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Quick try-out of (mostly Python) discrete optimization packages.

Contributions via pull requests welcome!

What is this?

The goal here is to find some that are performant, flexible, widely used, easy to install, easy to use, well maintained, have good documentation. At the moment, the evaluation here is super limited, we just tried to install each code and get one simple example to run.

See README files, Python scripts and notebooks in the sub-folders for each package.

A nice introduction to some of these packages is here.


  • A * for each package, with the front-page docs example, so that you can try it out quickly.
  • Wikipedia Sudoku example

Open-source codes

Note that there's two things:

We're only looking at codes where the modeling language is a Python API. Sometimes the line is a bit blurry and a package has built-in solvers, but usually the solvers are separate.

The list above is not extensive at all - just the best options we found so far.

Commercial codes

Unfortunately, it seems that the most performant packages in this domain, such as Gurobi, SCIP or CPLEX are proprietary and expensive (on the order of 10 kEUR per year per user or machine). We will not try those out here, since choosing an expensive product causes friction: how many licenses, how to optimise their usage among developers and test and production machines, convincing the company to buy it. If we were to buy a commercial package, using gurobipy seems to be a good choice.

Most of the packages mentioned above (Google OR-Tools, Pyomo, JuMP) offer a model definition API, and have flexible solver backend support, including these commercial solvers. So a possible strategy, if the modeling tool is good enough, to stick with it, and only make a small change to hook up to a better solver at some later time, if needed.

There's also NEOS Server which could be used to try out different solvers, including the commercial ones, without purchasing a license, albeit only on test or open data.


One way to install the codes is to install Anaconda and use this to install all codes:

conda create -n python-discrete-optimization-examples anaconda
conda activate python-discrete-optimization-examples
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install pyomo pyomo.extras coincbc ipopt glpk
conda install pulp
pip install ortools
pip install mip
pip install cvxpy

The COIN and OR-Tools packaging is being improved, see e.g. here and here. There's a COIN-OR optimization-suite-docker, and we could also create our own docker image with all the codes we want to use.

For the Julia and JuMP installation instrucations, see jump



