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chameau5050 edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

RevoluteJoin :

Description :

the revoluteJoin is use to model a simple rotating join in funtion of an angle in radian.

Create a revoluteJoin :

to create a revoluteJoin object you need to specifie at least the rotation axis and the position of the next join relativly to the revolute joint.

You can specify on which axis you want to the joint to rotate between X,Y,Z by passing :

VectorSpaceAxis.X for X

VectorSpaceAxis.Y for Y

VectorSpaceAxis.Z for Z

You also need to specifie the next joint position by passing a numpy array with the coordinate x,y,z of the next joint:

np.array([x, y, z])

you can also specifie a limit for the join to do so you only need to pass list containing the minimum and maximum limit:

exemple to specifie a minimum limite of 1 and a maximum limite of 5 you need to pass [1, 5]

code exemple :

  • create a revoluteJoin rotating on X axis without specifing the limit :

join = RevoluteJoin(VectorSpaceAxis.X, np.array([0, 0, 1]))

  • create a revoluteJoin rotating on Y axis specifing the limit (1,6) :

join = RevoluteJoin(VectorSpaceAxis.X, np.array([0, 0, 1]), [1,6])

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