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Installing and running on Shaheen

David Ketcheson edited this page Jan 26, 2014 · 7 revisions

These are instructions for getting started with PyClaw on the Shaheen supercomputer.


Copy to somewhere in your home directory on Shaheen. Edit line 6 to set the environment variable projdir to point to where you want to install pyclaw. Then issue the commands

module load ibm

The installation of the Riemann package will fail. You should comment out the following three lines in sandbox/clawpack/riemann/src/python/riemann/

if len(lapack_args.keys()) == 0:
    # Provide a default value
    lapack_args['libraries'] = ['lapack','blas']


You can use this script to submit a test job. You may see some warnings about Riemann solvers that did not compile on Shaheen. As long as your job runs, you can ignore those.

Modifying your installation

You may want to change the branches of PyClaw or Riemann that are checked out on your system. You can do this just as you would on another machine.

To recompile after changing branches or updating:

cd sandbox/clawpack
git pull
cd ~
module load ibm

Additional tips

  • For large jobs, you should turn off logging by setting the logger levels to CRITICAL in pyclaw/src/pyclaw/log.config.
  • You may also want to consider reducing the amount of output from your simulation, as output is relatively slow on Shaheen.