Cancellable biometrics (CB) is one of the major approaches for biometric template protection. However, almost all the prior arts are designed to work under verification (one-to-one matching). This paper proposes a deep learning-based cancellable biometric scheme for face identification (one-to-many matching). Our scheme comprises two key ingredients: a deep rank hashing (DRH) network and a cancellable identification scheme. The DRH network transforms a raw face image into discriminative yet compact face hash codes based upon the nonlinear subspace ranking notion. The network is designed to be trained for both identification and hashing goals with their respective rich identity-related and rank hashing relevant loss functions. A modified softmax function is utilized to alleviate the hashing quantization error, and a regularization term is designed to encourage hash code balance. The hash code is binarized, compressed, and secured with the randomized lookup table function. Unlike prior CB schemes that require two input factors for verification, the proposed scheme demands no additional input except face images during identification, yet the face template is replaceable whenever needed based upon a one-time XOR cipher notion. The proposed scheme is evaluated on five public unconstrained face datasets in terms of verification, closed-set and open-set identification performance accuracy, computation cost, template protection criteria, and security.
title = {Deep Rank Hashing Network for Cancellable Face Identification},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
pages = {108886},
year = {2022},
issn = {0031-3203},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Dong Xingbo and Sangrae Cho and Youngsam Kim and Soohyung Kim and Andrew Beng Jin Teoh},
keywords = {Cancellable Biometrics, Deep Learning, Face Biometrics, Hashing, Identification}
- Installation
- Data Preparing
- Training and Testing
- Using InsightFace pre_build model
- IJBC Evaluation
- References
Create a new python virtual environment by Anaconda or just use pip in your python environment and then clone this repository as following.
git clone
cd IoMArcFace
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate deepIoM-tf2
If you use tensorflow 1.15.0, kindly use:
conda env create -f environment_tf1.yml
conda activate deepIoM-tf1
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you use tensorflow 1.15.0, kindly use:
pip install -r requirements_tf1.txt
If encounter any probelm, you may need to use:
conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0
If you want to try first, you can run the file, and it will firstly load the model, and then read images of two people. The hash code will be generated and the distance will also be computed. The weight file in section [Using InsightFace pre_build model](#Using InsightFace pre_build model) is needed before you use the following example.
You can finally get the distance between same person and different person:
The command is like below:
IoMArcFace$ python --cfg_path .configs/config_15/cfg15_allloss_res100_512x8.yaml
Num GPUs Available: 1
1 Physical GPUs, 1 Logical GPUs
[*] Warning!!!! Cannot find ckpt from None, random weight of IoM layer will be used.
Model: "IoMface_model"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_image (InputLayer) [(None, 112, 112, 3)] 0
arcface_model (Model) (None, 512) 70899904
perm_layer (PermLayer) (None, 512) 0
IoMProjection (Dense) (None, 4096) 2101248
IoMHead (Model) (None, 512) 0
Total params: 73,001,152
Trainable params: 72,929,472
Non-trainable params: 71,680
dist_positive: 318.0, dist_negative: 443.0
The model consists of a feature extractor network, a permutation layer, plus a IoM projection layer.
All datasets used in this repository can be found from face.evoLVe.PyTorch's Data-Zoo.
- Both training and testing dataset are "Align_112x112" version.
To train the ArcFace, MS-Celeb-1M need to be downloaded first:
Download MS-Celeb-1M datasets, then extract and convert them to tfrecord as traning data as following.
# Binary Image: convert really slow, but loading faster when traning.
python data/ --dataset_path="/path/to/ms1m_align_112/imgs" --output_path="./data/ms1m_bin.tfrecord"
# Online Image Loading: convert really fast, but loading slower when training.
python data/ --dataset_path="/path/to/ms1m_align_112/imgs" --output_path="./data/ms1m.tfrecord"
- You can run
python ./
to check if the dataloader work.
To train the deep IoM, use the dataset directory directly, no need to convert images into binary due to the use of triple sampling.
Download LFW, Aged30 and CFP-FP datasets, then extract them to /your/path/to/test_dataset
. These testing data are already binary files, so it's not necessary to do any preprocessing. The directory structure should be like bellow.
-> lfw_align_112/lfw
-> data/
-> meta/
-> ...
-> agedb_align_112/agedb_30
-> ...
-> cfp_align_112/cfp_fp
-> ...
You can modify your own dataset path or other settings of model in ./configs/*.yaml for training and testing, which like below.
# general (shared both in training and testing)
batch_size: 128
input_size: 112
embd_shape: 512
sub_name: 'arc_res50'
backbone_type: 'ResNet50' # or 'MobileNetV2'
head_type: ArcHead # or 'NormHead': FC to targets.
is_ccrop: False # central-cropping or not
# train
train_dataset: './data/ms1m_bin.tfrecord' # or './data/ms1m.tfrecord'
binary_img: True # False if dataset is online decoding
num_classes: 85742
num_samples: 5822653
epochs: 5
base_lr: 0.01
w_decay: !!float 5e-4
save_steps: 1000
# test
test_dataset: '/your/path/to/test_dataset'
- The
is the name of outputs directory used in checkpoints and logs folder. (make sure of setting it unique to other models) - The
is used to choose ArcFace head or normal fully connected layer head for classification in training. (see more detail in ./modules/ - The
means doing central-cropping on both trainging and testing data or not. - The
is used to choose the type of training data, which should be according to the data type you created in the Data-Preparing.
The model (checkpoints file) of the first stage shall be stored under checkpoints/arc_res50/*
You can modify settings of model in ./config_/.yaml for training and testing, which like below.
# general
samples_per_class: 4
classes_per_batch: 50
batch_size: 240
eval_batch_size: 200
input_size: 112
# embd_shape is for the Resnet, backbone
embd_shape: 512
sub_name: 'cfg9_1layer_arc_all_T300_256x32_0'
backbone_type: 'ResNet50' # 'ResNet50', 'MobileNetV2'
head_type: IoMHead # 'ArcHead', 'NormHead'
bin_lut_loss: 'tanh'
hidden_layer_remark: '1'
#T: 300
code_balance_loss: True
quanti: True
# train /media/xingbo/Storage/facedata/vgg_mtcnnpy_160 ./data/split /media/xingbo/Storage/facedata/ms1m_align_112/imgs
train_dataset: '/home/datascience/xingbo/ms1m_align_112/imgs'
#train_dataset: '/media/xingbo/Storage/facedata/vgg_mtcnnpy_160'
img_ext: 'jpg'
dataset_ext: 'ms'
# for metric learning, we have 1. triplet_semi batch_hard_triplet 2. batch_all_triplet_loss 3. batch_all_arc_triplet_loss batch_hard_arc_triplet_loss
loss_fun: 'batch_hard_arc_triplet_loss'
triplet_margin: 0
binary_img: False
num_classes: 85742
# I generate 1 milion triplets
num_samples: 3000000
epochs: 50
base_lr: 0.001
w_decay: !!float 5e-4
save_steps: 10000
q: 32
# m, the projection length would be m x q
m: 256
# test
test_dataset: './data/test_dataset'
test_dataset_ytf: './data/test_dataset/aligned_images_DB_YTF/'
test_dataset_fs: './data/test_dataset/facescrub_images_112x112/'
- The
is the name of outputs directory used in checkpoints and logs folder. (make sure of setting it unique to other models) - The
is used to choose ArcFace head or normal fully connected layer head for classification in training. (see more detail in ./modules/ - The
is the name of binarization look up table (LUT) loss used in training. (tanh,sigmoid, or none) - The
means how many hidden layers used. (possible value: 1,2,3,T1,T2) - The
means using code balance loss on trainging or not. - The
means using quantization loss on trainging or not. - The
is the name of training loss used in traning. (possible value:batch_hard_triplet,batch_all_triplet_loss,batch_all_arc_triplet_loss,batch_hard_arc_triplet_loss,semihard_triplet_loss ) - The
is the name of outputs directory used in checkpoints and logs folder. (make sure of setting it unique to other models) - The
q in IoM - The
m in IoM
Stage 1: Here have two modes for training the arcface your model, which should be perform the same results at the end.
# traning with tf.GradientTape(), great for debugging.
python --mode="eager_tf" --cfg_path="./configs/config_arc/arc_res50.yaml"
# training with
python --mode="fit" --cfg_path="./configs/config_arc/arc_res50.yaml"
Stage 2: Training the deep IoM:
# traning with tf.GradientTape(),For deep IoM, can only train by eager_tf
nohup python -u --cfg_path ./configs/config_10/iom_res50_twostage_1layer_hard_arcloss_256x8_0.yaml >1layer_hard_arcloss_256x8_0.log &
### Testing the performance of deep IoM
python --cfg_path ./configs/config_10/iom_res50_twostage_1layer_hard_arcloss_256x8_0.yaml
Please run
first, then run
In this work, we also try to adopt the original pre-build model by InsightFace team. However, their original model is trained on Mxnet, which is not fit tensorflow directly. Hence we perform the model conversion firstly to generate a tensorflow model.
We adopted their ResNet100 model, the original performance is:
Method | LFW(%) | CFP-FP(%) | AgeDB-30(%) | MegaFace(%) |
Ours | 99.77 | 98.27 | 98.28 | 98.47 |
While after the model conversion, the generated TF2 model performance is:
LFW | AgeDB30 | CFP - FP | |
Accuracy | 0.9960 | 0.9752 | 0.9643 |
EER | 0.0040 | 0.0305 | 0.0387 |
AUC | 0.9987 | 0.9900 | 0.9877 |
Threshold | 0.7340 | 0.7710 | 0.8320 |
There is a slightly accuracy drop, but it is still better than our own trained model.
To use this pre-build model, just set the backbone_type in the config file as Insight_ResNet100:
batch_size: 16
eval_batch_size: 16
input_size: 112
embd_shape: 512
sub_name: 'arc_Insight_ResNet100'
backbone_type: 'Insight_ResNet100' # 'ResNet50', 'MobileNetV2'
head_type: ArcHead # 'ArcHead', 'NormHead'
is_ccrop: False # central-cropping or not
Please note that the weight file is required, it is stored in pre_models/resnet100/resnet100.npy
The weight file and other related files can be downloaded from this link.
Thanks for these source codes porviding me with knowledges to complete this repository.
- ArcFace (Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition, published in CVPR 2019) implemented in Tensorflow 2.0+. This is an unofficial implementation.
- (Official)
- Face Analysis Project on MXNet
- YoloV3 Implemented in TensorFlow 2.0
- face.evoLVe: High-Performance Face Recognition Library based on PyTorch
- Tensoflow implementation of InsightFace (ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition).
- Training a face Recognizer using ResNet50 + ArcFace in TensorFlow 2.0