Monorepo of plugins for
- markdown-it-front-matter
- markdown-it-footnote
- markdown-it-tasklist
- markdown-it-heading-anchors
- markdown-it-autolink
- markdown-it-deflist
- markdown-it-gfm
More to come... (hopefully, many from mdit-py-plugins)
Also utility crates:
Feedback on the code is always welcome!
Use pre-commit to run checkers and formatters before committing:
git add -A
pre-commit run --all
Use cargo-release to release. (maybe move to cargo-smart-release in the future)
For translating markdown-it plugins to rust, here are some useful notes:
state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]
is equivalent tostate.line_offsets[line].first_nonspace
is equivalent tostate.line_offsets[line].line_end
is equivalent tostate.line_offsets[line].indent_nonspace
state.sCount[line] - state.blkIndent
is equivalent tostate.line_indent(state.line)