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Operator Guide: Administrator

grioux-neo edited this page Aug 21, 2022 · 7 revisions


  1. An administrator is someone responsible for assigning roles within the site
  2. In addition to all permissions of a Manager, Administrators have permission to modify member permissions within their unit, access to member personal Drive areas, and other member management functions.

Administrator Functions

Site Administrators have access to functionality necessary to manage members and many site configuration items. Site Administration

Duty Positions

Using the site, duty positions may be temporarily assigned to cadets. This is to enable elevated access for a short period of time. For example, if a cadet Flight Sergeant will be unavailable for several weeks, another cadet may be temporarily 'promoted' to flight sergeant in order to carry out the flight sergeant duties in the absence of the normal cadet. Duty Positions

Flight Assignments

Flight membership may be adjusted to meet squadron membership and activity. This page is used to assign specific members to a specific flight. Flight Assignments

Site Configuration

Parameters specific to a flight may be adjusted at this page. A sample screen is shown below. Site Configuration

Permissions Management

This page is where individual members may be authorized specific permissions within the site. Permissions

Custom Permissions

This is a feature to assign specific permissions at a very granular level. Custom Permissions

  • Administer PT - Future Growth
  • Assign tasks - Allows the member to assign tasks within the Event Manager system. Tasks may be viewed or manipulated via the Administration tab
    • No - Cannot assign tasks to others
    • Yes - Can assign tasks to others
  • File management - Allows for manipulation of uploaded files in Event Manager
    • Default - Can manage only own files
    • Full - Can manage own files and unit files
  • Flight Assign - Allows the member to move cadets between flights
    • No - Cannot make flight assignments
    • Yes - Can make flight assignments
  • Muster sheet - Future Growth
  • PT Sheet Management - Future Growth
  • Promotion Management - Allows access to Squadron Reports 'ie SQR 60-1'
    • No - Reports widget is not displayed
    • Yes - Member may access reports via the Administration tab
  • Assign temporary duty positions - Allows for temporary assignment to a duty position within Event Manager only -- this does not affect eServices duty assignments. For example assigning a cadet as Flight Sergeant during assigned flight staff absence; this is useful to allow temporary access to flight information for calldown activity
    • No - Cannot make temporary duty assignments
    • Yes - Can temporarily add duty assignments to cadets within Event Manager
  • Event contact sheet - Future Growth
  • Event link list - Not used. All members can access Event List link in Administration tab
  • ORM OPORD - Future Growth
  • Prospective Member Management - Manage prospective member accounts (add, delete, associate to eServices member)
    • No - Cannot manage prospective member accounts
    • Yes - Can manage prospective member accounts
  • Create notifications - Has permission to send notifications. Only used by Site Developers
    • None - No access to create notifications
    • Global - Can send global notification
  • Manage events - Add or modify events on the calendar (note - this is the same level of access granted to POCs for individual events but this is global - across all events for the unit)
    • No - Cannot add or modify events
    • Add draft events - Can add DRAFT events to calendar (not displayed to public)
    • Full - Can manipulate all events on calendar
  • Manage teams - Add, edit, or delete teams
    • No - Cannot manage teams
    • Yes - Can manage teams
  • Set up Event Attendance Scanners - Allows to place the site in a state to securely accept attendance sign-ins
    • No - Cannot enable event attendance scanner
    • Yes - Can enable event attendance scanner
  • View attendance - View of attendance of self and/or unit members (Flight staff have attendance view for their flight regardless of this setting - this setting is for unit level attendance view)
    • Personal - Can display own attendance only (default if no special permissions)
    • Others - Can view all unit attendance records
  • Permission Management - Add or modify permission levels for specific members
    • No - Cannot modify permissions
    • Yes - Can modify permissions
  • View admin notifications - Future Growth
  • Configure website - Modify site setup parameters such as address, social media accounts, and Flight names and configuration
    • No - Cannot configure Event Manager
    • Yes - Can configure Event Manager