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Calamares 3.3.0

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@adriaandegroot adriaandegroot released this 12 Dec 08:01
· 280 commits to calamares since this release

It is finally here, a Calamares 3.3 release. In the year-and-a-half that there has not been a sponsored maintainer, the community has created six alpha releases. While not all of the ambitions for a 3.3 release were made real, two of the big-ticket items -- forward compatibility with Qt6 and independence from Boost::Python -- made it.

From this point forward we expect a normal(-ish) community release process with bug reports filed and releases every other month or so.

SHA256: 0c58c62d623454bfdf2cefd162d6eacb20bd022778423f631ff046e08866fdf8
Signing key: 4947 400F 3746 A038 900B  B178 328D 742D 8807 A435