An experiment that scrapes into an url in Wikipedia that contains a table of taxonomy.
npm install
node index.js
Terminal will ask for the url and if you want to save into a json file. Otherwise, shows the content.
"name": {
"vulgar": "Aye-aye",
"synonyms": [
"Cheiromyidae I. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1851",
"Chiromyidae Bonaparte, 1850"
"Aye-aye Lacépède, 1799",
"Cheiromys G. Cuvier, 1817",
"Cheyromys É. Geoffroy, 1803",
"Chiromys Illiger, 1811",
"Myslemur Anon. , 1846",
"Myspithecus de Blainville, 1839",
"Psilodactylus Oken, 1816",
"Scolecophagus É. Geoffroy, 1795"
"daubentonii Shaw, 1800",
"laniger G. Grandidier, 1930",
"psilodactylus Schreber, 1800"
"scientific": "Daubentonia madagascariensis"
"taxonomy": {
"kingdom": "Animalia",
"phylum": "Chordata",
"class": "Mammalia",
"order": "Primates",
"suborder": "Strepsirrhini",
"superfamily": "Lemuroidea",
"family": "Daubentoniidae"
"source": "",
"conservation": "Endangered"