From JavaZone 2017 this application is replaced with appZone:
EMS-redux client app for iOS.
Currently used for
- JavaZone
Can be used by anyone who is using EMS-redux or who can deliver the same Collection+JSON feed structure.
EMS-redux is provided by javaBin:
The file EMS/EMS-Keys.plist is not provided. You will need to create this plist file. Use EMS/Config/EMS-Keys.sample.plist
as a sample, and place your file in the application directory - e.g. JavaZone/EMS-Keys.plist
The current keys it provides are:
- google-analytics-tracking-id
DO NOT JUST COPY THE SAMPLE FILE! It will use the placeholders as keys and things will break. If you do not have keys - create an empty plist file.
The build uses cocoapods - so you will need to run the pod command and make sure you open EMS.xcworkspace and not EMS.xcodeproj.
The following CFLAGS are available
- will use the current time but the first day of the selected conference when calculating Now & Next view
- will use the production server for debug builds
- will not pull down new versions of the config plist file - useful when editing this locally for testing
None of these are to be used on production builds.
For most things we'll detect that and not use them.