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Ryan Johnson edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

Installing fpga-tool-perf

fpga-tool-perf, like the rest of the Symbiflow tools, works on Linux machines only.

The Simple Commands:

git clone
cd fpga-tool-perf
make install_symbiflow
make install_quicklogic
TOOLCHAIN=symbiflow make env
TOOLCHAIN=quicklogic make env
TOOLCHAIN=nextpnr make env

Close and re-open the terminal.


P.S. The Vivado toolchain may not work until you specify the location of Vivado's file. For example:

export VIVADO_SETTINGS=/home/student/Xilinx_2017.2/Vivado/2017.2/

The Detailed Explanation:

Step 1.

cd to the location you would like and then clone the repository. For Example:

cd ~
git clone
cd fpga-tool-perf/

Step 2.

This step will install Miniconda within the fpga-tool-perf/env directory and create an environment called fpga-tool-perf-env, populating it with all the needed packages (from default channels and from symbiflow). This will take some time. First, we install the needed tools, and then make the environment with the following commands:

make install_symbiflow
make install_quicklogic
TOOLCHAIN=symbiflow make env
TOOLCHAIN=quicklogic make env
TOOLCHAIN=nextpnr make env

Step 3.

Close and re-open the terminal.

If Vivado is not saved to the default location /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.2/, then export the path to your Vivado file under the name VIVADO_SETTINGS. For Example:

export VIVADO_SETTINGS=/home/student/Xilinx_2017.2/Vivado/2017.2/

You may consider adding that line to your .bashrc file.

Step 4.

Activate the environment that has been created. This can be done by running conda activate fpga-tool-perf-env, but has been prepared to do that among other things, so just run source For Example:


You are all set! Now check out the wiki page for help getting started with toolchain testing.

Initially created by Ryan Johnson, August 2020.