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cashTangoTangoCash edited this page Jan 5, 2017 · 4 revisions


list of more that could be done with this script

  • see TODO in this wiki

  • move to python 3 since python 2 support will end

  • some users might not want script v.9 to change tags that are all caps to all lowercase; this could become a command line option This feature was commented out.

  • header added to org files to be optional (some users might not want it) Feature added.

  • links with a wildcard, such as ./wild*ard; emacs knows what to do with such links, but orgFixLinks does not

  • generally streamline script to run faster

  • a list of google searches to go in header

  • python script to communicate with org mode instead of being entirely separate

  • replace python script with native emacs script, or ideally capability is simply added to core of emacs.

  • dry run mode: instead of reverting each org file immediately after processing, revert them all at the end of the whole run. This should remove the error condition when database shows a file contains a unique ID, but the file on disk does not.

  • user may not realize that if they make changes to machine-generated-header, those changes will be lost when file is processed in the future by orgFixLinks. header already states READ ONLY but user may ignore. user could put a lot of work into embellishing the header and then be annoyed when their work is gone.

  • progress bar or similar for situational awareness while script is processing

  • add list of weblinks to header

  • preview of what overwritten org file will look like could show the diff in e.g. meld

  • ability to undo changes (undoing after script completes) made to files on disk if user finds fault with result

  • script seems much too long and complicated in view of what it does

  • my user testing of this script is limited

  • eventually something will change in org mode and then the script has to be updated

  • script might need to better communicate to user how to preview how org file will be rewritten; script generally needs overhaul for user friendliness

  • current wiki is plagued by the kind of documentation I hate trying to read, like defining a thing as a thing. But this lazy style is so easy to fall into.

  • if a link without brackets is immediately followed by a period or a comma or an apostrophe or double quotes or maybe other things, the script gets confused; this is a regex issue Believe this problem is solved?

  • log file with debug statements ends up being really large; seems excessive

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