A spring store is a special kind of store that performs a physics simulation to reach a set target. It can be used to perform animations and to make a UI feel more natural (e.g. in a drag&drop scenario).
The physics simulation
is performed using requestAnimationFrame
if available, otherwise setTimeout
used as a substitute, simulating a 60Hz screen.
This package is based on universal-stores, which are observable containers of values.
npm install @universal-stores/spring
A SpringStore<T>
is a store. In particular,
it's a ReadonlyStore<T>
that exposes its value
and a subscribe
method to listen for changes.
Its value can be either a number, an array of numbers or an object whose values are numbers.
It also contains nested stores, the most important of them being target$
, which contains (and lets you
modify) the current target the spring should reach.
As an example:
import {makeSpringStore} from '@universal-stores/spring';
const spring$ = makeSpringStore(0);
spring$.subscribe(console.log); // immediately prints 0
// Calling `.set(...)` will cause the above subscription
// to emit values ranging from 0 to 1 until the target is reached.
To create a spring, this library provides a makeSpringStore
function. This function
takes one or two arguments: the initial value of the store and an optional configuration
import {makeSpringStore} from '@universal-stores/spring';
const springFromNumber$ = makeSpringStore(42);
const springFromArray$ = makeSpringStore([1, 2, 3]);
const springFromObject$ = makeSpringStore({x: 73, y: 3.14});
The optional configuration object can be used to customize the spring behavior, for example by changing its bounciness and stiffness.
import {makeSpringStore} from '@universal-stores/spring';
const bouncySpring$ = makeSpringStore(42, {
damping: 10,
stiffness: 300,
If you want to add custom methods to a spring and encapsulate some behaviour behind a method, you can use the object spread syntax as shown in the following example:
function makeCustomSpring(): SpringStore<number> & {home(): Promise<void>} {
const spring$ = makeSpringStore(0);
return {
home() {
return spring$.idle();
const customSpring$ = makeCustomSpring();
await customSpring$.idle();
console.log(customSpring$.content()); // 1
await customSpring$.home();
console.log(customSpring$.content()); // 0