+++ title = "Configuring for SAML Authentication" draft = false gh_repo = "chef-web-docs" robots = "noindex" aliases = ["/server_configure_saml.html", "/release/automate/server_configure_saml.html"] product = []
[menu] [menu.legacy] title = "Configure SAML" identifier = "legacy/manage/server_configure_saml.md Configure SAML" parent = "legacy/manage" +++
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{{< readfile file="content/reusable/md/EOL_manage.md" >}}
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Chef Manage can support logging in users using SAML authentication. In order to do so, there must be a Chef Automate Server that is configured to act as a SAML Identity Provider (IdP). When the Chef Automate Server is configured to do so, it will provide an OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol end-point that Chef Manage can use to initiate authentication.
To configure the Chef Infra Server management console, first add the
following code to /etc/chef-manage/manage.rb
saml.enabled true
saml.issuer_url '<AUTOMATE OIDC ENDPOINT>'
Second, store your OIDC client credentials with using the Secrets Management commands:
chef-server-ctl set-secret saml client_id '<CLIENT ID>'
chef-server-ctl set-secret saml client_secret '<CLIENT SECRET>'
The issuer_url
property should be set to something like
. Also, the client_id
be known to the Chef Automate server. For development purposes only, you
may also need to turn off the TLS verification for the OIDC client by
saml.verify_tls false
to your Chef Manage configuration.
Finally, run chef-manage-ctl reconfigure
to apply these settings.
{{< warning >}}
You cannot have both LDAP and SAML authentication enabled at the same time. If you do, the reconfigure will fail with an appropriate error message.
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