Lira indexed and organized all your MP3 songs, and you could play them through Winamp.
This was my contribution to Datormagazin's big programming competition in 2003 ("Datormagazins Stora Programmeringstävling 2003"). The winners were revealed in magazine #2, 2004. (I did not get any kind of prize or honorary mention.)
I started working on this just days after Apple released iTunes for Windows on October 16, 2003. You could say this is my iTunes clone.
Lira was built using Borland C++Builder, and I have no idea how to compile it nowadays.
This was not my first C++ project, but as it happened, it would be my last (as of 2023).
(Writing this was a "the journey is the reward" kind of project. I spent a lot of time learning to apply OO principles and patterns to really understand them, and most of it was unnecessary. But I have always struggled with writing just-good-enough code to get it over with. If I'm not learning anything, I probably won't like it.)
guimain.cpp is where the main application form is created, and also where I initialize the Mediator object, that is used for communication between objects without tight coupling (see Mediator Pattern).
It would seem I store the index of all MP3 songs in a flat-file database.
Some of my fellow students at KTH at the time helped me in some way, but I currently fail to remember how (sorry!): Jacek Sieka, Hjalmar Olsson, Charlie Hansson.
And I have to mention the Usenet thread in comp.object
where I got two replies from Uncle Bob: (June 28, 2003).
Original README in Swedish here: