between clusters. In structure struct003
the direction
has a valency of 12. Model 85 is a copy of model 83 with structure struct003
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model085.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct003",
"model" : "model085",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main location_entropy model085_2
model: model085_2
model085_2 load file name: model085_2.ac time 0.374053s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 324795
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3495
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 55642
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07606
entropyA: 356515
entropyA/sizeA: 1.09766
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 4.12196e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.6909
./main configuration_deviation_all model085
model: model085
model085_2 load file name: model085_2.ac time 0.328507s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 324795
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 3495
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 55642
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07606
records->size(): 324795
size: 324795
slice_count: 11700
slice_size_mean: 27.7603
deviation: 0.434392
size: 324795
slice_location_count: 37943
slice_location_size_mean: 8.56008
deviation_location: 0.185767
We can see that the configuration deviation has decreased a little from 0.188369 to 0.185767. If we run model 85 in manual mode 9 we can step ahead once to view a slice with two large clusters and a few unclustered events -
locations[locA]: room4
sliceLocA: 53355277
actor.eventsRecord(historyEventA): (-0.990066,1.47734,-3.1242)
record: (-4.62833,2.18997,-147.263)
record: (-4.18553,1.23923,169.797)
record: (-4.16153,3.68723,-24.6138)
record: (-4.13195,3.70864,-24.7941)
record: (-4.12985,3.73495,-25.6054)
record: (-4.04945,3.65882,-21.4776)
record: (-4.01907,3.96418,-40.2642)
record: (-3.99751,3.88248,-36.9523)
record: (-3.98583,3.88344,-35.0906)
record: (-3.98557,3.51418,-26.7673)
record: (-3.97122,3.4146,-16.2444)
record: (-3.93743,3.38519,-22.0811)
record: (-3.92838,3.3992,-26.6156)
record: (-3.89309,3.87912,-36.2889)
record: (-3.8342,3.16802,-16.6457)
record: (-3.00994,0.726074,-86.2496)
record: (-1.51163,1.03998,132.138)
record: (-1.46686,1.28999,148.558)
record: (-1.31869,0.812944,-100.048)
record: (-1.11409,0.806501,-100.163)
record: (-1.03749,0.817748,-101.157)
record: (-1.00139,0.805619,-98.4984)
record: (-0.990066,1.47734,-3.1242)
record: (-0.945078,0.79466,-98.3732)
record: (-0.916815,0.758091,-94.0738)
record: (-0.907985,0.800604,-95.2947)
record: (-0.856944,0.784582,-98.7587)
record: (-0.689069,0.711402,-85.5383)
record: (-0.676035,0.77519,-95.3396)
record: (-0.668564,0.79086,-95.6515)
record: (-0.664544,0.754784,-90.4891)
recordsMean(recordStandards).config(): (-2.53594,2.08567,-41.7087)
recordsDeviation(recordStandards): 0.268739
Now let us run on until there is sufficient history to compare to the earlier models -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model086.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure_initial" : "struct003",
"model_initial" : "model085",
"structure" : "struct003",
"model" : "model086",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model087.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure_initial" : "struct003",
"model_initial" : "model086",
"structure" : "struct003",
"model" : "model087",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true
./main location_entropy model086_2
model: model086_2
model086_2 load file name: model086_2.ac time 0.950687s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 633806
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 6849
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 106742
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.08061
entropyA: 605275
entropyA/sizeA: 0.954984
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 8.46733e+06
std::log(sizeA): 13.3595
./main configuration_deviation_all model086
model: model086
model086_2 load file name: model086_2.ac time 0.851379s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 633806
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 6849
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 106742
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.08061
records->size(): 633807
size: 633806
slice_count: 21574
slice_size_mean: 29.3782
deviation: 0.406912
size: 633806
slice_location_count: 64548
slice_location_size_mean: 9.81914
deviation_location: 0.170962
./main location_entropy model087_2
model: model087_2
model087_2 load file name: model087_2.ac time 1.45364s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 927748
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 10194
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 157019
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.09879
entropyA: 805245
entropyA/sizeA: 0.867956
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 1.27477e+07
std::log(sizeA): 13.7405
./main configuration_deviation_all model087
model: model087
model087_2 load file name: model087_2.ac time 1.23499s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 927748
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 10194
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 157019
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.09879
records->size(): 927750
size: 927748
slice_count: 30779
slice_size_mean: 30.1422
deviation: 0.388352
size: 927748
slice_location_count: 86902
slice_location_size_mean: 10.6758
deviation_location: 0.162262
Model 87 is a small improvement over model 84 with a configuration deviation of 0.162262 instead of 0.167629. Of course, the improvement is far too small to justify the modification of the substrate. It does suggest, however, that a richer sensorium does improve the map between the model and the configuration and environment. This is what we would expect intuitively.
Now let us return to the original substrate, i.e. without direction
, but instead add a third level defined in structure struct002
. In this level we add two models, the first has underlying frames 0,1,2,3,4,6,8 and 10, the second has underlying frames 0,1,2,3 and 4, and self frames 5 and 10. Model 88 is otherwise a copy of model 83 -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model088.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct002",
"model" : "model088",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true,
"summary_level3" : true
This run crashes after 72,400 events so we continue on in model 89 -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model089.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure_initial" : "struct002",
"model_initial" : "model088",
"structure" : "struct002",
"model" : "model089",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode012",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : true,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : true,
"summary_level2" : true,
"summary_level3" : true
First let's check the level two model -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main location_entropy model089_2
model: model089_2
model089_2 load file name: model089_2.ac time 0.601311s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 536347
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 5822
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 90656
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.08549
entropyA: 540269
entropyA/sizeA: 1.00731
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 7.07578e+06
std::log(sizeA): 13.1925
./main configuration_deviation_all model089
model: model089
model089_2 load file name: model089_2.ac time 0.54833s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 536347
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 5822
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 90656
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.08549
records->size(): 536348
size: 536347
slice_count: 18946
slice_size_mean: 28.3092
deviation: 0.420615
size: 536347
slice_location_count: 57844
slice_location_size_mean: 9.2723
deviation_location: 0.177661
As expected, level two model 89, with 536,347 events, is intermediate between model 83 (365,483 events) and model 84 (929,471 events).
Let us examine the configuration deviation of each of the level three models -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main configuration_deviation_all model089 model089_3_00
active: model089
model089_3_00 load file name: model089_3_00.ac time 0.586668s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 536347
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 5585
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 121552
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.0413
records->size(): 536348
size: 536347
slice_count: 23906
slice_size_mean: 22.4357
deviation: 0.486294
size: 536347
slice_location_count: 96697
slice_location_size_mean: 5.54668
deviation_location: 0.222139
./main configuration_deviation_all model089 model089_3_01
active: model089
model089_3_01 load file name: model089_3_01.ac time 0.592444s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 536347
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 5729
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 124982
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.06815
records->size(): 536348
size: 536347
slice_count: 24116
slice_size_mean: 22.2403
deviation: 0.484602
size: 536347
slice_location_count: 96073
slice_location_size_mean: 5.5827
deviation_location: 0.21878
They both turn out to be more ambiguous, although not much more, presumably because the zeroth frame alignments are less prominent than those of the middle frames. The second model, with two reflexive frames, has more fuds and so is a little more likely than the first model, which has only underlying frames. It also has a slightly better configuration deviation. Both level three models, however, have smaller mean slice sizes than the level two model, with only 5-6 events against 9-10 events.
The mean slice sizes of the level three models are already small, so we cannot expect that crossing the level two model with a level three model will produce a very useful slice topology -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main configuration_deviation_all_3level model089 model089_2 model089_3_00
active: model089
model089_2 load file name: model089_2.ac time 0.494546s
model089_3_00 load file name: model089_3_00.ac time 0.491431s
records->size(): 536348
size: 536347
slice_count: 463822
slice_size_mean: 1.15636
deviation: 0.10275
size: 536347
slice_location_count: 478766
slice_location_size_mean: 1.12027
deviation_location: 0.0341585
./main configuration_deviation_all_3level model089 model089_2 model089_3_01
active: model089
active: model089
model089_2 load file name: model089_2.ac time 0.499151s
model089_3_01 load file name: model089_3_01.ac time 0.503101s
records->size(): 536348
size: 536347
slice_count: 440249
slice_size_mean: 1.21828
deviation: 0.122966
size: 536347
slice_location_count: 460388
slice_location_size_mean: 1.16499
deviation_location: 0.0411679
The location
-configuration deviation is now very small, but that is obviously because the mean slice size is now only between one and two events. That suggests that the models of the different levels are rather orthogonal - so much so, in fact, that crossing gives us little benefit. In other words, crossing the levels causes the map of slice to configuration to be far too over-fitted.
We have attempted to reduce the configuration deviation in various ways. We did this in the hope that the turtlebot's model would map to the physical location closely enough that the turtlebot would be able to reliably navigate its environment. It is clear by now, however, that future efforts are likely to result in only marginal gains because the largest alignments in the sensor substrate do not appear to capture the information that we need. So, instead of focussing on our interests, we will aim now to focus on the turtlebot's interests. That is, we will program the turtlebot to actively seek the highest nearby potential alignments and so increase the rate of growth of its model. In this way we aim to maximise the model likelihood that can be yielded from the sensors given the environment and the compute resources. We will assume that the parameterisation of the induction is reasonably good and consider only the physical search algorithm. To demonstrate that we have succeeded, we shall demonstrate that the interest search mode produces a larger model per history size than a purely random search mode.
To make these modes reasonably comparable we need similar slice topologies in both cases, at least for similar model sizes. To do this we must first create a random search mode that ensures that all possible actions have been tried by the turtlebot for its current slice. In that way the whole immediate neighbourhood will be accessible and the topology will maximise its connectivity and completeness in both cases.
Mode 13 first determines the past set of actions in the events of the current slice. If every possible action has occurred in the slice, all of the actions said to be effective and the next action is taken randomly from the given distribution. If there are any ineffective actions, i.e. those that have not been taken before in this slice, the effective actions are removed from the distribution. The action is then selected at random from the normalised remainder of the distribution. In this way, the slices are made effective with respect to actions as quickly as possible.
Model 92 is a copy of model 83, which has the new landmarks, in mode 13 effective random -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model092.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model092",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode013",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode013" : true,
"logging_mode013_factor" : 1000
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
./main location_entropy model092_2
model: model092_2
model092_2 load file name: model092_2.ac time 0.451896s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 386379
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 4135
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 65611
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07019
entropyA: 388707
entropyA/sizeA: 1.00603
(double)sizeA * std::log(sizeA): 4.9706e+06
std::log(sizeA): 12.8646
./main configuration_deviation_all model092
active: model092
model092_2 load file name: model092_2.ac time 0.378641s
activeA.historyOverflow: false
sizeA: 386379
activeA.decomp->fuds.size(): 4135
activeA.decomp->fudRepasSize: 65611
(double)activeA.decomp->fuds.size() * activeA.induceThreshold / sizeA: 1.07019
records->size(): 386379
size: 386379
slice_count: 13676
slice_size_mean: 28.2523
deviation: 0.422107
size: 386379
slice_location_count: 41275
slice_location_size_mean: 9.36109
deviation_location: 0.178327
Model 92 is a slightly less likely model than model 83, but it has lower location
entropy and configuration deviation. It appears that the effective action slightly improves the map to the environment without affecting the likelihood of the model significantly.
Interest modes 14-16 behave in the same way as random effective mode 13, except in the case where the actions of the current slice are all effective, i.e. all have been tried at least once. In this case mode 13 simply chooses another action randomly according to the given distribution, but the interest modes 14-16 first look to see if there is a decidable action that can be chosen instead. To determine if a slice is decidable, the actor first looks at the forward slice transitions from its current slice to find its immediate neighbourhood slice set. It then repeats the search to find the neighbours of the immediate neighbourhood. That is, to find the set of slices connected by two slice transitions from the current slice. The actor recurses in the slice topology until some limit is reached, such as the total number of connected slices, or the number of slice transitions. Once it has found the set of forward connected slices, it then determines the connected slice which maximises some measure of interest. The actor then works back from this goal slice, recursively reversing the slice transitions until it finds the subset of the actor's immediate neighbourhood, i.e. those slices only one transition away from the current slice. Each of this 'nearest' subset will have the same least number of transitions to the goal slice. If the nearest subset of the neighbourhood is a proper subset, i.e. it is smaller than the neighbourhood itself, then the current slice is defined as decidable and the distribution of actions that only lead to the nearest neighbourhood is used instead of the given effective distribution. When the turtlebot has transitioned to a new slice (whether it has successfully transitioned to one of the shortest path neighbours, or to one of its other known neighbours, or to a newly discovered neighbour), the whole process is repeated. That is, the actor chooses a new goal slice (which may be different from the previous goal slice) and then finds out whether its new current slice is decidable. In this way, the turtlebot will tend to take the shortest routes towards the goal slices. If goals are defined by interest, or potential likelihood, the turtlebot's model should grow more quickly than if the turtlebot acts randomly.
The differences between modes 14, 15 and 16 are differences in implementation. They all have similar functionality and the changes in implementation were made in response to the results of experimentation. In mode 14 the slice topology is notional and is searched by following the sequences of events that start at the events in the current slice. That is, the slice transitions are recomputed as needed. This is laborious and repetitive, and the performance decreases exponentially with transition count. In mode 15, the slice transitions are cached on the actor and so do not need to be recomputed for the current slice. This is considerably faster than mode 14, but it requires recomputing the entire slice transition cache whenever the model changes. In mode 16, the actor makes use of slice transition structures that are maintained by the active during update and induce. That is, in mode 16 the slice topology is cached on the active rather than the actor.
In addition to simplifying the actor implementation and improving the performance of the cache, the active slice topology can optionally be cumulative so that when the active history overflows, the transitions of the rolled off events are retained. (Of course, in the case where there are no longer any events corresponding to a transition, the actor will not know which action it must take to go to a shortest route neighbour, but at least the actor knows that there exists a route to the interest goal and so can modify its behaviour accordingly. For example, it can make a systematic search for a path, or look in sibling slices for events. When we ride a bicycle for the first time in years, it requires a few wobbles, if not crashes, before we regain our former proficiency.)
The three interest modes are all able to run as though they are in random effective mode 13 by means of a random_override
flag set in the configuration. They still calculate the goal slices and the statistics, but ignore the decidable action distribution if it exists.
To begin with, in mode 14, the measure of interest, which determines the goal slice, is merely the size of the slice. The idea is that larger slices are more probably on-diagonal, and hence have greater potential for future alignments. In this way we hope to increase the rate of model growth. Later on, in mode 15, as we shall see, a better measure of interest is used.
Much of the first work in mode 14 was to debug the frequent crashing. Various changes were made to such parameters as: (a) the simulation frames per second, (b) the collision field of view, (c) a rectangular or wedge field of view, (d) the bias mechanism when blocked, and (e) the goal search limits such as the maximum number of open slices. Eventually a degree of stability was obtained.
In this run, the mode 14 was first set to use random effective mode -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env017.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode014",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 100,
"goal_size_maximum" : 99,
"random_max_slice" : true,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 100,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
Now in mode 14 proper -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"level1Count" : 36,
"mode" : "mode014",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 100,
"goal_size_maximum" : 99,
"random_max_slice" : true,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 100,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
The turtlebot logs various statistics at regular intervals of events. We can compare the outputs of the two runs after 52,700 events,
model_2 ev: 52700 fuds: 535 fuds/sz/thrshld: 1.01516 eff: 96.26 dec: 46.19 succ: 6.08 expt: 5.41 null: 50.61 marg: 1.37 live: 402 goals: 1415 hits: 1013 len: 262.52 sz: 56.16 par: 648.90 pos: 0.617875 neg: -0.326120
model_2 ev: 52700 fuds: 544 fuds/sz/thrshld: 1.03224 eff: 96.00 dec: 61.84 succ: 12.36 expt: 6.29 null: 43.31 marg: 10.71 live: 388 goals: 2020 hits: 1632 len: 165.82 sz: 55.95 par: 534.67 pos: 0.593775 neg: -0.307027
In tabular form this looks like -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model_2 | 52700 | 535 | 1.01516 | 96.26 | 46.19 | 6.08 | 5.41 | 50.61 | 1.37 | 402 | 1415 | 1013 | 262.52 | 56.16 | 648.90 | 0.617875 | -0.326120 |
interest | model_2 | 52700 | 544 | 1.03224 | 96.00 | 61.84 | 12.36 | 6.29 | 43.31 | 10.71 | 388 | 2020 | 1632 | 165.82 | 55.95 | 534.67 | 0.593775 | -0.307027 |
The less self-explanatory columns are as follows:
The 'effective' is the percentage of slices that have at least one event for each possible action (turn left, turn right or move ahead). The 'decidable' is the percentage of slices for which the turtlebot could act differently from the default action distribution to better obtain its goals.
The 'null' is the proportion, as a percentage, of slice transitions which are to a previously unknown neighbour. The 'successful' is the proportion of slice transitions which are to decidable shortest route neighbours. The 'expected' is the average of the proportion of neighbours which are shortest route neighbours, for non-null slice transitions. That is, the 'expected' is the success rate that might be expected by chance. The 'margin' is the successful less the expected given non-null. So 'margin' is the measure of how well the turtlebot's actions obtain a transition to a shortest route neighbour.
The 'goals' is the number of goal slices ever set. The 'live' is the current number of goal slices that have not been hit. The 'hits' is the current number of goal slices that have been hit. 'Hit length' is the count of events between a goal slice being set and then hit.
The 'slice size' column is the average size of the current slice. 'Parent size' is the same for the parent of the current slice.
Columns '+ve likelihood' and '-ve likelihood' depend on the following likelihood measure: (ln(slice_size) - ln(parent_size) + ln(WMAX)) / ln(WMAX)
, where WMAX
is the maximum derived volume. By this measure on-diagonal or frequent child slices, i.e. those which are a large proportion of their parent's size, tend to one. Far off-diagonal or rare child slices, i.e. with very few events, are less than zero. Uninteresting child slices have a likelihood measure of around zero, i.e. where the ratio of parent size to child size is approximately WMAX
, which is the case the when the histogram is independent or weakly aligned. So interesting child slices on this measure are either extremely positive or extremely negative. The positive column shows the average positive, and the negative column shows the average negative. For most of the runs below we shall be looking at the positive extreme as our measure for interesting goal, e.g. by maximising the goal slice size, or the fraction of its parent's size. The idea of using this measure of likelihood is that highly aligned descendent histograms tend to have highly aligned ancestor histograms, and so are potential sources of new likelihood in further descendents. Note that an alternative measure might be to use the recalculated derived alignment of the parent slice, but that would treat all its children slices as equally interesting. The alternative method, however, would avoid the phenomenon whereby unusual child slices initially become uninteresting as attention is turned towards them and their count increases to parent size per WMAX
Clearly in this run of mode 14 the turtlebot is behaving differently between random effective mode and interest mode. We can see that the interest mode is more decidable at 61.84% versus 46.19%, while being similarly effective. That means the turtlebot is more often in slices where there is a preferred direction to the nearest goal. Once the turtlebot begins to follow a path to a goal, it tends to stay on or near the path. Each slice on the path is also more likely to be decidable, so overall interest mode tends to have higher decidability than random effective mode.
Also, we can see that the interest mode marginal success rate is higher at 10.71% against 1.37%. That is, the turtlebot succeeds in reaching its desired shortest route neighbours at least 9% more often than chance.
We can see that the model is a little larger in interest mode with the fuds per size per threshold at 1.03224 versus 1.01516. The hit length is much shorter 165.82 versus 262.52. The fraction of hits per goal is higher at 80% versus 71%. Although a margin of around 10% is not a very high action success rate, the continuous pressure does appear to have an effect. At this stage, however, there is not enough evidence to conclude that interest mode is definitely increasing model growth.
If we run for longer we often find that the effect has disappeared, for example -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model_2 | 398500 | 4276 | 1.07302 | 93.39 | 49.22 | 2.12 | 2.16 | 52.61 | -0.08 | 118 | 259 | 141 | 2150.52 | 57.61 | 368.25 | 0.634770 | -0.258065 |
interest | model_2 | 398500 | 4274 | 1.07252 | 92.63 | 56.62 | 5.02 | 1.95 | 57.50 | 7.22 | 119 | 289 | 170 | 2101.32 | 55.95 | 379.68 | 0.621137 | -0.250982 |
Now at 398,500 events the model size, at 4,274 versus 4,276, is very similar, and the hit length is similar, although the hits is a little higher. The margin difference of 7.3% is not much less than at 52,700 events, so we can guess that the random mode has caught up with the interest mode, rather than interest mode falling behind.
We then added two more likelihood measure statistics - the 'average likelihood', which is not split into positive or negative, and the 'hit likelihood', which shows the average likelihood for the goal slices as they are hit.
As we continued testing we found that the interest runs are highly variable, e.g. if we compare at 32,600 events in these runs,
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model_2 | 32600 | 332 | 1.01837 | 96.29 | 45.24 | 7.65 | 6.75 | 46.83 | 1.70 | 254 | 942 | 688 | 159.94 | 56.09 | 738.17 | 0.618442 | -0.345272 | ||
interest | model_2 | 32600 | 340 | 1.04291 | 96.10 | 60.33 | 14.30 | 7.65 | 39.55 | 10.99 | 243 | 1354 | 1111 | 98.23 | 56.17 | 624.86 | 0.595199 | -0.327428 | ||
interest | model_2 | 32600 | 311 | 0.953958 | 95.99 | 63.88 | 13.08 | 7.56 | 41.31 | 9.40 | 213 | 1329 | 1116 | 113.58 | 54.42 | 655.84 | 0.351294 | 0.632307 | 0.578092 | -0.329129 |
interest | model_2 | 32600 | 339 | 1.03985 | 96.20 | 57.56 | 12.72 | 7.91 | 38.65 | 7.85 | 199 | 1272 | 1073 | 117.97 | 56.26 | 562.06 | 0.387543 | 0.627318 | 0.581911 | -0.326883 |
For example, the second interest run in the table has a considerably smaller model at 311 fuds than the random effective run at 332 fuds and the first interest run at 340 fuds. This seems odd when we examine the other statistics - the larger margin, shorter hit length and higher hits compared to random effective. The hit likelihood at 0.632307 is much higher than the average likelihood of 0.351294. The third interest run, by contrast, has a model at 339 fuds that is nearly as large as the first interest run.
We also experimented with the two level three actives in mode 14, but found that the results were even less conclusive than for level two.
After some investigation we found that when the turtlebot is in interest mode it moves along the corridor between rooms 1,2,3 and 4,5,6 much less often than for random effective mode. Sometimes it remains trapped in one set of rooms for the entire run. We can conjecture that requiring only one event for each action, i.e. effective slice, is sometimes insufficient for the turtlebot to discover anything interesting along the corridor. This means that the turtlebot does not explore enough in interest mode, and so its models are rather incomplete. In order to make the modes comparable we eventually restricted the turtlebot to rooms 4,5 and 6 by blocking the corridor in environment 19. We did this from mode 15 onwards. Ultimately, of course, a greater weight will have to be placed on random exploration, but for the moment this restriction will do.
At this point we moved on from mode 14 to mode 15. Here the slice topology is cached on the actor, improving performance and enabling greater functionality as well. Now we could more easily keep track of the parent slice size allowing us to move from a goal of maximum slice size to one of maximum slice size per parent slice size. With maximum slice size we saw large variations in the modelling rate, although possibly this was also because of the corridor problem mentioned above. Initially the maximum slice size measure picks off the highest alignments but later it ends up accidentally boosting slices with low alignments. This is because older slices tend to be larger than newer slices simply as a consequence of the accumulation of events.
Also, there is often a choice of more than one goal slice having the same size just below the induce threshold. If one of these goals is chosen arbitrarily at each event, then the turtlebot can start off in one direction and then change its mind to go in another direction and so waste time oscillating in lower alignments. If we move to maximum slice size per parent slice size instead, this is less likely to occur because the parent sizes of different slices are rarely exactly the same.
The main reason to switch to maximum slice size per parent slice size, however, is that then we are maximising the likelihood measure described above. That is, we will tend to find the most diagonalised or aligned goal slices more quickly, and so improve our chances of finding potential new alignments.
During mode 14 and 15 level three runs we observed that sometimes the modelling rate, measured in fuds per size per induce threshold, would be abnormally large. After some investigation we found that the induce appeared to be recursing down a single decomposition path creating a model that was very deep but highly lopsided having many near singletons. We conjectured that perhaps the induce threshold of only 100 was producing quite a lot of chance shuffle alignments with the result that the later parts of the model consisted of essentially random partitions. We traced the alignments that were obtained during induction and found that there were quite a lot of very small alignments. The distribution was 'U'-shaped with a minimum at around a 6% diagonal. We assumed that below that minimum most of the alignments were caused by the coarse shuffle. So we added a minimum allowed diagonal limit to the active. Below that limit it no longer adds a fud, but waits and retries later. To prevent constant retries at incremental events we also added a stepped sequence of induce thresholds on fail, e.g. this is actor.json
with the additional configuration,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
With the minimum diagonal limit set to 6%, and the turtlebot also restricted to rooms 4, 5 and 6, we made some mode 15 runs, e.g.
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env019.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor actor.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "actor",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"mode" : "mode015",
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
We can compare these mode 15 runs at 36,000 events -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 360 | 0.999972 | 96.26 | 46.41 | 8.03 | 7.79 | 46.04 | 0.45 | 19 | 437 | 418 | 184.60 | 56.66 | 680.04 | 0.380548 | 0.862271 | 0.615651 | -0.323553 |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 358 | 0.994417 | 96.19 | 46.69 | 8.83 | 8.32 | 45.24 | 0.93 | 11 | 442 | 431 | 155.04 | 55.48 | 549.81 | 0.390565 | 0.878057 | 0.615325 | -0.286318 |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 358 | 0.994417 | 96.21 | 46.66 | 8.37 | 7.96 | 46.28 | 0.76 | 13 | 397 | 384 | 195.52 | 55.80 | 528.34 | 0.390294 | 0.873051 | 0.608259 | -0.312380 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 401 | 1.11386 | 95.89 | 70.19 | 14.24 | 8.21 | 33.40 | 9.06 | 17 | 555 | 538 | 140.16 | 56.60 | 579.13 | 0.383769 | 0.897542 | 0.592533 | -0.325611 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 372 | 1.0333 | 96.11 | 60.03 | 14.69 | 8.67 | 36.41 | 9.46 | 27 | 618 | 591 | 112.68 | 56.55 | 579.68 | 0.386420 | 0.892925 | 0.596425 | -0.325404 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 374 | 1.03886 | 96.01 | 59.88 | 13.52 | 7.94 | 37.93 | 8.99 | 20 | 677 | 657 | 117.17 | 56.10 | 615.06 | 0.384956 | 0.896843 | 0.594560 | -0.332610 |
These three runs in random effective mode and then interest mode generally seem to confirm that maximising goal slice size per parent slice size does slightly increase the model growth rate. The hit likelihood is also higher than it was when the goal was maximum slice size, at around 0.89 versus around 0.63. In interest mode the marginal success rate of around 9% is producing more decidable slices, higher hits, lower hit length and hence higher fuds per size per threshold.
The effect continues until 69,000 events at least -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 69,000 | 695 | 1.00723 | 96.34 | 48.19 | 7.99 | 7.42 | 47.96 | 1.09 | 17 | 660 | 643 | 308.09 | 56.09 | 481.49 | 0.410795 | 0.889171 | 0.617150 | -0.275622 |
random | actor_2 | 69,000 | 713 | 1.03332 | 96.29 | 47.74 | 7.62 | 7.24 | 48.76 | 0.73 | 22 | 595 | 573 | 347.46 | 56.36 | 480.07 | 0.412921 | 0.884487 | 0.617248 | -0.295943 |
interest | actor_2 | 69,000 | 751 | 1.08839 | 95.99 | 61.69 | 13.28 | 7.86 | 39.51 | 8.97 | 37 | 830 | 793 | 223.59 | 57.13 | 561.76 | 0.410579 | 0.901542 | 0.602529 | -0.312157 |
interest | actor_2 | 69,000 | 737 | 1.0681 | 95.82 | 62.57 | 12.30 | 7.25 | 40.49 | 8.49 | 30 | 881 | 851 | 244.61 | 56.31 | 554.80 | 0.408571 | 0.904610 | 0.598199 | -0.312692 |
But from 100,000 events the random and interest runs are beginning to converge -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 100,000 | 1063 | 1.06299 | 96.34 | 48.66 | 6.87 | 6.49 | 49.74 | 0.77 | 29 | 790 | 761 | 522.39 | 56.67 | 465.68 | 0.422140 | 0.894239 | 0.621712 | -0.286731 |
interest | actor_2 | 100,000 | 1070 | 1.06999 | 95.86 | 65.68 | 11.92 | 6.85 | 41.57 | 8.68 | 36 | 1102 | 1066 | 374.30 | 56.48 | 532.94 | 0.413223 | 0.907592 | 0.598660 | -0.301512 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 155,000 | 1663 | 1.0729 | 96.37 | 49.28 | 6.16 | 5.76 | 50.26 | 0.80 | 36 | 1170 | 1134 | 839.99 | 56.96 | 445.41 | 0.428965 | 0.902739 | 0.628176 | -0.278908 |
interest | actor_2 | 155,000 | 1679 | 1.08322 | 96.07 | 64.63 | 11.28 | 6.49 | 42.28 | 8.30 | 54 | 1459 | 1405 | 738.22 | 57.08 | 467.72 | 0.427589 | 0.906392 | 0.602969 | -0.280159 |
interest | actor_2 | 155,000 | 1651 | 1.06515 | 95.90 | 65.93 | 10.71 | 6.10 | 43.61 | 8.17 | 64 | 1505 | 1441 | 706.97 | 56.93 | 490.78 | 0.420760 | 0.910780 | 0.601186 | -0.289404 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 232,000 | 2486 | 1.07155 | 96.45 | 49.85 | 5.62 | 5.36 | 49.88 | 0.52 | 43 | 1644 | 1601 | 1276.38 | 57.34 | 445.15 | 0.434260 | 0.907416 | 0.632389 | -0.275920 |
interest | actor_2 | 232,000 | 2498 | 1.07672 | 95.99 | 67.49 | 9.87 | 5.55 | 44.32 | 7.77 | 72 | 2025 | 1953 | 1240.00 | 57.31 | 490.07 | 0.428419 | 0.914166 | 0.606430 | -0.282565 |
It appears that random effective search is not much less efficient at model discovery than interest search over time. We can conjecture that this is because the motor action volume is small and so the slice topologies in both cases are as complete and connected as the sensor alignments permit.
Having observed a small difference in growth rates, it is worth noting at this point that random and interest modes look qualitatively different. In random mode the turtlebot tends to run in a straight line, usually until it is obstructed but sometimes with occasional turns to the left or right. This accords with the action distribution where a move ahead is 10 times more probable than either turn. The behaviour in interest mode appears quite different. In this mode, the turtlebot does one or two steps ahead and then oscillates, turning left and right repeatedly for a few actions. This is probably because the uncertainty of the turtlebot's position causes wormholes for interest goals just as it does for room goals. In cases where there is little configuration deviation we would expect there to be less vacillation.
Now let us continue on from mode 15 to mode 16. As mentioned above, mode 16 places the cached slice topology on the active. In addition, the topology information can be set to cumulative. When cumulative the topology retains the transitions of events that have rolled off because of history overflow.
In mode 16 we saved the models. They can be loaded from the workspace repository. This is the configuration that was used to create model 103, for example -
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/gazebo_models
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
gazebo -u --verbose ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws/env019.model -s libgazebo_ros_init.so
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model103.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model103",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"mode" : "mode016",
"event_maximum" : 100000,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"cumulative_slice" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
The mode 16 runs generally confirm the findings in mode 15 as expected. The following shows them both, side by side -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 360 | 0.999972 | 96.26 | 46.41 | 8.03 | 7.79 | 46.04 | 0.45 | 19 | 437 | 418 | 184.60 | 56.66 | 680.04 | 0.380548 | 0.862271 | 0.615651 | -0.323553 |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 358 | 0.994417 | 96.19 | 46.69 | 8.83 | 8.32 | 45.24 | 0.93 | 11 | 442 | 431 | 155.04 | 55.48 | 549.81 | 0.390565 | 0.878057 | 0.615325 | -0.286318 |
random | actor_2 | 36,000 | 358 | 0.994417 | 96.21 | 46.66 | 8.37 | 7.96 | 46.28 | 0.76 | 13 | 397 | 384 | 195.52 | 55.80 | 528.34 | 0.390294 | 0.873051 | 0.608259 | -0.312380 |
random | model100_2 | 36,000 | 371 | 1.03053 | 96.23 | 46.22 | 11.44 | 10.77 | 46.30 | 1.25 | 11 | 450 | 439 | 168.88 | 55.92 | 588.18 | 0.382392 | 0.887521 | 0.611288 | -0.304849 |
random | model102_2 | 36,000 | 362 | 1.00553 | 96.24 | 46.20 | 10.50 | 9.94 | 47.65 | 1.07 | 18 | 417 | 399 | 182.57 | 55.44 | 469.41 | 0.401853 | 0.888562 | 0.607212 | -0.284820 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 401 | 1.11386 | 95.89 | 70.19 | 14.24 | 8.21 | 33.40 | 9.06 | 17 | 555 | 538 | 140.16 | 56.60 | 579.13 | 0.383769 | 0.897542 | 0.592533 | -0.325611 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 372 | 1.0333 | 96.11 | 60.03 | 14.69 | 8.67 | 36.41 | 9.46 | 27 | 618 | 591 | 112.68 | 56.55 | 579.68 | 0.386420 | 0.892925 | 0.596425 | -0.325404 |
interest | actor_2 | 36,000 | 374 | 1.03886 | 96.01 | 59.88 | 13.52 | 7.94 | 37.93 | 8.99 | 20 | 677 | 657 | 117.17 | 56.10 | 615.06 | 0.384956 | 0.896843 | 0.594560 | -0.332610 |
interest | model101_2 | 36,000 | 372 | 1.0333 | 95.99 | 61.81 | 16.16 | 10.42 | 38.41 | 9.31 | 17 | 681 | 664 | 138.50 | 55.65 | 552.00 | 0.378556 | 0.890606 | 0.585895 | -0.296460 |
interest | model103_2 | 36,000 | 361 | 1.00275 | 96.09 | 58.05 | 15.56 | 10.80 | 39.31 | 7.85 | 23 | 641 | 618 | 143.81 | 55.41 | 583.36 | 0.374962 | 0.900021 | 0.591339 | -0.331747 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 69,000 | 695 | 1.00723 | 96.34 | 48.19 | 7.99 | 7.42 | 47.96 | 1.09 | 17 | 660 | 643 | 308.09 | 56.09 | 481.49 | 0.410795 | 0.889171 | 0.617150 | -0.275622 |
random | actor_2 | 69,000 | 713 | 1.03332 | 96.29 | 47.74 | 7.62 | 7.24 | 48.76 | 0.73 | 22 | 595 | 573 | 347.46 | 56.36 | 480.07 | 0.412921 | 0.884487 | 0.617248 | -0.295943 |
random | model100_2 | 69,000 | 716 | 1.03767 | 96.24 | 48.27 | 10.50 | 9.91 | 49.55 | 1.17 | 15 | 595 | 580 | 279.56 | 56.23 | 523.63 | 0.408577 | 0.898077 | 0.618627 | -0.284617 |
random | model102_2 | 69,000 | 696 | 1.00868 | 96.31 | 47.87 | 10.17 | 9.82 | 50.33 | 0.71 | 19 | 546 | 527 | 301.03 | 55.81 | 481.50 | 0.411925 | 0.898892 | 0.611391 | -0.274062 |
interest | actor_2 | 69,000 | 751 | 1.08839 | 95.99 | 61.69 | 13.28 | 7.86 | 39.51 | 8.97 | 37 | 830 | 793 | 223.59 | 57.13 | 561.76 | 0.410579 | 0.901542 | 0.602529 | -0.312157 |
interest | actor_2 | 69,000 | 737 | 1.0681 | 95.82 | 62.57 | 12.30 | 7.25 | 40.49 | 8.49 | 30 | 881 | 851 | 244.61 | 56.31 | 554.80 | 0.408571 | 0.904610 | 0.598199 | -0.312692 |
interest | model101_2 | 69,000 | 712 | 1.03187 | 95.93 | 62.15 | 15.07 | 10.31 | 42.35 | 8.25 | 23 | 856 | 833 | 223.28 | 56.24 | 524.30 | 0.402010 | 0.895195 | 0.591345 | -0.290725 |
interest | model103_2 | 69,000 | 711 | 1.03042 | 96.06 | 61.95 | 14.98 | 10.35 | 42.39 | 8.02 | 35 | 886 | 851 | 202.73 | 55.94 | 552.03 | 0.392625 | 0.906884 | 0.591122 | -0.312349 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | actor_2 | 100,000 | 1063 | 1.06299 | 96.34 | 48.66 | 6.87 | 6.49 | 49.74 | 0.77 | 29 | 790 | 761 | 522.39 | 56.67 | 465.68 | 0.422140 | 0.894239 | 0.621712 | -0.286731 |
random | model100_2 | 100,000 | 1066 | 1.06599 | 96.26 | 48.95 | 10.14 | 9.63 | 50.77 | 1.04 | 19 | 697 | 678 | 387.83 | 56.60 | 481.98 | 0.419998 | 0.902292 | 0.621421 | -0.276846 |
random | model102_2 | 100,000 | 1014 | 1.01399 | 96.37 | 48.41 | 9.89 | 9.73 | 51.42 | 0.32 | 28 | 649 | 621 | 418.98 | 56.10 | 448.83 | 0.418957 | 0.904255 | 0.615044 | -0.267376 |
interest | actor_2 | 100,000 | 1070 | 1.06999 | 95.86 | 65.68 | 11.92 | 6.85 | 41.57 | 8.68 | 36 | 1102 | 1066 | 374.30 | 56.48 | 532.94 | 0.413223 | 0.907592 | 0.598660 | -0.301512 |
interest | model101_2 | 100,000 | 1043 | 1.04299 | 95.89 | 65.92 | 14.27 | 9.76 | 43.70 | 8.01 | 28 | 1010 | 982 | 309.18 | 56.63 | 504.96 | 0.414278 | 0.899931 | 0.596064 | -0.283803 |
interest | model103_2 | 100,000 | 1059 | 1.05899 | 96.06 | 62.93 | 14.52 | 10.20 | 43.86 | 7.70 | 38 | 1007 | 969 | 304.78 | 56.49 | 518.10 | 0.407378 | 0.909914 | 0.595356 | -0.306074 |
Usually interest mode performs slightly better than random mode for fuds per size per threshold, but not always, and the effect disappears over time. Presumably it depends on chance to some extent in the well explored space of the turtlebot house. The other statistics, such as decidability, hits, hit length and margin, are consistently better for interest.
Now, to see if restricting the active history could magnify this admittedly small effect, we re-ran with the active history size limited to 36,000 events, for example -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model105.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model105",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"activeSize" : 36000,
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"mode" : "mode016",
"event_maximum" : 100000,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"cumulative_slice" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 36,000 | 354 | 0.983333 | 96.29 | 46.55 | 11.15 | 10.54 | 45.69 | 1.13 | 15 | 486 | 471 | 169.33 | 55.37 | 721.19 | 0.362385 | 0.878915 | 0.609484 | -0.342496 |
interest | model105_2 | 34,000 | 354 | 1.04115 | 95.99 | 66.54 | 17.59 | 11.41 | 36.16 | 9.67 | 18 | 536 | 518 | 152.08 | 56.11 | 570.63 | 0.375260 | 0.897357 | 0.584845 | -0.313397 |
interest | model105_2 | 36,000 | 377 | 1.04722 | 96.01 | 66.77 | 17.43 | 11.33 | 36.32 | 9.58 | 18 | 546 | 528 | 158.81 | 56.07 | 564.48 | 0.376588 | 0.897838 | 0.584558 | -0.310345 |
After 36,000 events the difference between interest and random modes is similar to those of the unrestricted case, as we would expect. Note that we have also shown the interest mode run at 34,000 events, when it attained the same model size as it did in the random mode 2,000 events later. We can see that the hit length is considerably shorter for interest mode when compared to random mode at similar model sizes.
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 69,000 | 397 | 1.10278 | 96.65 | 48.09 | 10.64 | 10.40 | 49.56 | 0.47 | 15 | 663 | 648 | 239.85 | 65.04 | 794.20 | 0.390452 | 0.891047 | 0.607374 | -0.324972 |
interest | model105_2 | 39,000 | 397 | 1.10278 | 95.98 | 68.02 | 17.39 | 11.29 | 36.16 | 9.56 | 20 | 573 | 553 | 160.82 | 56.18 | 547.92 | 0.380543 | 0.899638 | 0.585254 | -0.306455 |
interest | model105_2 | 69,000 | 488 | 1.35556 | 95.77 | 69.10 | 16.30 | 10.99 | 40.20 | 8.88 | 20 | 729 | 709 | 254.88 | 62.28 | 583.19 | 0.388904 | 0.906130 | 0.574267 | -0.296982 |
After 69,000 events the difference is very noticeable with the interest model having 488 fuds against the random model's 397 fuds. At this point we have overflowed the active history to nearly double. Both modes have far smaller models than for the unrestricted runs, which were around 700 fuds, but the interest mode has been affected somewhat less than the random run. In fact, the interest run attains the same model size as random mode does at only 39,000 events. At this point the interest hit length of 160.82 events is much less than random's 239.85 events.
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 100,000 | 413 | 1.14722 | 96.89 | 48.65 | 10.28 | 9.89 | 50.98 | 0.80 | 16 | 817 | 801 | 305.50 | 79.49 | 974.56 | 0.398501 | 0.893936 | 0.598836 | -0.319544 |
interest | model105_2 | 41,000 | 416 | 1.15556 | 95.89 | 68.59 | 17.39 | 11.21 | 36.27 | 9.70 | 19 | 585 | 566 | 175.49 | 56.40 | 544.48 | 0.381425 | 0.900430 | 0.584489 | -0.306270 |
interest | model105_2 | 100,000 | 567 | 1.575 | 95.56 | 68.88 | 15.91 | 11.02 | 42.25 | 8.47 | 24 | 895 | 871 | 311.47 | 71.85 | 639.92 | 0.394403 | 0.910728 | 0.567270 | -0.287951 |
At 100,000 events the effect is still more marked - interest does considerably better than random, but both models are far smaller than the unrestricted case.
Now we repeated our level three testing in mode 16 with restricted active history, e.g.
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model110.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct002",
"model" : "model110",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"activeSize" : 36000,
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"dynamic_underlying_frames" : true,
"dynamic_self_frames" : true,
"mode" : "mode016",
"event_maximum" : 100000,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"cumulative_slice" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
Compare the level three model 0 results -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model108_3_00 | 36,000 | 334 | 0.927778 | 95.74 | 46.13 | 13.80 | 13.14 | 41.73 | 1.15 | 11 | 394 | 383 | 197.27 | 50.76 | 622.34 | 0.315036 | 0.900853 | 0.508180 | -0.286994 |
random | model109_3_00 | 36,000 | 289 | 0.802778 | 95.86 | 44.50 | 15.77 | 15.25 | 33.54 | 0.79 | 13 | 408 | 395 | 207.07 | 81.24 | 1247.11 | 0.254427 | 0.887767 | 0.515455 | -0.289640 |
random | model109_3_00 | 36,000 | 303 | 0.841667 | 95.89 | 45.10 | 16.74 | 15.53 | 37.02 | 1.92 | 8 | 454 | 446 | 185.80 | 63.07 | 913.84 | 0.277610 | 0.897847 | 0.506304 | -0.291926 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 32,000 | 309 | 0.965595 | 94.78 | 62.48 | 13.18 | 11.76 | 46.98 | 2.69 | 24 | 461 | 437 | 164.87 | 49.08 | 706.87 | 0.273032 | 0.919191 | 0.502432 | -0.314157 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 36,000 | 345 | 0.958333 | 94.72 | 63.12 | 12.85 | 11.43 | 48.13 | 2.75 | 26 | 485 | 459 | 182.22 | 48.94 | 699.10 | 0.277094 | 0.921462 | 0.503640 | -0.310155 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model108_3_00 | 69,000 | 371 | 1.03056 | 96.16 | 47.96 | 12.18 | 11.56 | 45.75 | 1.15 | 10 | 564 | 554 | 297.06 | 48.96 | 518.87 | 0.349512 | 0.919401 | 0.510349 | -0.268770 |
random | model109_3_00 | 69,000 | 336 | 0.933333 | 96.18 | 46.75 | 14.84 | 14.49 | 37.44 | 0.56 | 14 | 604 | 590 | 296.54 | 72.99 | 1402.47 | 0.285376 | 0.903251 | 0.508504 | -0.281510 |
random | model109_3_00 | 69,000 | 342 | 0.95 | 96.37 | 47.28 | 15.62 | 14.39 | 41.26 | 2.10 | 11 | 663 | 652 | 291.73 | 57.61 | 914.68 | 0.310189 | 0.912366 | 0.499346 | -0.279625 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 36,000 | 345 | 0.958333 | 94.72 | 63.12 | 12.85 | 11.43 | 48.13 | 2.75 | 26 | 485 | 459 | 182.22 | 48.94 | 699.10 | 0.277094 | 0.921462 | 0.503640 | -0.310155 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 69,000 | 412 | 1.14444 | 94.51 | 64.80 | 11.13 | 9.73 | 53.38 | 3.01 | 27 | 671 | 644 | 272.03 | 46.55 | 650.89 | 0.304365 | 0.933935 | 0.500293 | -0.293498 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model108_3_00 | 100,000 | 383 | 1.06389 | 96.40 | 48.54 | 11.78 | 11.12 | 47.53 | 1.26 | 13 | 709 | 696 | 346.44 | 47.48 | 480.83 | 0.361820 | 0.927733 | 0.506065 | -0.262147 |
random | model109_3_00 | 100,000 | 346 | 0.961111 | 96.68 | 48.01 | 15.03 | 14.18 | 42.67 | 1.47 | 9 | 848 | 839 | 338.07 | 54.99 | 906.07 | 0.324826 | 0.916725 | 0.494765 | -0.278084 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 36,000 | 345 | 0.958333 | 94.72 | 63.12 | 12.85 | 11.43 | 48.13 | 2.75 | 26 | 485 | 459 | 182.22 | 48.94 | 699.10 | 0.277094 | 0.921462 | 0.503640 | -0.310155 |
interest | model110_3_00 | 100,000 | 429 | 1.19167 | 94.47 | 66.72 | 10.18 | 8.82 | 56.19 | 3.10 | 30 | 820 | 790 | 347.43 | 44.80 | 580.25 | 0.319701 | 0.938269 | 0.497233 | -0.286532 |
level three model 0 also shows a gain in interest mode, although there is more variation and the difference is smaller because of the lower margin advantage (of only ~1.5%). As well as larger model, the hit length is shorter at comparable model sizes.
This is the configuration for the level three model 1 run -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model112.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct002",
"model" : "model112",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"activeSize" : 36000,
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"dynamic_underlying_frames" : true,
"dynamic_self_frames" : true,
"mode" : "mode016",
"event_maximum" : 100000,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"level3_model" : 1,
"cumulative_slice" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
Compare the level three model 1 results -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model111_3_01 | 36,000 | 351 | 0.975 | 95.48 | 45.51 | 16.58 | 15.49 | 34.65 | 1.67 | 13 | 467 | 454 | 178.85 | 50.04 | 525.73 | 0.310814 | 0.906649 | 0.508665 | -0.260506 |
interest | model112_3_01 | 36,000 | 333 | 0.925 | 94.80 | 61.97 | 16.90 | 15.46 | 34.58 | 2.21 | 24 | 491 | 467 | 198.31 | 48.84 | 613.80 | 0.274583 | 0.922566 | 0.499403 | -0.284718 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model111_3_01 | 69,000 | 407 | 1.13056 | 95.77 | 47.83 | 15.72 | 14.56 | 39.33 | 1.91 | 16 | 656 | 640 | 262.09 | 47.44 | 454.42 | 0.334764 | 0.922916 | 0.498400 | -0.246804 |
interest | model112_3_01 | 69,000 | 399 | 1.10833 | 94.88 | 64.31 | 16.22 | 14.43 | 38.19 | 2.91 | 24 | 700 | 676 | 300.59 | 47.78 | 540.97 | 0.312510 | 0.934025 | 0.495006 | -0.272241 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model111_3_01 | 100,000 | 414 | 1.15 | 96.10 | 48.54 | 14.82 | 13.83 | 41.09 | 1.68 | 18 | 848 | 830 | 322.21 | 45.68 | 424.15 | 0.348421 | 0.933329 | 0.493750 | -0.242395 |
interest | model112_3_01 | 100,000 | 413 | 1.14722 | 94.83 | 65.48 | 15.84 | 14.05 | 39.69 | 2.97 | 24 | 895 | 871 | 360.60 | 46.46 | 524.69 | 0.327121 | 0.939560 | 0.491731 | -0.274445 |
This run of level three model 1 suggests that interest mode is worse than random mode, although interest mode appears to catch up later on. We do not have a sample size large enough for statistical analysis and the small margins may be causing the variations in the random runs to overlap with the variations in the interest runs. Perhaps, also, the self frames as configured here are disadvantageous compared to underlying frames in this case where experience is limited.
To conclude our investigation of interest mode we examined the case of unusual slices. These are goal slices where the likelihood measure is extremely negative instead of extremely positive. Unusual slices are almost empty and therefore far off-diagonal. The idea is that these rare cases are potentially likely. By exploring them we hope also discover new model alignments.
Here is the configuration of unusual mode, again with restricted active history -
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/TBOT03_ws
ros2 run TBOT03 actor model113.json
"update_interval" : 1,
"linear_maximum" : 0.45,
"angular_maximum_lag" : 6.0,
"act_interval" : 1,
"structure" : "struct001",
"model" : "model113",
"level1Count" : 36,
"induceParametersLevel1.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParametersLevel1.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"activeSize" : 36000,
"induceParameters.diagonalMin" : 6.0,
"induceParameters.induceThresholds" : [110,120,150,180,200,300,400,500,800,1000],
"mode" : "mode016",
"event_maximum" : 100000,
"distribution_AHEAD" : 10.0,
"collision_range" : 0.85,
"collision_field_of_view" : 20,
"collision_rectangular" : false,
"turn_bias_factor" : 10,
"open_slices_maximum" : 1000,
"size_override" : false,
"bias_if_blocked" : true,
"random_override" : false,
"unusual" : true,
"cumulative_slice" : true,
"logging_update" : false,
"logging_action" : false,
"logging_action_factor" : 100,
"logging_level1" : false,
"logging_level2" : false,
"summary_level1" : false,
"summary_level2" : false,
"logging_mode" : true,
"logging_mode_factor" : 1000,
"tracing_mode" : false,
"logging_hit" : true
Comparing random, interest and unusual modes at various stages -
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 36,000 | 354 | 0.983333 | 96.29 | 46.55 | 11.15 | 10.54 | 45.69 | 1.13 | 15 | 486 | 471 | 169.33 | 55.37 | 721.19 | 0.362385 | 0.878915 | 0.609484 | -0.342496 |
interest | model105_2 | 34,000 | 354 | 1.04115 | 95.99 | 66.54 | 17.59 | 11.41 | 36.16 | 9.67 | 18 | 536 | 518 | 152.08 | 56.11 | 570.63 | 0.375260 | 0.897357 | 0.584845 | -0.313397 |
interest | model105_2 | 36,000 | 377 | 1.04722 | 96.01 | 66.77 | 17.43 | 11.33 | 36.32 | 9.58 | 18 | 546 | 528 | 158.81 | 56.07 | 564.48 | 0.376588 | 0.897838 | 0.584558 | -0.310345 |
unusual | model113_2 | 34,000 | 356 | 1.04703 | 95.91 | 65.58 | 15.59 | 10.89 | 38.59 | 7.64 | 4 | 63 | 59 | 1138.80 | 56.10 | 598.65 | 0.385424 | -1.355617 | 0.604146 | -0.303234 |
unusual | model113_2 | 36,000 | 373 | 1.03611 | 95.95 | 65.23 | 15.16 | 10.69 | 38.78 | 7.30 | 4 | 64 | 60 | 1123.78 | 56.23 | 590.55 | 0.388678 | -1.354190 | 0.603861 | -0.300429 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 69,000 | 397 | 1.10278 | 96.65 | 48.09 | 10.64 | 10.40 | 49.56 | 0.47 | 15 | 663 | 648 | 239.85 | 65.04 | 794.20 | 0.390452 | 0.891047 | 0.607374 | -0.324972 |
interest | model105_2 | 39,000 | 397 | 1.10278 | 95.98 | 68.02 | 17.39 | 11.29 | 36.16 | 9.56 | 20 | 573 | 553 | 160.82 | 56.18 | 547.92 | 0.380543 | 0.899638 | 0.585254 | -0.306455 |
interest | model105_2 | 69,000 | 488 | 1.35556 | 95.77 | 69.10 | 16.30 | 10.99 | 40.20 | 8.88 | 20 | 729 | 709 | 254.88 | 62.28 | 583.19 | 0.388904 | 0.906130 | 0.574267 | -0.296982 |
unusual | model113_2 | 39,000 | 397 | 1.10278 | 95.84 | 65.42 | 14.59 | 10.42 | 39.29 | 6.88 | 6 | 67 | 61 | 1169.87 | 56.39 | 589.71 | 0.389362 | -1.353725 | 0.600681 | -0.299106 |
unusual | model113_2 | 69,000 | 506 | 1.40556 | 95.50 | 67.49 | 13.08 | 9.43 | 41.04 | 6.19 | 8 | 96 | 88 | 2317.35 | 62.55 | 603.17 | 0.406610 | -1.352047 | 0.589237 | -0.288284 |
type | model | events | fuds | fuds/sz/thrshld | effective | decidable | successful | expected | null | margin | live | goals | hits | hit length | slice size | parent size | likelihood | hit likelihood | +ve likelihood | -ve likelihood |
random | model104_2 | 100,000 | 413 | 1.14722 | 96.89 | 48.65 | 10.28 | 9.89 | 50.98 | 0.80 | 16 | 817 | 801 | 305.50 | 79.49 | 974.56 | 0.398501 | 0.893936 | 0.598836 | -0.319544 |
interest | model105_2 | 41,000 | 416 | 1.15556 | 95.89 | 68.59 | 17.39 | 11.21 | 36.27 | 9.70 | 19 | 585 | 566 | 175.49 | 56.40 | 544.48 | 0.381425 | 0.900430 | 0.584489 | -0.306270 |
interest | model105_2 | 100,000 | 567 | 1.575 | 95.56 | 68.88 | 15.91 | 11.02 | 42.25 | 8.47 | 24 | 895 | 871 | 311.47 | 71.85 | 639.92 | 0.394403 | 0.910728 | 0.567270 | -0.287951 |
unusual | model113_2 | 42,000 | 413 | 1.14722 | 95.76 | 65.93 | 14.61 | 10.17 | 39.48 | 7.32 | 6 | 69 | 63 | 1613.97 | 56.58 | 587.71 | 0.392572 | -1.355193 | 0.601463 | -0.298701 |
unusual | model113_2 | 100,000 | 582 | 1.61667 | 95.17 | 68.05 | 13.34 | 9.82 | 42.45 | 6.12 | 11 | 134 | 123 | 2689.06 | 71.42 | 688.81 | 0.409873 | -1.359421 | 0.578342 | -0.282494 |
Unusual mode actually seems to be better than interest mode when the history overflows, in spite of a smaller margin, but this is perhaps also because of the small sample size. As expected, the hit length is very large - the goal slice is hard to obtain by definition. Also, as expected, the hit likelihood is at the opposite end of the spectrum, around -1.35, and there are fewer goal and live slices. For both unusual and interest modes the slice size is smaller than for random at comparable fud counts. This is because in both interest and unusual modes the turtlebot tends to spend more time traversing recently induced slices, i.e. in newly created model.
In some ways the fact that unusual mode does well is surprising - when we hit unusual goal slices their size increases towards parent size per WMAX
, and soon they stop being unusual. In order for there to be induction, therefore, the path to these slices and nearby slices must tend to be interesting. That is, rare events often draw attention to interesting places. Perhaps a mixture of interest, unusual and random modes will be the optimal mix for exploration and learning in practice.
Overall, however, by artificially restricting the active history size we have been able to demonstrate that the strategy of deliberately searching for new likelihood accelerates model growth. We can speculate that this is especially the case where the resources for model search are scarce, or the action space is very large.
we successfully implemented active modelling and found that it was no worse than static induced modelling, although not as good as static conditional modelling. We experimented with a slice topology rather than requiring long continuously experienced sequences of events to make decisions, but found that the resultant configuration deviation was too poor to avoid the wormholes and ambiguities that plague the paths, often resulting in looping behaviour and performances worse than random.
There were several explanations that were considered. First, the capture of sense data was often taken while the turtlebot was in motion. Also the action was poorly defined. Another disadvantage is that the slices are sometimes spread out and so the transitions were sensitive to the timing of the actions within them.
the actor was rewritten to address these issues. This helped us to make more successful action decisions in interest mode and to trace the turtlebot's behaviour, but it was not sufficient to improve the configuration deviation enough to navigate from room to room.
This is because the alignments are sometimes such that the events of a slice may have occurred in more than one physical area. Even where the events are contiguous they may be spread out over a very large area. Usually, however, the slice will tend to consist of events that form one or more clusters of quite similar poses. The 'view' from the slice always looks the same to the turtlebot, though, whichever cluster the turtlebot is in. For example, when the turtlebot is in the large central room looking 'north' at the doorway, it sometimes thinks it is looking 'south' at the other doorway, even though we can easily tell at a glance which doorway is which because of their different widths. The trick is to have only one cluster per slice. If the turtlebot cannot distinguish exactly where it is within a room, or which way it is pointing, it clearly cannot make a sensible decision to turn left or right or proceed ahead. In order to have a good map between the turtlebot's model and the physical configuration space, the turtlebot has to be able to distinguish between the clusters. To do this we tried various ideas: a better resolution for the lidar scan, adding landmarks so that the clusters have different views, adding a compass to distinguish between orientations, and considering the dynamic level three model.
None of these hints to the turtlebot, however, were sufficient to reduce the configuration deviation to a low enough level. This is not very surprising if we do not make unfair anthropomorphic comparisons. TBOT03
does not know the general grammar of room navigation. We human beings with our episodic memories have high level models of paths, obstructions, doorways, escalators, etc. We look around to get our bearings when we walk into an unfamiliar room. TBOT03
has none of this, and it appears that it so happens that the largest alignments are not those that help it distinguish between similar views in different locations.
The ironic thing about TBOT03
is that its slice topology is now so complete and connected that it does not accidentally miss any of the wormholes or inconsistent mappings to its physical space that are intrinsic to its sensor alignments. So the turtlebot reliably becomes lost, often ending up in loops. TBOT02
hurtled along so quickly, almost out of control, that its slice topology was no more than a bias or tendency, so that it usually did slighty better than random though its very inefficiency. Given that the alignments appear to be such that there will always be some ambiguity in the TBOT03
model, we abandoned the room navigation goal and aimed instead to explore the slice topology and whether it could help the turtlebot learn more quickly.
After (a) restricting the minimum diagonal, (b) using only rooms 4,5,6 to improve the reliability of the signal, (c) calculating interest likelihood as slice size per parent slice size, and (d) caching the topology on the active, we were able to distinguish clearly between random and interest modes. As well as a qualitative change in behaviour, which suggests that the turtlebot is actively exploring, we found increased decidability, increased marginal action success, reduced hit length for comparable model sizes, and increased total hits. There also appears to be a small advantage of interest goal over random goal in the rate of model increase for the level two active, although this difference disappears over time. Random mode happens, for turtlebot at least, to be a fairly efficient form of exploration, and the interest mode decision action success rate is so low, at only around 10%, that the advantage is fleeting and often not visible at all.
When we went on, however, to restrict the active history size, we found that interest mode had a substantial model growth rate advantage over random, in spite of the low margin. This signal is very strong and so is definite proof that searching for potential model likelihood works as a strategy. In this case we are not particularly restricted by memory resources, but if the sensor substrate were much larger either by variable cardinality or by variable valency, e.g. if the turtlebot had a camera rather than a lidar, then memory might well be limited.
Our experience with the turtlebot experiments, TBOT01
, TBOT02
and TBOT03
, suggests a plan that we should follow in future developments. We have found that for turtlebots the random effective search is quite good at maximising the model, but the resultant map to physical configuration is nonetheless quite bad. In future situations we might find that the random effective search is also quite bad or too slow, for example if the choice of possible actions that the agent could take is very large. We might, however, be able to compensate by smart exploration, and perhaps even more than compensate. Depending on the latent alignments, this might even result in a map to physical configuration that is reliably useful. To improve our chances, given finite compute resources, we should try to choose environments and affordances that have steep, nearby likelihood gradients to peaks of very likely models. The agent will then be able to look around its immediate location, actively searching for potential likelihoods, to find and follow these paths upwards. When the model has reached its optimal state we can set more utilitarian goals. Thus, by being curious or playing, the agent may ultimately display the sort of behaviour that we would class as intelligent.