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feat(subtype): standardize (leanprover-community#3204)
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Add simp lemma from x.val to coe x
Use correct ext/ext_iff naming scheme
Use coe in more places in the library
  • Loading branch information
fpvandoorn authored and cipher1024 committed Mar 15, 2022
1 parent 53d886d commit 15a114f
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Showing 90 changed files with 427 additions and 427 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion archive/100-theorems-list/82_cubing_a_cube.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ begin
swap, exact ⟨mi h v, mi_mem_bcubes⟩,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ (b_add_w_le_one h), exact i, exact 0,
rw [xm, mi_mem_bcubes.1, hi.1, _root_.add_lt_add_iff_left],
apply mi_strict_minimal _ hi, intro h', apply h2i, rw subtype.ext, exact h'
apply mi_strict_minimal _ hi, intro h', apply h2i, rw subtype.ext_iff_val, exact h'

/-- If `mi` lies on the boundary of the valley in dimension j, then this lemma expresses that all
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/algebra/category/CommRing/limits.lean
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Expand Up @@ -118,14 +118,10 @@ begin
refine is_limit.of_faithful
(forget CommRing) (limit.is_limit _)
(λ s, ⟨_, _, _, _, _⟩) (λ s, rfl); dsimp,
{ apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp,
erw (s.π.app j).map_one, refl },
{ intros x y, apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp,
erw (s.π.app j).map_mul, refl },
{ apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp,
erw (s.π.app j).map_zero, refl },
{ intros x y, apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp,
erw (s.π.app j).map_add, refl }
{ ext j, dsimp, rw (s.π.app j).map_one },
{ intros x y, ext j, dsimp, rw (s.π.app j).map_mul },
{ ext j, dsimp, rw (s.π.app j).map_zero, refl },
{ intros x y, ext j, dsimp, rw (s.π.app j).map_add, refl }

end CommRing_has_limits
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/category/Group/images.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace AddCommGroup

variables {G H : AddCommGroup.{0}} (f : G ⟶ H)

local attribute [ext] subtype.eq'
local attribute [ext] subtype.ext_val

section -- implementation details of `has_image` for AddCommGroup; use the API, not these
/-- the image of a morphism in AddCommGroup is just the bundling of `set.range f` -/
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/category/Module/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def kernel_is_limit : is_limit (kernel_cone f) :=
{ erw @linear_map.subtype_comp_cod_restrict _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fork.ι s) f.ker _ },
{ rw [←fork.app_zero_left, ←fork.app_zero_left], refl }
uniq' := λ s m h, linear_map.ext $ λ x, subtype.ext.2 $
uniq' := λ s m h, linear_map.ext $ λ x, subtype.ext_iff_val.2 $
have h₁ : (m ≫ (kernel_cone f).π.app zero).to_fun = (s.π.app zero).to_fun,
by { congr, exact h zero },
by convert @congr_fun _ _ _ _ h₁ x }
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/continued_fractions/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ instance : inhabited (scf α) := ⟨of_integer 1⟩
instance has_coe_to_generalized_continued_fraction : has_coe (scf α) (gcf α) :=
by {unfold scf, apply_instance}

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma coe_to_generalized_continued_fraction {s : scf α} : (↑s : gcf α) = s.val := rfl

end simple_continued_fraction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,13 +240,11 @@ instance : inhabited (cf α) := ⟨of_integer 0⟩
instance has_coe_to_simple_continued_fraction : has_coe (cf α) (scf α) :=
by {unfold cf, apply_instance}

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma coe_to_simple_continued_fraction {c : cf α} : (↑c : scf α) = c.val := rfl

/-- Lift a cf to a scf using the inclusion map. -/
instance has_coe_to_generalized_continued_fraction : has_coe (cf α) (gcf α) := ⟨λ c, ↑(↑c : scf α)⟩

@[simp, norm_cast squash]
lemma coe_to_generalized_continued_fraction {c : cf α} : (↑c : gcf α) = c.val := rfl

end continued_fraction
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/module.lean
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Expand Up @@ -486,10 +486,10 @@ instance : has_zero p := ⟨⟨0, zero_mem _⟩⟩
instance : inhabited p := ⟨0
instance : has_scalar R p := ⟨λ c x, ⟨c • x.1, smul_mem _ c x.2⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma mk_eq_zero {x} (h : x ∈ p) : (⟨x, h⟩ : p) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := subtype.ext
@[simp] lemma mk_eq_zero {x} (h : x ∈ p) : (⟨x, h⟩ : p) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := subtype.ext_iff_val

variables {p}
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_eq_coe {x y : p} : (x : M) = y ↔ x = y := subtype.ext.symm
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_eq_coe {x y : p} : (x : M) = y ↔ x = y := subtype.ext_iff_val.symm
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_eq_zero {x : p} : (x : M) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := @coe_eq_coe _ _ _ _ _ _ x 0
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_add (x y : p) : (↑(x + y) : M) = ↑x + ↑y := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : p) : M) = 0 := rfl
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebraic_geometry/prime_spectrum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ instance as_ideal.is_prime (x : prime_spectrum R) :

@[ext] lemma ext {x y : prime_spectrum R} :
x = y ↔ x.as_ideal = y.as_ideal :=

/-- The zero locus of a set `s` of elements of a commutative ring `R`
is the set of all prime ideals of the ring that contain the set `s`.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/analytic/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ begin
= ∑ s : finset (fin n), nnnorm (p n) * ((nnnorm x) ^ (n - s.card) * r ^ s.card) :
by simp [← mul_assoc]
... = nnnorm (p n) * (nnnorm x + r) ^ n :
by { rw [add_comm, ← finset.mul_sum, ← fin.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow], congr, ext s, ring }
by { rw [add_comm, ← finset.mul_sum, ← fin.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow], congr, ext1 s, ring }
... ≤ (∑' (n : ℕ), (C * a ^ n : ennreal)) :
tsum_le_tsum (λ n, by exact_mod_cast hC n) ennreal.summable ennreal.summable
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/convex/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ lemma set.finite.convex_hull_eq_image {s : set E} (hs : finite s) :
rw [← convex_hull_basis_eq_std_simplex, ← linear_map.convex_hull_image, ← range_comp, (∘)],
apply congr_arg,
convert (subtype.range_val s).symm,
convert subtype.range_coe.symm,
ext x,
simp [linear_map.sum_apply, ite_smul, finset.filter_eq]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ calc ∥f.restr s hk z v∥
refine ⟨j.1, j.2, _⟩,
convert hj.symm,
rw subtype.ext } }
rw subtype.ext_iff_val } }
... = C * ∥z∥ ^ (n - k) * ∏ i, ∥v i∥ : by rw mul_assoc

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/exp_log.lean
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Expand Up @@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ begin
have : f₁ = λ h:{h:ℝ // 0 < h}, log x.1 + log h.1,
ext h, rw ← log_mul (ne_of_gt x.2) (ne_of_gt h.2),
simp only [this, log_mul (ne_of_gt x.2) one_ne_zero, log_one],
exact tendsto_const_nhds.add (tendsto.comp tendsto_log_one_zero continuous_at_subtype_val),
exact tendsto_const_nhds.add (tendsto.comp tendsto_log_one_zero continuous_at_subtype_coe),
have H2 : tendsto f₂ (𝓝 x) (𝓝 ⟨x.1⁻¹ * x.1, mul_pos (inv_pos.2 x.2) x.2⟩),
rw tendsto_subtype_rng, exact tendsto_const_nhds.mul continuous_at_subtype_val,
rw tendsto_subtype_rng, exact tendsto_const_nhds.mul continuous_at_subtype_coe,
suffices h : tendsto (f₁ ∘ f₂) (𝓝 x) (𝓝 (log x.1)),
convert h, ext y,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/special_functions/pow.lean
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Expand Up @@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ lemma continuous_at_rpow {x : ℝ≥0} {y : ℝ} (h : x ≠ 0 ∨ 0 < y) :
have : (λp:ℝ≥0×ℝ, p.1^p.2) = nnreal.of_real ∘ (λp:ℝ×ℝ, p.1^p.2) ∘ (λp:ℝ≥0 × ℝ, (p.1.1, p.2)),
{ ext p,
rw [← nnreal.coe_eq, coe_rpow, nnreal.coe_of_real _ (real.rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg p.1.2 _)],
rw [coe_rpow, nnreal.coe_of_real _ (real.rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg p.1.2 _)],
refl },
rw this,
refine nnreal.continuous_of_real.continuous_at.comp (continuous_at.comp _ _),
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/elements.lean
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Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace category_of_elements

lemma ext (F : C ⥤ Type w) {x y : F.elements} (f g : x ⟶ y) (w : f.val = g.val) : f = g :=
subtype.eq' w
subtype.ext_val w

@[simp] lemma comp_val {F : C ⥤ Type w} {p q r : F.elements} {f : p ⟶ q} {g : q ⟶ r} :
(f ≫ g).val = f.val ≫ g.val := rfl
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/category_theory/limits/types.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,11 +23,7 @@ local attribute [elab_simple] congr_fun
/-- (internal implementation) the fact that the proposed limit cone is the limit -/
def limit_is_limit_ (F : J ⥤ Type u) : is_limit (limit_ F) :=
{ lift := λ s v, ⟨λ j, s.π.app j v, λ j j' f, congr_fun (cone.w s f) _⟩,
uniq' :=
intros, ext x, apply subtype.eq, ext j,
exact congr_fun (w j) x
end }
uniq' := by { intros, ext x j, exact congr_fun (w j) x } }

instance : has_limits.{u} (Type u) :=
{ has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥,
Expand All @@ -43,7 +39,7 @@ instance : has_limits.{u} (Type u) :=
@[simp] lemma types_limit_map {F G : J ⥤ Type u} (α : F ⟶ G) (g : limit F) :
( α : limit F → limit G) g =
(⟨λ j, (α.app j) (g.val j), λ j j' f,
by {rw ←functor_to_types.naturality, dsimp, rw ←( f)}⟩ : limit G) := rfl
by {rw ←functor_to_types.naturality, dsimp, rw ←(g.prop f)}⟩ : limit G) := rfl

@[simp] lemma types_limit_lift (F : J ⥤ Type u) (c : cone F) (x : c.X) :
limit.lift F c x = (⟨λ j, c.π.app j x, λ j j' f, congr_fun (cone.w c f) x⟩ : limit F) :=
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/computability/tm_to_partrec.lean
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Expand Up @@ -188,12 +188,13 @@ begin
suffices : ∃ c : code, ∀ v : vector ℕ m,
c.eval v.1 = subtype.val <$> vector.m_of_fn (λ i, g i v),
{ obtain ⟨cf, hf⟩ := hf, obtain ⟨cg, hg⟩ := this,
exact ⟨cf.comp cg, λ v, by simp [hg, hf, map_bind, seq_bind_eq, (∘)]; refl⟩ },
exact ⟨cf.comp cg, λ v,
by { simp [hg, hf, map_bind, seq_bind_eq, (∘), -subtype.val_eq_coe], refl }⟩ },
clear hf f, induction n with n IH,
{ exact ⟨nil, λ v, by simp [vector.m_of_fn]; refl⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨cg, hg₁⟩ := hg 0, obtain ⟨cl, hl⟩ := IH (λ i, hg i.succ),
exact ⟨cons cg cl, λ v, by simp [vector.m_of_fn, hg₁, map_bind,
seq_bind_eq, bind_assoc, (∘), hl]; refl⟩ },
exact ⟨cons cg cl, λ v, by { simp [vector.m_of_fn, hg₁, map_bind,
seq_bind_eq, bind_assoc, (∘), hl, -subtype.val_eq_coe], refl }⟩ },

theorem exists_code {n} {f : vector ℕ n →. ℕ} (hf : nat.partrec' f) :
Expand All @@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ begin
vector.cons_tail, vector.cons_head, pfun.coe_val, vector.tail_val],
simp only [← roption.pure_eq_some] at hf hg ⊢,
induction v.head with n IH; simp [prec, hf, bind_assoc, ← roption.map_eq_map,
← bind_pure_comp_eq_map, show ∀ x, pure x = [x], from λ _, rfl],
← bind_pure_comp_eq_map, show ∀ x, pure x = [x], from λ _, rfl, -subtype.val_eq_coe],
suffices : ∀ a b, a + b = n →
(n.succ :: 0 :: g (n :: nat.elim (f v.tail) (λ y IH, g (y::IH::v.tail)) n :: v.tail)
:: v.val.tail : list ℕ) ∈
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,13 +270,13 @@ begin
subst this, exact ⟨_, ⟨h, hm⟩, rfl⟩ },
{ simp only [list.head, exists_eq_left, roption.mem_some_iff,
list.tail_cons, false_or] at this,
refine IH _ this (by simp [hf, h]) _ rfl (λ m h', _),
refine IH _ this (by simp [hf, h, -subtype.val_eq_coe]) _ rfl (λ m h', _),
obtain h|rfl := nat.lt_succ_iff_lt_or_eq.1 h', exacts [hm _ h, h] } },
{ rintro ⟨n, ⟨hn, hm⟩, rfl⟩, refine ⟨n.succ :: v.1, _, rfl⟩,
have : (n.succ :: v.1 : list ℕ) ∈ pfun.fix
(λ v, (cf.eval v).bind $ λ y, roption.some $ if y.head = 0 then
sum.inl (v.head.succ :: v.tail) else sum.inr (v.head.succ :: v.tail)) (n :: v.val) :=
pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 (or.inl (by simp [hf, hn])),
pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 (or.inl (by simp [hf, hn, -subtype.val_eq_coe])),
generalize_hyp : (n.succ :: v.1 : list ℕ) = w at this ⊢, clear hn,
induction n with n IH, {exact this},
refine IH (λ m h', hm (nat.lt_succ_of_lt h')) (pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 (or.inr ⟨_, _, this⟩)),
Expand Down
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/data/dfinsupp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,17 +198,17 @@ ext $ λ i, by simp only [add_apply, filter_apply]; split_ifs; simp only [add_ze
/-- `subtype_domain p f` is the restriction of the finitely supported function
`f` to the subtype `p`. -/
def subtype_domain [Π i, has_zero (β i)] (p : ι → Prop) [decidable_pred p]
(f : Π₀ i, β i) : Π₀ i : subtype p, β i.1 :=
(f : Π₀ i, β i) : Π₀ i : subtype p, β i :=
fapply quotient.lift_on f,
{ intro x,
refine ⟦⟨λ i, x.1 i.1,
(x.2.filter p) $ λ j, ⟨j.1, (multiset.mem_filter.1 j.2).2⟩, _⟩⟧,
refine λ i, or.cases_on (x.3 i.1) (λ H, _) or.inr,
left, rw multiset.mem_map, refine ⟨⟨i.1, multiset.mem_filter.2 ⟨H, i.2⟩⟩, _, subtype.eta _ _⟩,
refine ⟦⟨λ i, x.1 (i : ι),
(x.2.filter p) $ λ j, ⟨j, (multiset.mem_filter.1 j.2).2⟩, _⟩⟧,
refine λ i, or.cases_on (x.3 i) (λ H, _) or.inr,
left, rw multiset.mem_map, refine ⟨⟨i, multiset.mem_filter.2 ⟨H, i.2⟩⟩, _, subtype.eta _ _⟩,
apply multiset.mem_attach },
intros x y H,
exact quotient.sound (λ i, H i.1)
exact quotient.sound (λ i, H i)

@[simp] lemma subtype_domain_zero [Π i, has_zero (β i)] {p : ι → Prop} [decidable_pred p] :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ include dec

/-- Create an element of `Π₀ i, β i` from a finset `s` and a function `x`
defined on this `finset`. -/
def mk (s : finset ι) (x : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1) : Π₀ i, β i :=
def mk (s : finset ι) (x : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β (i : ι)) : Π₀ i, β i :=
⟦⟨λ i, if H : i ∈ s then x ⟨i, H⟩ else 0, s.1,
λ i, if H : i ∈ s then or.inl H else or.inr $ dif_neg H⟩⟧

@[simp] lemma mk_apply {s : finset ι} {x : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1} {i : ι} :
@[simp] lemma mk_apply {s : finset ι} {x : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i} {i : ι} :
(mk s x : Π i, β i) i = if H : i ∈ s then x ⟨i, H⟩ else 0 :=

Expand All @@ -282,15 +282,15 @@ end
/-- The function `single i b : Π₀ i, β i` sends `i` to `b`
and all other points to `0`. -/
def single (i : ι) (b : β i) : Π₀ i, β i :=
mk {i} $ λ j, eq.rec_on (finset.mem_singleton.1 j.2).symm b
mk {i} $ λ j, eq.rec_on (finset.mem_singleton.1 j.prop).symm b

@[simp] lemma single_apply {i i' b} :
(single i b : Π₀ i, β i) i' = (if h : i = i' then eq.rec_on h b else 0) :=
dsimp only [single],
by_cases h : i = i',
{ have h1 : i' ∈ ({i} : finset ι) := finset.mem_singleton.2 h.symm,
simp only [mk_apply, dif_pos h, dif_pos h1] },
simp only [mk_apply, dif_pos h, dif_pos h1], refl },
{ have h1 : i' ∉ ({i} : finset ι) := finset.not_mem_singleton.2 (ne.symm h),
simp only [mk_apply, dif_neg h, dif_neg h1] }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ eq.rec_on h4 $ ha i b f h1 h2 h3

end add_monoid

@[simp] lemma mk_add [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] {s : finset ι} {x y : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1} :
@[simp] lemma mk_add [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] {s : finset ι} {x y : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i} :
mk s (x + y) = mk s x + mk s y :=
ext $ λ i, by simp only [add_apply, mk_apply]; split_ifs; [refl, rw zero_add]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,10 +787,10 @@ end
lemma prod_subtype_domain_index [Π i, has_zero (β i)] [Π i (x : β i), decidable (x ≠ 0)]
[comm_monoid γ] {v : Π₀ i, β i} {p : ι → Prop} [decidable_pred p]
{h : Π i, β i → γ} (hp : ∀x∈, p x) :
{h : Π i, β i → γ} (hp : ∀ x ∈, p x) :
(v.subtype_domain p).prod (λi b, h i.1 b) = h :=
finset.prod_bij (λp _, p.val)
(by simp)
(by { dsimp, simp })
(by simp)
(assume ⟨a₀, ha₀⟩ ⟨a₁, ha₁⟩, by simp)
(λ i hi, ⟨⟨i, hp i hi⟩, by simpa using hi, rfl⟩)
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/data/equiv/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ def subtype_preimage :
left_inv := λ ⟨x, hx⟩, subtype.val_injective $ funext $ λ a,
(by { dsimp, split_ifs; [ rw ← hx, skip ]; refl }),
right_inv := λ x, funext $ λ ⟨a, h⟩,
show dite (p a) _ _ = _, by { dsimp, rw [dif_neg h], refl } }
show dite (p a) _ _ = _, by { dsimp, rw [dif_neg h] } }

@[simp] lemma subtype_preimage_apply (x : {x : α → β // x ∘ coe = x₀}) :
subtype_preimage p x₀ x = λ a, (x : α → β) a := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ def subtype_congr {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop}
(e : α ≃ β) (h : ∀ a, p a ↔ q (e a)) : {a : α // p a} ≃ {b : β // q b} :=
⟨λ x, ⟨e x.1, (h _).1 x.2⟩,
λ y, ⟨e.symm y.1, (h _).2 (by { simp, exact y.2 })⟩,
λ ⟨x, h⟩, subtype.eq' $ by simp,
λ ⟨y, h⟩, subtype.eq' $ by simp⟩
λ ⟨x, h⟩, subtype.ext_val $ by simp,
λ ⟨y, h⟩, subtype.ext_val $ by simp⟩

/-- If two predicates `p` and `q` are pointwise equivalent, then `{x // p x}` is equivalent to
`{x // q x}`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ def subtype_pi_equiv_pi {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {p : Πa, β a → Pr
{f : Πa, β a // ∀a, p a (f a) } ≃ Πa, { b : β a // p a b } :=
⟨λf a, ⟨f.1 a, f.2 a⟩, λf, ⟨λa, (f a).1, λa, (f a).2⟩,
by { rintro ⟨f, h⟩, refl },
by { rintro f, funext a, exact subtype.eq' rfl }⟩
by { rintro f, funext a, exact subtype.ext_val rfl }⟩

/-- A subtype of a product defined by componentwise conditions
is equivalent to a product of subtypes. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ def subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype (p₁ : α → Prop) [s₁ : setoid
(λ a b hab, hfunext (by rw quotient.sound hab)
(λ h₁ h₂ _, heq_of_eq (quotient.sound ((h _ _).2 hab)))) a.2,
inv_fun := λ a, quotient.lift_on a (λ a, (⟨⟦a.1⟧, (hp₂ _).1 a.2⟩ : {x // p₂ x}))
(λ a b hab, subtype.eq' (quotient.sound ((h _ _).1 hab))),
(λ a b hab, subtype.ext_val (quotient.sound ((h _ _).1 hab))),
left_inv := λ ⟨a, ha⟩, quotient.induction_on a (λ a ha, rfl) ha,
right_inv := λ a, quotient.induction_on a (λ ⟨a, ha⟩, rfl) }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ begin
by_cases h : i ∈ s,
{ simp only [h, dif_pos],
have A : e.symm ⟨i, h⟩ = j ↔ i = e j,
by { rw equiv.symm_apply_eq, exact subtype.ext },
by { rw equiv.symm_apply_eq, exact subtype.ext_iff_val },
by_cases h' : i = e j,
{ rw [A.2 h', h'], simp },
{ have : ¬ e.symm ⟨i, h⟩ = j, by simpa [← A] using h',
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/data/equiv/denumerable.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ infinite.not_fintype
⟨(((multiset.range x.1.succ).filter (∈ s)).pmap
(λ (y : ℕ) (hy : y ∈ s), y hy)
(by simp [-multiset.range_succ])).to_finset,
by simpa [subtype.ext, multiset.mem_filter, -multiset.range_succ]⟩
by simpa [subtype.ext_iff_val, multiset.mem_filter, -multiset.range_succ]⟩

end classical

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ lemma of_nat_surjective_aux : ∀ {x : ℕ} (hx : x ∈ s), ∃ n, of_nat s n =
| x := λ hx, let t : list s := ((list.range x).filter (λ y, y ∈ s)).pmap
(λ (y : ℕ) (hy : y ∈ s), ⟨y, hy⟩) (by simp) in
have hmt : ∀ {y : s}, y ∈ t ↔ y < ⟨x, hx⟩,
by simp [list.mem_filter, subtype.ext, t]; intros; refl,
by simp [list.mem_filter, subtype.ext_iff_val, t]; intros; refl,
have wf : ∀ m : s, list.maximum t = m → m.1 < x,
from λ m hmax, by simpa [hmt] using list.maximum_mem hmax,
Expand Down

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