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UI documentation

gigj1302 edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 1 revision


This the parameters tab. It contains features to operate the robot manually.

Connect the robot with the UI

(NOTE 1: Before using any other feature of the UI, these instructions must be done first. Otherwise, the UI will not be connected to the robot and your commands will not execute. NOTE 2: Wait for the initialisation of the robot to be completed and for all the Dynamixel lights to be on.)

  1. Enter the IP and Port of the robot in the “Input” and “Port” fields, respectively.
  2. Click the button “CONNECT”.

Move the robot (Joint)

  1. Select the Joint set of coordinates by clicking on the “JOINT” button. The appropriate fields for the selected set will appear.
  2. Input the desired parameters in the Joint 1 to 4 fields.
  3. Click the button “SEND PARAMETERS”.
  • (The joint set of coordinates reference can be seen here)

Move the robot (Cartesian)

  1. Select the Cartesian set of coordinates by clicking on the “CARTESIAN” button. The appropriate fields for the selected set will appear.
  2. Input the desired parameters in the X, Y and Z fields.
  3. Click the button “SEND PARAMETERS”.
  • (The cartesian set of coordinates reference can be seen here)

Set a Home position

  1. Select the Joint or Cartesian set of coordinates.
  2. Input the desired parameters.
  3. Click the button “SET HOME”.

Return the robot to the Home position

(NOTE: A Home position must have been set first.) Click the button “GO TO HOME”.

Zeroing the position of the robot

Click the button “ZEROTAGE”. Each joint of the robot should move to the position where their switch closes and the linked LED lights up. After all the movements, all 4 LEDs should be on. (shown here).

Penser aussi pt à rajouter UN LIEN VERS L’images qui illustrer le zérotage du robot et sa position d’initialisation.

Open/close the gripper

  1. Move the gripper slider to the desired position. Positioning the slider to the left will open the gripper, while positioning it to the right will close the gripper. The slider makes it possible to open or close the gripper partially.
  2. Click the button “move gripper”.

This is the load/save tab. It contains features to create and execute a text file to operate the robot automatically.

Create a file (through the code display)

Write your code in the code display, one command per line. The commands are:

  • Joint,J1,J2,J3,J4: Move the robot in joint mode, where J1, J2, J3 and J4 are the parameters to input.
  • Cartesian,X,Y,Z: Move the robot in cartesian mode, where X, Y and Z are the parameters to input.
  • HomeJoint,J1,J2,J3,J4: Set a Home position at the (J1, J2, J3, J4) coordinates.
  • HomeCartesian,X,Y,Z: Set a Home position at the (X, Y, Z) coordinates.
  • GoHome: Move the robot to the Home position (NOTE: set a Home position first).
  • Gripper,N: Open or close the gripper (N is an integer value between 1 and 100, with N = 0 being completely open and N = 100 being completely closed).

Create a file (with the buttons)

Click on the buttons to write lines of code on the display. The buttons are:

  • Save Home as current position: Gets the coordinates in the parameters window and writes the HomeJoint line.
  • Go to Home: Writes the GoHome line.
  • Open Gripper: Writes “Gripper,0”.
  • Close Gripper: Writes “Gripper,100”.
  • Move to current position: Gets the coordinates in the parameters window and writes the Joint line.

Save a file

  1. Click the button “Save file name” to open a directory selection window.
  2. Select a folder and type the file name and press the save button in the directory window. The selected file path will appear in the “File name” box.
  3. Press the button “SAVE” in the UI. The code will be saved as a .txt file at the file path and file name in the “File Name Box”. If there is no pre-existing file at the path, it will be created.

Load a file

  1. Click the button “Load file name” to open a directory selection window.
  2. Select the file and press the open button in the directory window.
  3. Press the button “LOAD” in the UI. The selected file code will appear in the display.

Run a file

  1. Select a file with the “Load a file instruction” (NOTE: to run a modified code, save it first).
  2. Press “RUN”.
  • To test the run/load/save functions, you can use the file code_example.txt in the directory GUI\command.