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2.10.1. Parameters Section

Claudius Iacob edited this page Dec 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Parameters Section

What it is

The Parameters list is an interactive rundown of all parameters exposed by the current generator. It is a section of the new Configuration UI introduced in MAIDENS 1.5.0. In the expanded view of this UI, the Parameters list occupy most of the left column's area; in the collapsed view, it populates the central region.

How does it look/behave

Parameter entries are laid out one beneath another in a scrollable list. While each entry in the list does adapt its appearance to the specifics, type and working regime of the parameter it represents, their look and feel is rather consistent and comprises:

  • a small, square color probe: it is meant to help you quickly locate a parameter, and to easily relate it to its envelope when one is available;

  • a header: it always includes the parameter's name and, if applicable:

    • the current value: only available for not (currently) animated parameters; this is a scalar value if the parameter is scalar or a percent otherwise;

    • the range: only available for scalar parameters that have both a lower and higher limit defined;

  • a quick help button: you click it to toggle essential information about the current parameter's role and typical behavior;

  • a control widget: you use it to adjust and/or read the current value of the parameter. Based on the parameter's type and/or working regime, the control widget can be:

    • a spinner / numeric stepper: shown when the parameter is scalar and has no lower / higher limits defined;

    • a slider: shown when the parameter is either scalar with limits defined, or a percentage;

    • a line chart: shown if the parameter can and currently is animated (i.e., its Animate checkbox is ticked). The line charts shown in the Parameters list are readonly replicas of their respective envelopes in the Envelope Editor; clicking one of these readonly line charts merely selects their corresponding envelope in the editor. The color of a readonly line chart matches the color of the actual envelope it represents (and matches the parameter's color probe as well);

  • an Animate checkbox: only shown for parameters that are internally marked as "animatable", i.e., they are able to accept an envelope that controls the evolution of their value over time. If you tick this checkbox, you change the related parameter's working regime from static to dynamic. This has a number of implications:

    • the parameter is added to an internal list of "animated" parameters;

    • if not already visible, the Envelopes Editor is displayed, and the window size and resize constraints are correspondingly adjusted;

    • a new envelope is added, both to the editor and the manager; the envelope will have the parameter's color, and will use the last known parameter value on both ends;

    • the newly added envelope is selected and made ready for editing.

    The above operations are reversed when you un-tick a previously ticked Animate checkbox. The existing envelope is discarded, and the average of its control point values is set as the lone, static value of the parameter.

What to use it for

You use the Parameters list section of the Configuration UI to define static values for parameters, or to toggle their dynamic working regime when available.

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