Build a Gameified Progression tracker full stack Application using the MERN stack
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- Create an external javascript file
- Add Dice images
- Create a random number
- Change the
to a random dice - Change both image elements
- Change the title so it displays a winner
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
- Javascript
-How to add an external js file into HTML:
<script src="URL"></script>
-If you want to have the external JS file to be run at the end then we add defer to the script:
<script src="URL" defer></script>
<!-- A script tag with defer waits until the entire parser is done and then runs all scripts marked with defer in the order they are encountered. -->
-How to add an external image to html
src="URL of external image"
alt="something you would say when reading the page t someone over the phone"
-the alt attribute provides alternate text to display when an image is not loaded. It also used to support accessibility.
-How to get a random number between two integer while also including those integers.
Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
//The maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive
// math.floor rounds down towards negative infinity
// math.ceil rounds up towards positive infinity
- How to set the attribute using dom manipulation
//first we using a querySelector to select what we want to change and set it into a variable
let variable = document.querySelector('What we want to select');
//using the manipulation attributes we can make the changes happen
variable.setAttribute(name, value);
// the name is the name of the attribute whose value is it be changed
// the value is what we will changing to.
- [ ]Add functions for code that is being repeated.
- Resource 1 - This helped me get a better understanding of when and where scripts should be used and how high or low they are in loading priority.
- Resource 2 - Documentation on the use of alt text and the benefits of using it to help with accessibility.
- Resource 3 - To get a better understanding when to use math. functions.
- Resource 4 - Using setAttribute and the documentation behind it.
- The Markdown Guide important information on how to markdown.
- Website - Vardan Vanyan
- GitHub - chopsquad