Gotunnel makes your localhost server or directory accessible on the net. It supports HTTP/S and WebSocket.
Assuming your server is running on port 3000, on your laptop. Run
./gotunnel -p "3000"
(from the checkedout repository, see installation) and that would make it accessible on a subdomain
$ ./gotunnel -p 3000
Setting Gotunnel server with local server on 3000
Connect to
If you would like to serve a directory on the internet (think
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
over the internet), then run:
$ ./gotunnel -fs -p <some port> -d <path to dir>
The server is running on ec2 small instance, so although free, might not be able to handle much load. You can deploy the server on your own machine (ec2 instance etc), and connect the client to it. More below.
If you are on Mac OS X, just checkout the repository. The client binary that comes with the repo, should work.
git clone
If you are on some other OS, or the above didn't work. First install Go. Then clone the repo, and build the client. Ex:
git clone
go get
$ ./gotunnel
Usage: ./gotunnel [OPTIONS]
-d="": The directory to serve. To be used with -fs.
-fs=false: Server files in the current directory. Use -p to specify the port.
-p="": port
-r="": the remote gotunnel server host/ip:port
-sc=false: Skip version check
-sub="": request subdomain to serve on
Install golang, and compile the server with command.
go get
go build server.go
Run the server with custom options. Usage: ./server [OPTIONS]
-a="": the address to be used by the users
-p="32000": Access the tunnel sites on this port.
-x="": Port for clients to connect to
If making connections to ports like 34000 are not allowed by your n/w then the client might not work.
Connection pooling might not be possible. Working at the TCP level, we loose the ability of knowing when an HTTP/S or websocket request has finished, except when TCP connection ends.
- statistics
- better error handling
- make it faster
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