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TartanDrive: A Large-Scale Dataset for Learning Off-Road Dynamics Models


Download the Data

Data are available via python --download-dir MY_TARGET_DIR. The list of files is given in azfiles.txt. Each file is a compressed folder of several rosbags. Each file is roughly 100GB.


ros (tested for melodic)


Install ros

Follow the instructions on the ros website

Install racepak_msgs

We use a custom message type for our shock travel, wheel RPM and pedal position data. The message descriptions can be found here. In order to install them, you need to do the following:

  1. from this directory ROS workspace's src folder
cp -r physics_atv_racepak <ROS workspace>/src
  1. Build the messages and source
cd ../
source devel/setup.bash
  1. Verify that messages are built
rosmsg show racepak/rp_controls

Install rosbag_to_dataset and wheeledsim_rl

rosbag_to_dataset should be installed as a Python 3 package. From the base directory of this repo:

cd rosbag_to_dataset
pip3 install .
cd ../wheeledsim_rl
pip3 install .

Install rospy for python3

pip3 install rospy

Data Description

Modality Dimension Topic Frequency
State 7 /odometry/filtered_odom 50Hz
Action 2 /cmd 100Hz
RGB Image 1024 x 512 /multisense/left/image_rect_color 20Hz
RGB Map 501 x 501 /local_rgb_map 20Hz
Heightmap 501 x 501 /local_height_map 20Hz
IMU 6 /multisense/imu/imu_data 200Hz
Shock Pos 4 /shock_pos 50Hz
Wheel RPM 4 /wheel_rpm 50Hz
Pedals 2 /controls 50Hz

Camera Parameters

Camera Param Value
image_width 1024
image_height 544
focal_x 477.605
focal_y 477.605
center_x 499.5
center_y 252.0
baseline 0.21

How to generate (torch) training data from bags

Visualization, evaluation and training require that the datasets be stored using torch. In order to generate torch training trajectories, one can use the script in dataset. The script takes the following arguments (also viewable via python3 -h):

Argument Description
--bag_dir The location of the directory containing all of the bag files
--save_to The location to save the resulting torch trajectories
--use_stamps Whther to use the mesage stamps for time or the stamp given in the rosbag message. Setting to True is recommended.
--torch Whether to save the trajectory as a numpy or torch file. Setting to True is recommended.
--zero_pose_init Whether to use the raw GPS state, or to initialize each trajectory to start at (0, 0, 0). Note that this does not rotate the trajectory. Setting to True is recommended.
--config_spec Path to the YAML file that defines how the dataset is to be generated. To recreate the dataset used to train the models in the paper, use ../specs/2021_atv_3.yaml.

Description of the Config Spec YAML

The YAML file to parse datasets is generally a dictionary of {observation, action, dt}, where observations and actions are themselves dictionaries of options. We provide specs/2021_atv_3.yaml as a default.

  1. dt:<rate> gives the time (in s) between each step in the dataset. dt: 0.1 is recommended.
  2. action is a dictionary of the following form:
    type:<rosmsg type>
    options: <dict of topic-specific options>
  1. observation is also a dictionary of topics to be included in the dataset:
    type: <rosmsg type>
    remap: <name to call this topic in the dataset. Omit to use the rostopic name>
    N_per_step: <For time-series data, stack this many messages into a single step>
    options: <topic-specific options>

Supported rostopics

  1. AckermannDriveStamped
  2. Float64
  3. Image
  4. IMU
  5. Odometry
  6. PoseStamped
  7. TwistStamped

Visualize the Data

We provide a script visualization/ that generates a video of the trajectory. Usage: python3 --traj_fp <path to torch traj>.

Visualize Model Predictions

We provide a script that produces a video of model predictions over the entire trajectory. Run python3 -h for usage. Alternatively, evaluation/ can produce single-frame prediction visualizations.

Reproduce Paper Results

Create Train/Test Split

The train/test split used in the paper can be created by running --dataset_fp <path to dir of all torch trajs> --save_to <where to move data>. This will create folders train, test-easy and test-hard in the location specified.

Evaluate World Model

The script eval_prob_world_model in evaluationcan be used to generate RMSE of a model over a directory of torch trajectories. Usage: -h.

Perform Data T-SNE Clustering

We provide the script used to produce the t-SNE plots in our motivational experiment in visualization. Usage: python3 tsne_cluster -h


Tartan Drive dataset tools and utilities.







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