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chewiebug edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 111 revisions

On this page you find the description of all changes in the releases and the binary downloads.
If you prefer the source code:

SNAPSHOT in a version name means 'build based on latest changes in source code'. SNAPSHOT-releases will be updated for every commit. You may register yourself for updates at sourceforge (click any download link and add your email address to the 'keep me updated' box).

GCViewer 1.37-SNAPSHOT (changes since 1.36)

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GCViewer 1.36 - 30.11.2019 (changes since 1.35)

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GCViewer 1.35 - 28.06.2017 (changes since 1.34.1)

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GCViewer 1.34.1 - 31.01.2015 (changes since 1.34)

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GCViewer 1.34 - 30.11.2014 (changes since 1.33)

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  • general updates
    • save state of timestamp ruler (show time or date) (supplied by Maciej Kwiecien, issue #88)
    • fix an issue in AboutDialog with NimbusLookAndFeel (supplied by Frank Dietrich, issue #89)
    • "used heap" line correctly shows heap level at beginning and end of pause (before, length of pause was ignored) issue #95)
    • new command line argument "-t " to set export type (supplied by Samuel Mendenhall, issue #103)
    • new metric max heap after full gc should help to determine heap sizing
    • new metric max tenured heap after concurrent gc and avg tenured heap after concurrent gc should also help to determine heap sizing
    • fix bug drawing total / tenured / young heap (issue #111)
  • updates for Oracle / OpenJDK parser
    • G1: parsing of logfiles with datestamps but without timestamps (issue #51)
    • G1: support -XX:+PrintGCCause in combination with -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution (issue #105)
    • G1: improve support for Java 8 (read full heap information for Full gc events)
    • CMS: ignore output of -XX:+PrintCMSInitiationStatistics
    • parse output produced by -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime, show it in chart, event details and pause tabs (issues #25, #90, #91, #106)

GCViewer 1.33 - 30.10.2013 (changes since 1.32)


  • general updates
    • fix isSignificant for fullGcPause on gui and in command line mode (supplied by Yin Xunjun, issue #64)
    • new menu items in the "help" menu: "readme" and "license"
    • change JDK version from 1.6 to 1.7 (no support for specific mac version any more)
    • fix display of "tenured heap" numbers in memory tab (derive from "young heap" when no information was present in event)
    • publish gcviewer to maven central (supplied by Reinhard Nägele, issue #54)
    • command line mode supports generation of image files (supplied by Eugene Zimichev, issue #72)
    • support reading GZIPped input streams (supplied by Hans Bausewein, issue #74)
  • updates for Sun / Oracle parser

GCViewer 1.32 14.03.2013 (changes since 1.31)

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GCViewer 1.31 14.07.2012 (changes since 1.31-RC5)

  • updates to the Sun / Oracle G1 parser
    • support new output format (-XX:+PrintGCDetails) in jdk 1.7u2+
    • support -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution (output ignored)
    • support -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime (output ignored)
    • support -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime (output ignored)
  • updates to the Sun / Oracle CMS parser
    • support -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark
    • support -XX:+PrintPromotionFailure (output ignored)
    • support AdaptiveSizePolicy-CMS (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy)
  • improved performance in chart for large gc logs
  • support B as memory unit
  • bug in unittests fixed when they were run in a different timezone than GMT+1
  • support for OSX application bundles (supplied by Johan Kaving)
  • support for new timestamp format in IBM JDK 6 (supplied by Cka3o4Huk)

GCViewer 1.31-RC5 05.02.2012 (changes since 1.31-RC4)

  • -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy implemented for java 1.4 / 1.5 as well
  • small bugfixes in G1 parser / metric calculation
  • G1: treat "Mark stack is full" messages as separate event
  • improved accuracy of young and tenured generation in chart

GCViewer 1.31-RC4 11.01.2012 (changes since 1.31-RC3)

  • "zero"-point of chart starts with first gc event (not always assumed, that "0" seconds is start)
  • new panel showing details about gc pauses found in the log file
  • ignore entries made by -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC
  • ignore entries made by -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy
  • horizontal scrolling in chart with mouse wheel is faster

GCViewer 1.31-RC3 04.12.2011 (changes since 1.31-RC2)

  • More accurate parsing of G1 GC logs
  • initiatingOccupancyFraction is calculated for G1 as well
  • view settings are remembered between sessions
  • new lines allowing more detailed analysis of concurrent collections
    • "concurrent collections": cyan vertical line for every start and pink vertical line for every end of a concurrent collection
    • "initial mark level": yellow line indicating tenured heap usage when concurrent collection starts
  • less parser errors shown (detailed heap sizing statements in the of log files ignored)

GCViewer 1.31-RC2 17.11.2011 (changes since 1.31-RC1)

  • new metric promotion in memory tab
  • Update of version information in about dialog
  • about dialog closes when escape is pressed

GCViewer 1.31-RC1 05.11.2011 (changes since 1.29)

  • option -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps is supported
  • the following CMS full GCs are recognised: ParNew (promotion failed) and CMS (concurrent mode failure)
  • experimental support for G1 GC algorithm (-verbose:GC, but not -XX:+PrintGCDetails)
  • Parser improved to reduce amount of unparseable lines -> better accuracy of metrics
  • More detailed informations about pause times (min / max / avg)
  • More detailed informations about heap usage (total heap / tenured / young / perm)
  • CMS GC: initiatingOccupancyFraction in memory tab (start of concurrent collections)
  • Parse error dialog is not shown, when logfile is watched
  • smaller gcviewer-xxx.jar (*.psd removed)
  • Needs JVM 1.6 to run (1.4 before)