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Progress Reports: Peter Weisbeck

weisbeck edited this page Nov 19, 2012 · 4 revisions


What we said you were going to do this week. Redesign of the UI to get something that looks more polished and meet up with Caylan and Ivan to do some group programming.

What we did this week. Did everything that I said I would do. The redesign looks successful, still needs a bit of work and support for future features.

What we are going to do next week. More work on the UI, hopefully will get AJAX to work for refreshing the post/comment information.

Issues. None.


What we said you were going to do this week. Start working on the UI redesign.

What we did this week. Started working on the UI redesign, coming into place but needs to be refactored into a better hierarchy of templates.

What we are going to do next week. Polish the redesign up a bit and add new features as they come from the backend.

Issues. None.


What we said you were going to do this week. Modify the prototype UI so it is more presentable for the new release and get a local server up for testing.

What we did this week. Got a usable UI up and a local server.

What we are going to do next week. Scrap the old UI and build a new one basically from scratch.

Issues. None.


What we said you were going to do this week. I will continue to work on the UI, adding more features and trying to get a testing environment up so that I can test the python code I write.

What we did this week. I finished the UI for the prototype and I helped with the write-up for the prototype. Wasn't able to get my virtual server up, will try to do that after midterms.

What we are going to do next week. Depending on where the backend features go, continuing to work on the UI and/or start with ajax stuff. Also will be trying to get a testing environment up so that I can test the python code I write.

Issues. None.


What we said you were going to do this week. Last week I was going to start working on the front-end UI to try to get something presentable for the prototype/demo.

What we did this week. Although I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, what I have is a step in the right direction for what we want our project to look like.

What we are going to do next week. I will continue to work on the UI, adding more features and trying to get a testing environment up so that I can test the python code I write.

Issues. I was without a virtual server to test my python code, so that was a bit frustrating, hopefully will get that up this week.

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