Implementation of the first paper on word2vec - Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space. For detailed explanation of the code here, check my post - Word2vec with PyTorch: Reproducing Original Paper.
There 2 model architectures desctibed in the paper:
- Continuous Bag-of-Words Model (CBOW), that predicts word based on its context;
- Continuous Skip-gram Model (Skip-Gram), that predicts context for a word.
Difference with the original paper:
- Trained on WikiText-2 and WikiText103 inxtead of Google News corpus.
- Context for both models is represented as 4 history and 4 future words.
- For CBOW model averaging for context word embeddings used instead of summation.
- For Skip-Gram model all context words are sampled with the same probability.
- Plain Softmax was used instead of Hierarchical Softmax. No Huffman tree used either.
- Adam optimizer was used instead of Adagrad.
- Trained for 5 epochs.
- Regularization applied: embedding vector norms are restricted to 1.
├── config.yaml
├── notebooks
│ └── Inference.ipynb
├── requirements.txt
├── utils
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── weights
utils/ - data loader for WikiText-2 and WikiText103 datasets
utils/ - model architectures
utils/ - class for model training and evaluation
- - script for training
config.yaml - file with training parameters
weights/ - folder where expriments artifacts are stored
notebooks/Inference.ipynb - demo of how embeddings are used
python3 --config config.yaml
Before running the command, change the training parameters in the config.yaml, most important:
- model_name ("skipgram", "cbow")
- dataset ("WikiText2", "WikiText103")
- model_dir (directory to store experiment artifacts, should start with "weights/")
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.