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Operator Guide: Reports

grioux-neo edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 10 revisions


The Reports widget allows authorized members to generate dynamically filled reports. There is currently one report available; additional reports should be available by the end of calendar year 2021.

Accessing the Reports Widget

The reports widget is accessible to members with 'Promotion Management' permission in Event Manager. By default, members assigned a permission level of 'Cadet Staff', 'Manager', or 'Admin' in the Permission Management page of Event Manager will have access to the Reports Widget. Permission levels may be adjusted and specific permissions modified by unit Event Manager website administrators.

Navigating to the Reports Widget

The Reports widget may be accessed from the Administration tab. Click on the Administration tab from any page, then find the "Reports" widget.

SQR 60-1 Cadet status report

This report represents the cadets in a unit and information pertinent to Cadet Programs and Cadet staff leadership groups. This representation provides an 'at a glance' view of squadron achievements and status. There is a main section for full members and a secondary section which lists the names of prospective member cadets.

The columns in the main section are as follows:

  1. Current Grade - The cadet's current grade.
  2. Full Name - The cadet's full name.
  3. CAPID - The cadet's CAP Identification number.
  4. Flight - The flight in which the cadet is assigned in Event Manager.
  5. Exp - Expiration of membership.
    • Blank indicates that the membership is current as of the report and will not expire in the 30 days coming.
    • '<' indicates that the membership will expire in the coming 30 days.
    • 'Y' indicates that the membership has expired. These records will be continued to be displayed for 90 days following membership expiration.
  6. Eligible or Weeks
    • For cadets who are beyond the Curry achievement, this is the date the cadet is eligible for the next promotion on the standard 56 day timeline. This does NOT take into account accelerated promotion timelines afforded to JROTC cadets.
    • For C/AB this is the number of weeks since the establishment of their membership.
  7. Next Grade - The grade of the cadet upon completion of promotion requirements for the current achievement.
    • Grades that span multiple achievements will be reflected here by identifying the same grade as the current and next grades. For example, for a cadet pursuing the Armstrong Achievement, the current grade will be listed as "C/CMSgt" and the 'Next' grade will also be listed as "C/CMSgt".
  8. eSvc Achv - eServices Achievement and Approval status. This is a two-part field. The first part is the achievement number from eServices for which the cadet is pursuing promotion. The second part, separated by a dash, is a one-letter code representing the status of the achievement record in eServices. "I" indicates "Incomplete", "P" indicates "Pending", and "A" indicates "Approved".
  9. LeadLab - Leadership Laboratory status.
    • Blank indicates that a Leadership test is required but has not been completed yet.
    • 'N/A' indicates that a Leadership test is not required for the achievement.
    • A date indicates the date that a passing score was achieved on the appropriate Leadership test.
  10. AeroEd - Aerospace Education status.
    • Blank indicates that an Aerospace test is required but has not been completed yet.
    • 'N/A' indicates that an Aerospace test is not required for the achievement.
    • A date indicates the date that a passing score was achieved on the appropriate Aerospace test.
  11. SDA - Staff Duty Assignment.
    • 'N/A' indicates that an SDA is not required for the achievement.
    • 'Incomplete' indicates that one or more of the SDA requirements are not complete. Consult eServices for additional details.
    • A date indicates that all SDA requirements have been met and the date displayed is the date of the last completed elemeent of the SDA.
  12. HFZ Exp - The date on which HFZ credit will not be available for the cadet.
    • Blank indicates no records were available to establish an expiration date. A physical fitness test should be completed in order to establish eligibility.
    • A date indicates the date on which HFZ credit will expire for the cadet. For Phase I cadets, this is six months after the last attempted physical fitness test. Phase I cadets do not have to pass the scoring criteria to receive promotion credit, they need only establish a baseline by participating in a physical fitness test event. All other cadets credit window is established as expiring on a date six months after the last HFZ event in which the cadet passed the test requirements for their appropriate age.
  13. Drill Test - Drill credit.
    • 'N/A' indicates that a drill test is not required for the achievement.
    • 'Drill 1', 'Drill 2', etc. indicate the drill test that should be administered to the cadet in order to provide credit for the achievement.
    • 'Pt2' indicates that Part 2 of the Wright Brothers achievement should be administered to the cadet in order to provide credit for the achievement.
    • A date indicates the date on which the cadet received credit for drill for the achievement.
  14. Oath - The cadet oath.
    • Blank indicates that the cadet has not yet received credit for the cadet oath for the achievement.
    • 'Y' indicates that the cadet has received credit for the cadet oath for the achievement.
  15. CharDev - Character Development.
    • Blank indicates that the cadet has not received credit for participation in a Character Development session for the achievement.
    • 'N/A' indicates that a Character Development session is not required for the achievement.
    • A date indicates the date that the cadet received credit for participation in a Character Development session for the achievement.
  16. Mentor? - Mentor credit.
    • 'N/A' indicates that credit for mentoring other cadets is not required for the achievement.
    • 'N' indicates that credit for mentoring other cadets is required but not yet complete for the achievement.
    • 'Y' indicates that credit for mentoring other cadets is required for the achievement and is complete.
  17. GES - General Emergency Services.
    • Blank indicates that the cadet has not completed GES.
    • 'Y' indicates that the cadet has completed GES.
  18. O-Flights - Orientation Flights.
    • The number of completed syllabus events for both powered and unpowered orientation flights is indicated in this column.
    • Complete syllabus events are not necessarily flight events. For example, if a cadet flew two syllabus 6 events, and one syllabus 7 event, it would be represented as '2p' because there are three more syllabus events for which the cadet is eligible.
    • Zero syllabus events completed is represented by a _ (underscore) so that those who have not yet flown jump out to the eye as the page is scanned visually.

The columns in the secondary section are as follows:

  1. Full Name - The full name of the prospective cadet
  2. NHQ Association? - Whether or not this Event Manager prospective member record has been associated with a NHQ member record.

SQR 60-20 Cadet HFZ status report

This report represents the cadets in a unit and their associated goal PT scores. It is organized into three tables of dynamic data and two tables of static score requirements. The reports include NHQ members as well as prospective members.

Table 1, Phase 1 Cadets

The first table contains only Phase 1 and prospective member cadets. All of these cadets must attempt the physical fitness test to earn credit.

Table 2, Phase 2-4 Cadets whose HFZ credit expires before MM/DD/YYYY

The second table contains Phase 2 - 4 cadets whose HFZ credit will expire at the end of the month following the month in which the report is run. This allows for advance notice and planning to ensure seamless coverage of HFZ credit and uninterrupted promotion opportunity.

Table 3, Phase 2-4 Cadets whose HFZ credit is not expiring

The third table contains Phase 2 - 4 cadets whose HFZ credit is not expiring. This allows quick reference to cadet staff who should be available to organize and execute, under supervision, the physical fitness test.

Tables 4 & 5, Healthy Fitness Zone Standards

The last two tables contain the standards for Healthy Fitness Zone from CAPP 60-50 Active Cadet Fitness Guide.

The columns in the dynamic (first three) tables are as follows:

  1. CAPID - The cadet's CAP Identification number.
  2. Full Name - The cadet's current grade and full name.
  3. HFZ Expire Date - the date calculated as six months after a PT attempt (Phase 1) or after passing the PT test (Phases 2 - 4). This is the time in which that HFZ score may be used to apply to a promotion event.
  4. Pacer Req. - The pacer score required for the cadet to pass that element of the physical fitness test.
  5. Pacer Score - Open space to hand write in the Pacer score.
  6. Mile Run Req. - The score required for the cadet to pass that element of the physical fitness test.
  7. Mile Run Score - Open space to hand write in the Mile Run score.
  8. Curl Up Req. - The score required for the cadet to pass that element of the physical fitness test.
  9. Curl Up Score - Open space to hand write in the Curl Up score.
  10. Push Up Req. - The score required for the cadet to pass that element of the physical fitness test.
  11. Push Up Score - Open space to hand write in the Push Up score.
  12. Sit Reach Req. - The score required for the cadet to pass that element of the physical fitness test.
  13. Sit Reach Score - Open space to hand write in the Sit Reach score.