When built for development, use cntl-D to toggle Chrome Developer Tools.
- compile interceptty
- install DOSBox
- install Z80 emulator Z80MU
- setup DOSBox config. add:
serial1=directserial realport:ttys002 mount C "/Users/tynor/Documents/DOSBox/SYNHCS" mount A "/Users/tynor/Documents/DOSBox/SYNHCS/SYNHCS/CARTS" mount B "/Users/tynor/Documents/DOSBox/SYNHCS/SYNHCS/VOICES/Internal" C:
run interceptty and take note of device it allocates. after it starts ls -l /tmp/tty.proxy to find the pty to use for dosbox. Edit the DOSBox preferences accordingly
~/src/3rdParty/interceptty/interceptty -v /dev/cu.usbserial-AL05OC8S /tmp/tty.proxy
* Start DOSBox
* Start Z80MU
* Start SYNHCS