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Merge pull request #2711 from canjs/docs-rx-vs-can
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docs(guides): Comparison - section comparing CanJS with RxJS (observables)
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chasenlehara committed Mar 5, 2019
2 parents 7df990a + ea1fc79 commit 7c323d1
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions docs/can-guides/introduction/
Expand Up @@ -487,6 +487,97 @@ A Dependency Injection system may have a place in other languages, like Java, bu

*See the above code example, and realize that `FriendService`, may in some instances not actually be used in the `FriendComponent`, if some parent module defines a different provider for `FriendComponent`*

### Observables

**CanJS** is centered around it's powerful observable constructs. **Angular 2** provides observables in the form of the officially endorsed third-party library [RxJS]( There are similarities between the **observables** provided by **CanJS** and the **Rx Observables**: They are both objects that you subscribe to with a callback to be called when the values change. They both support a declarative style of coding. They are both lazy, to benefit performance, doing work only when necessary. They both allow for easy asynchronous programming, and a reactive data flow.

But they are actually quite different.

The syntax alone reveals the conceptual difference. **RxJS Observables** embrace a functional reactive paradigm:

var keyup = Rx.Observable.fromEvent($input, 'keyup')
.map(function (e) {
.filter(function (text) {
return text.length > 2;

...where data flows through functions, that convert, filter and transform that data and pass it on to callbacks over time.

**CanJS** supports a more Object Oriented approach:

let Order = DefineMap.extend({
name: "string",
address: "string",
phone: "string",
restaurant: "string",
status: {
value: 'new'
items: {
Value: ItemsList
total: {
get() {
let total = 0.0;
this.items.forEach(item =>
total += parseFloat(item.price));
return total.toFixed(2);

markAs(status) {
this.status = status;;
...where data is packaged along with behaviors (methods) in objects that represent domain concepts.

While **RxJS** offers a **stream** of events and values, **CanJS** offers instances that can be directly acted upon, stored and serialized.

**RxJS Observables** represent a value that can change over time, much like a [can-compute](../../can-compute.html), but **CanJS** also has more advanced observable structures like [maps](../../can-define/map/map.html) and [lists](../../can-define/list/list.html), which represent familiar constructs: an observable object and an observable array. These [maps](../../can-define/map/map.html) and [lists](../../can-define/list/list.html) notify subscribers whenever properties change or elements are inserted or removed, which allows for a very simplified style of coding.

var Person = DefineMap.extend({
first: "string",
last: "string",
get fullName(){
console.log("calculating fullName");
return this.first + " " + this.last;

var hero = new Person({first: "Wonder", last: "Woman"});

**RxJS observables** are essentially containers for values, the values can't be accessed directly, rather they can only access the value through the callbacks provided to the subscribe method. **CanJS observables** in contrast, can be acted on directly, setting new values and reading the current value, which allows for a very natural style of programing. Representing the values in this way, allows **CanJS** observables to also provide a "light typing" system, where classes have an inheritable and extendable interface that you can depend on, and handles conversion to the correct type, even in nested objects.

const Locator = DefineMap.extend({
state: {
type: "string",
set: function(){ = null;
city: "string"

var locator = new Locator({
state: "IL",
city: "Chicago"

**RxJS Observables** provide powerful [FRP]( event-streams, which allow a declarative style of programming that simplifies complex asynchronous code. **CanJS** observables take this even further, with an object oriented data approach, that allows both FRP event-streams with the use of [can-stream](../../can-stream.html) and an even simpler style of programing, where you can act on observable instances directly, and still gain all the power of derived values and reactive updating of the views.

### Steep Learning curve
Angular is known for it’s steep learning curve, and Angular 2 doesn’t really break that reputation.

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