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UptimeSharp is a .NET portable class library that integrates the UptimeRobot API.

The wrapper consists of the following parts:

  • Get and modify monitors
  • Get and modify alert contacts
  • Register accounts (unofficial)

Install UptimeSharp using NuGet

Install-Package UptimeSharp

Usage Example

Get your API Key UptimeRobot (right section - "API Settings")

Include the UptimeSharp namespace and it's associated models:

using UptimeSharp;
using UptimeSharp.Models;

Initialize UptimeClient with:

UptimeClient _client = new UptimeClient("[YOUR_API_KEY]");

Do a simple request - e.g. get all your monitors:

List<Monitor> monitors = await _client.GetMonitors()

	item => Debug.WriteLine(item.Name + " | " + item.Type)

Which will output:

frontendplay | HTTP
google | Keyword
localhost | Ping


UptimeClient(string apiKey)

Get your API Key UptimeRobot (left section under "API Information").
Automatic authentication is not available in the moment, but the integration in the API is planned according to UptimeRobot.


Get list of all monitors:

List<Monitor> items = await _client.GetMonitors();

Get monitors by ID - or a single monitor:

List<Monitor> items = await _client.GetMonitors(new string[]{ "12891", "98711" });
// or
Monitor item = await _client.GetMonitor("12891");

Provide additional params for more data:

List<Monitor> items = await _client.GetMonitors(
	monitorIDs: new string[]{ "12891", "98711" },
	customUptimeRatio: new float[] { 7, 30, 45 },
	includeDetails: true

monitorIDs: You can remove this parameter if you want to retrieve all monitors (default: null)
customUptimeRatio: the number of days to calculate the uptime ratio(s) for (default: null)
includeDetails: include log, alerts and response times, if true (default: false)


Adds/creates a new monitor.

Task<Monitor> AddMonitor(
	string name, 
	string target, 
	Type type = Type.HTTP, 
	Subtype subtype = Subtype.Unknown,
    int? port = null, 
	string keywordValue = null, 
	KeywordType keywordType = KeywordType.Unknown,
    string[] alerts = null, 
	string HTTPUsername = null,
	string HTTPPassword = null

Example - Watch a SMTP Server:

Monitor monitor = await _client.AddMonitor(
	name: "cee",
	target: "",
	type: Type.Port,
	subtype: Subtype.SMTP

name: A friendly name for the new monitor
target: The URI or IP to watch
type: The type of the monitor (see # Monitor Types)
subtype: The subtype of the monitor (only for Type.Port) (see # Monitor Types)
port: The port (only for Subtype.Custom)
keywordValue: The keyword value (for Type.Keyword)
keywordType: Type of the keyword (for Type.Keyword)
alerts: An ID list of existing alerts to notify
HTTPUsername: The HTTP username
HTTPPassword: The HTTP password

As you can see, a lot of these parameters are only available if you've specified the correct Type.
If you've selected Type.Port for example, UptimeSharp will ignore the keywordValue and keywordType parameters, even if you submitted valid ones.


Delete a monitor by ID:

bool isSuccess = await _client.DeleteMonitor("12891");

Delete a monitor by a Monitor instance:

// Monitor myMonitor = ...
bool isSuccess = await _client.DeleteMonitor(myMonitor);


In order to modify an existing monitor, just alter the properties of the Monitor instance and call the ModifyMonitor method:

// Monitor myMonitor = ...
myMonitor.Name = "my new name :-)";
bool isSuccess = await _client.ModifyMonitor(myMonitor);

Important: It is not possible to alter the Type of a monitor after its creation! In case you want to do this, you have to delete the monitor and create a new one with the changed type.

Modify Alerts

Retrieve all alerts:

List<Alert> items = await _client.GetAlerts();

Retrieve alerts by IDs:

List<Alert> items = await _client.GetAlerts(new string[]{ "12897", "98711" });

Retrieve a specific alert:

Alert item = await _client.GetAlert("12897");

Adds an alert (Due to UptimeRobot API limitations SMS and Twitter alert contact types are not supported yet):

Alert alert = await _client.AddAlert(AlertType.Email, "");

Adds an alert from instance:

// Alert myAlert = ...
Alert alert = await _client.AddAlert(myAlert);

Deletes an alert:

bool isSuccess = await _client.DeleteAlert("12897");

Deletes an alert from instance:

// Alert myAlert = ...
bool isSuccess = await _client.DeleteAlert(myAlert);

Monitor Types

HTTP Monitoring

Simple HTTP monitor which requests the webpage every 5 minutes and checks for HTTP Status 200 OK.

Keyword Monitoring

The keyword monitor is sniffing the page content if a specified keyword exists/not exists.

The keyword is submitted via the keywordValue parameter. The keywordType parameter specifies if the value should exist or not exist.

Ping Monitoring

This type lets you monitor a server by pinging it.

Port Monitoring

If you want to monitor a port, you need to specify a subType which is a common port a custom one:

  • HTTP :80
  • HTTPS :443
  • FTP :21
  • SMTP :25
  • POP3 :110
  • IMAP :143
  • Custom Port (use the "port" parameter, if this option is selected)

Supported platforms

UptimeSharp is a Portable Class Library, therefore it's compatible with multiple platforms and Universal Apps:

  • .NET >= 4.5 (including WPF)
  • Windows Phone (Silverlight + WinPRT) >= 8
  • Windows Store >= 8
  • Xamarin iOS + Android
  • WP7 and Silverlight are dropped in 4.0, use UptimeSharp < 3.0, if you want to support them





MIT License


🙊 .NET library for the UptimeRobot API







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