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Oliver Schmidt edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 12 revisions

Wget65 is a program to retrieve content from web servers and save it locally. It doesn't support downloading via FTP or HTTPS, only via HTTP.

It is currently available for the enhanced Apple //e.

Wget65 doesn't support a static IP configuration so a DHCP server is obligatory.

The user interface is primarily made up of two input lines for the URL of the content to download and the file name to save that content as. Those input lines provide the two main features of modern shell command lines: Persistent history and dynamic auto-complete.

Key Function
Left Move cursor one char left
Right Move cursor one char right
Ctrl+A Move cursor to start of line
Ctrl+E Move cursor to end of line
Delete Delete char left of cursor
Ctrl+D Delete char under cursor
Up Move to previous history entry
Down Move to next history entry
Tab Move to next auto-complete
Esc Quit from auto-complete

The key combination Ctrl+C quits Wget65 at any point.

Wget65 can not only be used for downloading files from web servers on the Internet. You can also use it very well for transferring files from one of your other machines:

  • Windows: Run the HTTP File Server and drop the file(s) you want to transfer in its Virtual File System.

  • Linux: cd to the directory containing the file(s) you want to transfer and enter python -m SimpleHTTPServer or python3 -m http.server depending on the Python version you want to use.

Let's presume the IP address of your Windows/Linux machine is and the file you want to transfer is named test. So start Wget65 and enter for the URL (Windows) or (Linux). Wget65 is especially well suited for transferring the same file over and over again (e.g. as part of some cross development process) as you just hit Up, Enter, Up, Enter to repeat the last transfer. The video Apple II Cross Development Speedup demonstrates that very process on an Apple //e.

Note: To transfer files in the opposite direction you may use HFS65.

Enhanced Apple //e

The Apple //e version of Wget65 supports the Uthernet II Ethernet card.

The file WGET65 is the actual program. It is intended to be run from BASIC.SYSTEM and returns directly to BASIC. The file WGET65.SYSTEM is intended to be run from a ProDOS selector without the need for BASIC.SYSTEM and returns to the selector (after an additional key press).

Files created by Wget65 are always BIN files with a start address of $0000. If you need something different you can create the desired file with BASIC.SYSTEM before running Wget65 and then have Wget65 overwrite the content of that file. E.g. a SYS file can be created with something like CREATE MYPROGRAM,TSYS or a BIN file with a start address of $2000 can be created with something like BSAVE MYPICTURE,A$2000,L0.

Wget65 presumes the Ethernet card to reside in slot 3. If however your Ethernet card resides in a different slot you can create a file named ETHERNET.SLOT. Only the first byte of that file is relevant. This byte can either represent your Ethernet card slot as binary value (e.g. $04 for slot 4), as ASCII digit (e.g. $34 for slot 4) or as Apple TEXT digit (e.g. $B4 for slot 4).

Wget65 finds ETHERNET.SLOT and the input line history files regardless of the current ProDOS PREFIX.

Beside saving the downloaded content as ProDOS file Wget65 can as well save the content directly to a disk bypassing the ProDOS file system. This is useful if the downloaded content is a disk image. In order to download directly to a disk a Wget65-specific drive specifier with the following format has to be used instead of a file name: !Sx,Dy with x being the slot (from 1 to 7) and y being the drive (1 or 2).

When downloading a disk image file directly to a disk Wget65 needs to use the correct sector order. If Wget65 finds the URL to end with .PO it assumes the file to have ProDOS Sector Order. Otherwise Wget65 decides based on the target disk: For downloads to a 140kB disk it assumes DOS 3.3 Sector Order and for downloads to a disk with any other size it assumes ProDOS Sector Order.

When downloading a disk image file directly to a disk you have to make sure to select the correct slot and drive - Wget65 will e.g. happily download some 140kB game disk image file to your primary 32MB system hard disk! In order to help you to avoid such a situation Wget65 checks, if the target disk contains a ProDOS file system. If it does, then you're asked to confirm that you wants to clobber the ProDOS volume in question.

The file name auto-complete starts with a proposal derived from the URL (if that was possible). Then follow the files and sub-directories present in the current directory. If a / is entered then the next auto-complete lists the files in that directory. If a / is entered as first character then the auto-complete lists all ProDOS volumes. With a ! as first character all drives with a (formatted) disk are listed.

WGET65.SYSTEM supports the ProDOS startup file protocol. If a startup file name is provided it is interpreted as URL and the input line for the URL is skipped. However, URLs passed to Wget65 that way are limited to 127 characters.

So if you are using the Contiki web browser with an Uthernet II you may want to replace the Contiki WGET with WGET65 renamed to WGET (the .SYSTEM files are identical anyway). This setup allows you to use the Contiki web browser to navigate to a disk image file on the web, pass its URL to Wget65 and then download the disk image directly to a disk. The video Download Apple II Disk Image Right To Floppy demonstrates that very process.

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