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Azure Function App

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This Terraform module creates an Azure Function App with its App Service Plan, a consumption plan by default. A Storage Account and an Application Insights are required and are created if not provided. This module allows to deploy a application from a local or remote ZIP file that will be stored on the associated storage account.

You can create an Azure Function without plan by using the submodule modules/functionapp.

Azure Functions v3 are now supported by this module and is the default one.


Based on a current limitation, you cannot mix Windows and Linux apps in the same resource group.

Limitations documentation:

Global versioning rule for Claranet Azure modules

Module version Terraform version AzureRM version
>= 7.x.x 1.3.x >= 3.0
>= 6.x.x 1.x >= 3.0
>= 5.x.x 0.15.x >= 2.0
>= 4.x.x 0.13.x / 0.14.x >= 2.0
>= 3.x.x 0.12.x >= 2.0
>= 2.x.x 0.12.x < 2.0
< 2.x.x 0.11.x < 2.0


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More details are available in the file.


This module is optimized to work with the Claranet terraform-wrapper tool which set some terraform variables in the environment needed by this module. More details about variables set by the terraform-wrapper available in the documentation.

module "azure_region" {
  source  = "claranet/regions/azurerm"
  version = "x.x.x"

  azure_region = var.azure_region

module "rg" {
  source  = "claranet/rg/azurerm"
  version = "x.x.x"

  location    = module.azure_region.location
  client_name = var.client_name
  environment = var.environment
  stack       = var.stack

module "logs" {
  source  = "claranet/run/azurerm//modules/logs"
  version = "x.x.x"

  client_name         = var.client_name
  environment         = var.environment
  stack               = var.stack
  location            = module.azure_region.location
  location_short      = module.azure_region.location_short
  resource_group_name = module.rg.resource_group_name

### Windows
module "function_app_windows" {
  source  = "claranet/function-app/azurerm"
  version = "x.x.x"

  client_name         = var.client_name
  environment         = var.environment
  stack               = var.stack
  location            = module.azure_region.location
  location_short      = module.azure_region.location_short
  resource_group_name = module.rg.resource_group_name

  name_prefix = "hello"

  os_type = "Windows"

  function_app_application_settings = {
    "tracker_id"      = "AJKGDFJKHFDS"
    "backend_api_url" = "https://backend.domain.tld/api"

  storage_account_identity_type = "SystemAssigned"

  application_insights_log_analytics_workspace_id = module.logs.log_analytics_workspace_id

  logs_destinations_ids = [

  extra_tags = {
    foo = "bar"

### Linux
module "function_app_linux" {
  source  = "claranet/function-app/azurerm"
  version = "x.x.x"

  client_name         = var.client_name
  environment         = var.environment
  stack               = var.stack
  location            = module.azure_region.location
  location_short      = module.azure_region.location_short
  resource_group_name = module.rg.resource_group_name

  name_prefix = "hello"

  os_type              = "Linux"
  function_app_version = 4
  function_app_site_config = {
    application_stack = {
      python_version = "3.9"

  function_app_application_settings = {
    "tracker_id"      = "AJKGDFJKHFDS"
    "backend_api_url" = "https://backend.domain.tld/api"

  storage_account_identity_type = "SystemAssigned"

  application_insights_log_analytics_workspace_id = module.logs.log_analytics_workspace_id

  logs_destinations_ids = [

  extra_tags = {
    foo = "bar"


No providers.


Name Source Version
linux_function ./modules/linux-function n/a
service_plan claranet/app-service-plan/azurerm ~> 7.0.0
windows_function ./modules/windows-function n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
app_service_environment_id ID of the App Service Environment to create this Service Plan in. Requires an Isolated SKU. Use one of I1, I2, I3 for azurerm_app_service_environment, or I1v2, I2v2, I3v2 for azurerm_app_service_environment_v3. string null no
application_insights_custom_name Custom name for application insights deployed with function app. string "" no
application_insights_daily_data_cap Daily data volume cap (in GB) for Application Insights. number null no
application_insights_daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled Whether disable email notifications when data volume cap is met. bool null no
application_insights_enabled Whether Application Insights should be deployed. bool true no
application_insights_extra_tags Extra tags to add to Application Insights. map(string) {} no
application_insights_force_customer_storage_for_profiler Whether to enforce users to create their own Storage Account for profiling in Application Insights. bool false no
application_insights_id ID of the existing Application Insights to use instead of deploying a new one. string null no
application_insights_internet_ingestion_enabled Whether ingestion support from Application Insights component over the Public Internet is enabled. bool true no
application_insights_internet_query_enabled Whether querying support from Application Insights component over the Public Internet is enabled. bool true no
application_insights_ip_masking_disabled Whether IP masking in logs is disabled. bool false no
application_insights_local_authentication_disabled Whether Non-Azure AD based authentication is disabled. bool false no
application_insights_log_analytics_workspace_id ID of the Log Analytics Workspace to be used with Application Insights. string null no
application_insights_name_prefix Application Insights name prefix. string "" no
application_insights_retention Retention period (in days) for logs. number 90 no
application_insights_sampling_percentage Percentage of data produced by the monitored application sampled for Application Insights telemetry. number null no
application_insights_type Application Insights type if need to be generated. See documentation string "web" no
application_zip_package_path Local or remote path of a zip package to deploy on the Function App. string null no
authorized_ips IPs restriction for Function in CIDR format. See documentation list(string) [] no
authorized_service_tags Service Tags restriction for Function App. See documentation list(string) [] no
authorized_subnet_ids Subnets restriction for Function App. See documentation list(string) [] no
builtin_logging_enabled Whether built-in logging is enabled. bool true no
client_certificate_enabled Whether the Function App uses client certificates. bool null no
client_certificate_mode The mode of the Function App's client certificates requirement for incoming requests. Possible values are Required, Optional, and OptionalInteractiveUser. string null no
client_name Client name/account used in naming. string n/a yes
custom_diagnostic_settings_name Custom name of the diagnostics settings, name will be 'default' if not set. string "default" no
default_tags_enabled Option to enable or disable default tags. bool true no
environment Project environment. string n/a yes
extra_tags Extra tags to add. map(string) {} no
function_app_application_settings Function App application settings. map(string) {} no
function_app_application_settings_drift_ignore Ignore drift from settings manually set. bool true no
function_app_auth_settings_v2 Authentication settings V2. See any {} no
function_app_custom_name Custom name for function app. string "" no
function_app_extra_tags Extra tags to add to Function App. map(string) {} no
function_app_name_prefix Function App name prefix. string "" no
function_app_site_config Site config for Function App. See documentation IP restriction attribute is not managed in this block. any {} no
function_app_sticky_settings Lists of connection strings and app settings to prevent from swapping between slots.
app_setting_names = optional(list(string))
connection_string_names = optional(list(string))
null no
function_app_version Version of the function app runtime to use. number 3 no
function_app_vnet_integration_subnet_id ID of the subnet to associate with the Function App (Virtual Network integration). string null no
https_only Whether HTTPS traffic only is enabled. bool true no
identity_ids User Assigned Identities IDs to add to Function App. Mandatory if type is UserAssigned. list(string) null no
identity_type Add an Identity (MSI) to the function app. Possible values are SystemAssigned or UserAssigned. string "SystemAssigned" no
ip_restriction_headers IPs restriction headers for Function. See documentation map(list(string)) null no
location Azure location for Function App and related resources. string n/a yes
location_short Short string for Azure location. string n/a yes
logs_categories Log categories to send to destinations. list(string) null no
logs_destinations_ids List of destination resources IDs for logs diagnostic destination.
Can be Storage Account, Log Analytics Workspace and Event Hub. No more than one of each can be set.
If you want to use Azure EventHub as destination, you must provide a formatted string with both the EventHub Namespace authorization send ID and the EventHub name (name of the queue to use in the Namespace) separated by the | character.
list(string) n/a yes
logs_metrics_categories Metrics categories to send to destinations. list(string) null no
maximum_elastic_worker_count Maximum number of workers to use in an Elastic SKU Plan. Cannot be set unless using an Elastic SKU. number null no
name_prefix Optional prefix for the generated name. string "" no
name_suffix Optional suffix for the generated name. string "" no
os_type OS type for the Functions to be hosted in the Service Plan. Possible values include Windows, Linux, and WindowsContainer. string n/a yes
per_site_scaling_enabled Should per site scaling be enabled on the Service Plan. bool false no
resource_group_name Resource group name. string n/a yes
scm_authorized_ips SCM IPs restriction for Function App. See documentation list(string) [] no
scm_authorized_service_tags SCM Service Tags restriction for Function App. See documentation list(string) [] no
scm_authorized_subnet_ids SCM subnets restriction for Function App. See documentation list(string) [] no
scm_ip_restriction_headers IPs restriction headers for Function App. See documentation map(list(string)) null no
service_plan_custom_name Name of the App Service Plan, generated if not set. string "" no
service_plan_extra_tags Extra tags to add to Service Plan. map(string) {} no
sku_name The SKU for the Service Plan. Possible values include B1, B2, B3, D1, F1, I1, I2, I3, I1v2, I2v2, I3v2, P1v2, P2v2, P3v2, P1v3, P2v3, P3v3, P1mv3, P2mv3, P3mv3, P4mv3, P5mv3, S1, S2, S3, SHARED, EP1, EP2, EP3, WS1, WS2, WS3, and Y1. string "Y1" no
stack Project stack name. string n/a yes
staging_slot_custom_application_settings Override staging slot with custom application settings. map(string) null no
staging_slot_custom_name Custom name of the Function App slot. string null no
staging_slot_enabled Create a staging slot alongside the Function App for blue/green deployment purposes. bool false no
storage_account_authorized_ips IPs restrictions for Function Storage Account in CIDR format. list(string) [] no
storage_account_custom_name Custom name of the Storage account to attach to function. string null no
storage_account_enable_advanced_threat_protection Whether advanced threat protection is enabled. See documentation: bool false no
storage_account_enable_https_traffic_only Whether HTTPS traffic only is enabled for Storage Account. bool true no
storage_account_extra_tags Extra tags to add to Storage Account. map(string) {} no
storage_account_id ID of the existing Storage Account to use. string null no
storage_account_identity_ids Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to the Storage Account. list(string) null no
storage_account_identity_type Type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on the Storage Account. string null no
storage_account_kind Storage Account Kind. string "StorageV2" no
storage_account_min_tls_version Storage Account minimal TLS version. string "TLS1_2" no
storage_account_name_prefix Storage Account name prefix. string "" no
storage_account_network_bypass Whether traffic is bypassed for Logging/Metrics/AzureServices. Valid options are any combination of Logging, Metrics, AzureServices, or None. list(string)
storage_account_network_rules_enabled Whether to enable Storage Account network default rules for functions. bool true no
storage_uses_managed_identity Whether the Function App use Managed Identity to access the Storage Account. Caution This disable the storage keys on the Storage Account if created within the module. bool false no
use_caf_naming Use the Azure CAF naming provider to generate default resource name. custom_name override this if set. Legacy default name is used if this is set to false. bool true no
use_existing_storage_account Whether existing Storage Account should be used instead of creating a new one. bool false no
worker_count Number of Workers (instances) to be allocated. number null no
zone_balancing_enabled Should the Service Plan balance across Availability Zones in the region. Defaults to false because the default SKU Y1 for the App Service Plan cannot use this feature. bool false no


Name Description
application_insights_app_id App ID of the associated Application Insights
application_insights_application_type Application Type of the associated Application Insights
application_insights_id ID of the associated Application Insights
application_insights_instrumentation_key Instrumentation key of the associated Application Insights
application_insights_name Name of the associated Application Insights
function_app_connection_string Connection string of the created Function App
function_app_default_hostname Default hostname of the created Function App
function_app_id ID of the created Function App
function_app_identity Identity block output of the Function App
function_app_name Name of the created Function App
function_app_outbound_ip_addresses Outbound IP adresses of the created Function App
function_app_possible_outbound_ip_addresses All possible outbound IP adresses of the created Function App
function_app_slot_default_hostname Default hostname of the Function App slot
function_app_slot_identity Identity block output of the Function App slot
function_app_slot_name Name of the Function App slot
linux_function_app Linux Function App output object if Linux is chosen. Please refer to ./modules/linux-function/
os_type The OS type for the Functions to be hosted in this plan.
service_plan_id ID of the created Service Plan
service_plan_name Name of the created Service Plan
storage_account_id ID of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
storage_account_name Name of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
storage_account_network_rules Network rules of the associated Storage Account
storage_account_primary_access_key Primary connection string of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
storage_account_primary_connection_string Primary connection string of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
storage_account_secondary_access_key Secondary connection string of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
storage_account_secondary_connection_string Secondary connection string of the associated Storage Account, empty if connection string provided
windows_function_app Windows Function App output object if Windows is chosen. Please refer to ./modules/windows-function/

Related documentation

Microsoft Azure Functions documentation: